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Tuesday, December 24, 2019
CNS Shows Its Anti-Gay Bias In Hallmark Channel Ad Controversy

Let's examine the subtle bias in the way managing editor Michael W. Chapman wrote this Dec. 16 article:

Hallmark Channel Submits to LGBTQ Pressure, Plans to Reinstate Gay Ads

The Hallmark Channel, which prides itself on airing family-friendly programs, caved to pressure from LGBTQ activists and said it plans to reinstate commercials on its channel that celebrate homosexuality, specifically a lesbian wedding where the two women passionately kiss during the ad. 

The ad, part of six -- four gay-themed and two heterosexual -- was created by, a wedding planning company. After the first lesbian-wedding ad was aired last week, the conservative group One Million Moms complained, and Crown Media, which owns Hallmark, decided to pull the commercial.

However, that sparked a backlash by some prominent homosexuals and LGBTQ activist groups over the weekend and Hallmark subsequently announced it was reversing its "wrong decision" and would seek to reinstate the ads after it consulted with

Note how Chapman describes One Million Moms as a "conservative group" merely "complained" about the ads, while those who reacted to the commercials being pulled are "activists" to whom Hallmark "caved" and "submit[ted]. One Million Moms is an activist group, and Hallmark certainly caved to it by pulling the commercials -- but Chapman would never describe these events that way.

Chapman also invokes his intense anti-gay hate by huffing that the commercials "celebrate homosexuality," not mentioning the fact that something like 99 percent of Hallmark Channel's holiday romance-laden programming can be described as celebrating heterosexuality. He further complained that advocacy group GLAAD "seeks to normalize homosexuality through the media" -- while, of course, Chapman is seeking to normalize anti-LGBT hatred through the media operation he runs.

Chapman further grumbled: "People supportive of Zola and the LGBTQ agenda tweeted using the hashtag #boycotthallmark, as did people supportive of real marriage between one man and one woman for life." Chapman has previously denied that gay marriage is "real marriage." And, again, he portray only LGBT supporters as having an "agenda." He also brought out the scare quotes to describe Ellen DeGeneres as "a 'married' lesbian," and did so again to describe GLAAD presient Sarah Kate Ellis.

Such blatant bias makes it hard for people to consider CNS a serious, legitimate news source. Too bad Chapman doesn't see that.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:34 AM EST

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