Topic: WorldNetDaily
Speaking of exploiting the Parris terrorism attacks, WorldNetDaily and are demonstrating how they'll do so: by portraying all Muslims as terrorists.
The first step in that: Attacking President Obama for not immediately blaming Islam in his initial statement condemning the attack.
WND does so forthrightly in a Nov. 13 article by Douglas Ernst in an article headlined "Obama leaves 'Islam' out of Paris terror statement":
All the hallmarks of Islamic terror attacks in Paris, France, on Friday weren’t enough to convince President Obama it would be prudent to use the word “Islam.”
Obama used Friday’s address to condemn the attempt “to terrorize innocent civilians,” but refused to specifically identify the Islamic element of extremist groups.
Ernst did note that Obama's statement was made while the attacks were still going on and that he said "until we know from French officials that the situation is under control, and we have for more information about it, I don’t want to speculate." But Ernst attacks him anyway.
At CNS, Susan Jones manages to demonstrate her organization's word-counting obsession and put words (parenthetically) in Obama's mouth while still zinging the president forrefusing to blame all of Islam for the actions of terrorists ina Nov. 14 article:
President Obama, speaking as the attacks in Paris were still ongoing, used the word "terrorist" or "terrorize" seven times, and the word "extremist" once, in his brief remarks on the situation Friday evening.
"I don’t want to speculate at this point in terms of who was responsible for this," he said. "It appears that there may still be live activity and dangers that are taking place as we speak."
Nevertheless, Obama went on to describe the attacks as a clash of values: "human progress" on one hand (Western values), and a "hateful vision" (radical Islam) on the other:
As is his usual practice, the president never used the words "radical Islam." (On Sept. 10, 2014, when he announced his anti-ISIL strategy, Obama declared, "ISIL is not 'Islamic.'")
Jones probably wouldn't describe Scott Roeder, who murdered abortion doctor George Tiller, as "Christian" despite his claiming to act on Christian principles, so why should she assume that all Muslims approve of ISIS?