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Tuesday, January 14, 2014
WND Promotes Birther's Dubious Israel Prophecy Book
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Last year, WorldNetDaily published a book by Carl Gallups -- a rabid birther who also posts under the name PP Simmons -- claiming that an Israeli rabbi wrote a "cryptic note" before his death that Jesus is the Messiah. Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is also looped into this, as a Jan. 13 WND article promoting a Gallups radio appearance notes:

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has finally died, and now the prophetic significance of his passing will be the broadcast across America and the world tonight.

Pastor and author Carl Gallups will be on the popular radio program “Coast to Coast AM” late Monday night and early Tuesday morning to discuss the astonishing Sharon factor in his revelatory new book “The Rabbi Who Found Messiah: The Story of Yitzhak Kaduri and His Prophecies of The Endtime.”


When Sharon still was in office, vibrant and in command of his faculties, a venerated rabbi predicted the Messiah would not come until after Sharon’s death.

Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri died shortly after the stroke Sharon suffered put him in a coma in 2006. But before the beloved Kaduri died, he wrote a cryptic note in which he named the Messiah with whom he claimed to have had a mystical encounter. On the 108-year-old rabbi’s instructions, the note would be released a year after his death.

The note, when posted eventually on the rabbi’s website, showed Kaduri had revealed the Messiah’s name as Yehoshua, or the formal Hebrew pronunciation of Yeshua, or Jesus.

As a result of this unusual prophetic twist and the recent release of a book and movie about the life and death of Kaduri, the death of Sharon has renewed interest in Christian and prophecy circles around the world.

WND doesn't report that Gallups is trying to fudge his prophecy as it relates to Sharon. Richard Bartholomew reports that Gallups has posted on his blog: "Kaduri ‘prophesied’ that Jesus would NOT come until Sharon died. Today, Ariel Sharon has died. Kaduri did NOT say the Messiah would come immediately but rather that the Messiah would NOT return before the death of Sharon. This Kaduri prophecy has come true. Did God use the flawed Rabbi? With this prophecy and the revealed NAME of the Messiah it does make one wonder, doesn’t it?" Bartholomew adds: "In other words, we have a remarkable confirmation that an unexpected event indeed did not occur."

Bartholomew also points out that Kaduri's prophecy was, in fact, that Sharon would be the last Israeli prime minister -- which Gallups might want to discuss with Ehud Olmert and Benjamin Netanyahu.

Given Gallups' love of discredited birther conspiracy theories, there's no reason to take his prophecy story seriously either.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:48 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, January 14, 2014 8:47 PM EST

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