Topic: NewsBusters
Tim Graham dutifully transcribed one of his favorite radio hosts in a Nov. 7 NewsBusters post:
Mark Levin laid into Chris Matthews on his national radio show Friday night over the MSNBC host oozing on Now with Alex Wagner that South African F.W. deKlerk was more patriotic than Republicans because he "had treated Nelson Mandela so different than the way Mitch McConnell handled the election of Obama." Sharpton hailed the wisdom of Al Sharpton for saying the wisest thing in five years.
"The big dummy hasn’t heard something as smart in five years as something that came out of Reverend Al Sharpton’s mouth," shot back Levin. "Does that show you what a moron he is?" Levin couldn't stand the way media figures are trying to compare Obama to Mandela and the Republicans to apartheid-era racists[.]
Graham didn't mention -- as have so many other Media Research Center employees before him -- that the MRC has a promotion deal with Levin, as the free bumper sticker offer (above) that runs on MRC websites makes amply clear.