Topic: WorldNetDaily
For years, WorldNetDaily -- mostly managing editor David Kupelian -- has loudly whined that some critics have likened Donald Trump to Hitler and other Nazis, with Kupelian claiming that doing so justifies doing whatever it takes to stop him, or in his words: "cheating, lying, deception and even stronger measures would not only be morally permissible, they would become a moral imperative. Never mind, op=f coruse, that WND spent years repeatedly likening President Obama to Hitler and other Nazis, with arguably the same justification (witness WND's years of spreading lies about Obama's birth certificate). Meanwhile, Kupelian's boss, Joseph Farah, has made the hypocrisy complete by going Godwin on President Biden in an Aug. 3 column -- headlined "There's a Nazi living in the White House" -- in which he praised Trump for is silly victimhood in baselessly likening his numrous indictments to living in Nazi Germany:
Donald Trump did it! His campaign finally compared the federal indictments he's facing to the lawlessness reminiscent of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.
"The lawlessness of these persecutions of President Trump and his supporters is reminiscent of Nazi Germany in the 1930s, the former Soviet Union, and other authoritarian, dictatorial regimes," Trump's 2024 campaign said in a statement.
But the news media turned it into what it was not. It was not a comparison to the Holocaust. What's happening in this country is scandalous. The very founding of America is under attack. Our elections are being threatened. One has been stolen. The rule of law today is a myth. Joe Biden and Merrick Garland have shredded the Constitution in their hopes of holding power, fixing another election and jailing a president.
But, wait, you can't describe ANYTHING "as reminiscent of Nazi Germany"? That's what Anti-Defamation League Director Jonathan Greenblatt said.
"Comparing this indictment to Nazi Germany in the 1930s is factually incorrect, completely inappropriate and flat out offensive. As we have said time and again, such comparisons have no place in politics and are shameful," he said.
Almost universally, the news media took the bait.
Well, if you compare Trump's indictment to the Holocaust, that would be true. But that was not the case. The campaign was comparing "the lawlessness of the persecutions of Trump and his supporters" to Nazi Germany. That would be absolutely true. It was a fine analogy.
Trump's team also claimed the charges were an attempt by the Biden administration to interfere with the next election.
After more whining about Trump's latest indictment, Farah concluded:
Trump – the GOP front-runner in the 2024 presidential race – has been indicted three times in just four months. He's also been charged with 40 felony counts involving allegations he took boxes of classified documents and materials from the White House and stored them inside his Mar-a-Lago estate. A lie from the pit of Hell!
Donald Trump's daughter and son-in-law are Jews. I'm sure he loves them both. And he loves Israel and did more for the Jewish state in his administration than any other president. He was not committing some blood libel against them. He was simply saying, there might be a Nazi living the in the White House.
We have not seen any statement from Kupelian expressing outrage at likening this president to a Nazi -- Farah pays his salary, after all, and he probably approves of it, presumably so he can justify WND's vicious attacks on Biden with the goal of removing him from office via any means necessary as not just "morally permissible" but "a moral imperative."