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Friday, November 20, 2015
Palin, Of All People, Blows Up A Key MRC 'Liberal Bias' Talking Point
Topic: Media Research Center

Since the 2008 election, the Media Research Center has held as a cornerstone of "liberal bias" Katie Couric's 2008 interview with Sarah Palin, in which she could not give a coherent answer to Couric's simple question about what newspapers and magazines she read:

  • Tim Graham asserted that it "was designed as a 'gotcha' question to underline Palin's lack of worldly sophistication."
  • Brent Baker declared that the question was designed to show how "Palin is an ill-informed dolt."
  • A 2008 MRC report whined that media focus on Palin's inability to answer the question "left the impression that Palin was unable to identify any news sources because she isn’t interested in current events – an implausible supposition to make about an accomplished politician."
  • Lachlan Markay grumbled that the interview was "perhaps the left's favorite Palin-basing talking point."
  • Kyle Drennen sneered that Couric receiving an award for the interview was  yet another testament to liberals celebrating liberal."
  • The MRC gave a platform to Palin fanboy John Ziegler, who dismissed the Couric interview as "bogus."Ziegler was also permitted to claim that Palin's "non-answer" to the question "has been totally misunderstood and misrepresented."
  • Graham also laughably suggested that Couric was "holding the microphone like a baseball bat" during the interview.
  • Noel Sheppard claimed that Couric was an "arrogant moderator doing his or her best to make the former Alaska governor look foolish" and insisted that the interview was a "hit job." Sheppard also grumbled: "So because Palin didn't answer that idiotic question by Katie Couric two years ago, morons in the media believe she doesn't read" and touted how Palin finally got around to answering the question some time later in Ziegler's fanboy documentary.

Well, toss all that out the window.

In an interview last week, Palin conceded that Couric's question on which publications she read was "a fair question" and that "I had a crappy answer" to it.

Unsurprisingly, the MRC has not posted this interview anywhere on its network of websites. They don't want to blow up one of their key talking points, after all.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:41 PM EST

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