Topic: WorldNetDaily
-- Media Matters catches Dennis Prager buying into Matthew Shepard trutherism in his Dec. 2 WorldNetDaily column, repeating the dubious claim promoted by one of Shepard's convicted killers that it was simply a drug deal gone bad and not homophobia (which conveniently ignores the fact that said killer mounted a gay-panic defense at his trial).
-- Richard Bartholomew follows up on our earlier post about WND's highly dubious claim that a speech by WND fave Jonathan Cahn at a so-called so-called Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast earlier this year was "suppressed." Turns out the actual problem was an apparent copyright dispute between Cahn and the breakfast organizers. That may be a lot of things, but suppression isn't one of them.
-- The Joe.My.God blog takes execption to Matt Barber's Dec. 6 WND column demanding that the blog be prosecuted for alleged threats in comment threads:
The almost-hilarious hypocrisy here, of course, is that anybody who has EVER endured five minutes on WND knows that they not only allow their own commenters to advocate for the death penalty for homosexuals and that they cheer on violent anti-gay hate crimes, WND columnists themselves have called for executing people who oppose the Christianist agenda, as, for example, when WND's Erik Rush did last year when he declared that journalists should be executed after Mitt Romney won the election. Erik Rush: "Trials for treason and the requisite sentences would apply, and I would have no qualms about seeing such sentences executed, no matter how severe." Earlier this year WND's Erik Rush declared that all Muslims should be murdered and underscored that sentiment with this tweet: "Yes, they're evil. Kill them all." And just last week WND's Erik Rush called for the execution of the president of the United States.
OK, coming back to the world of actual sane people, actual longtime JMG readers are well aware that for the near-decade of this blog's existence, I have posted regular pleas for civility in the comments and have demanded that no one make calls for physical violence against any person or any property for any reason.[...]
One wonders how many tens of thousands of JMG comments Barber had to wade through before he could finally pounce upon the half dozen cited in today's World Net Daily column. One also wonders if Barber didn't plant those comments himself. You'd think Matt Barber would be SUPER busy getting repeatedly smacked down by the Supreme Court or helping the Liberty Counsel with the RICO Act lawsuit which alleges that they abetted the kidnapping of a young girl. Instead, he's got time to troll JMG and cherry-pick a handful of ugly comments. What a sad clown.