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Monday, April 30, 2018
MRC Defends Sinclair Over Trump-Esque Promo On Local Stations
Topic: Media Research Center

The Media Research Center tries to turn a blind eye to the conservative bias of local TV station owner Sinclair Broadcast Group. That turned into full defense mode after Sinclair ordered the news personnel at its local stations to read a script about "fake news" that sounds not unlike Donald Trump's rhetoric:

  • Curtis Houck went the whataboutism route, complaining that MSNBC's "Morning Joe" "ripped" the promo but "without any sense of irony in how they licked the Obama administration’s boots and serve as home for the Resistance."
  • Nicholas Fondacaro attacked "disgraced CBS anchor Dan Rather" for criticizing the promo, adding that "he relentlessly pushed a fake news story about President George W. Bush’s National Guard service during the Vietnam War. He still claims it’s true."
  • Ryan Foley insisted the Sinclair statement the local news folks were forced to read was "generic," then tried to spin away the "fake news" phrase: "While the media does not seem to like Sinclair’s denunciation of “fake news” because they attribute that term to President Trump, keep in mind that President Obama used the phrase 'fake news' in the weeks following the 2016 Presidential Election as the Democrats began crafting the Russian interference narrative as an excuse for their loss." But Obama was talking about actual fake news; Trump uses the term to refer to any media report critical of him.
  • Fondacaro went a-Heathering in denouncing conservative HLN host S.E. Cupp for having "parroted the CNN company line by condemning Sinclair Broadcast Group as nothing more than state-owned propaganda." Fondacaro then defended CNN: "What Cupp and the rest of CNN are whining about is Sinclair basically making their version of CNN’s laughable #FactsFirst ads, but Sinclair has instead capitalized on the public’s rightful distrust of national media."
  • Scott Whitlock served up more whataboutism in huffing that CBS focused on Sinclair though "CBS This Morning" co-host Gayle King "is a Democratic donor" and a friend of possible 2020 presidentialcandidate Oprah Winfrey. Whitlock further huffed: "So if King can donate to Democrats and be good friends with a Democrat who may run for president, it’s rather hypocritical for CBS to criticize Sinclair."

The MRC's Tim Graham and Brent Bozell couldn't resist doing a column about this, of course. They do concede that "Sinclair has long aired conservative commentary on its local stations," but went on to whine: "Now, remember that most of these Sinclair stations are affiliates of ABC, CBS and NBC. So liberals object to a 60-second promo — but see nothing wrong with '60 Minutes' promoting Trump's alleged porn-star lover or the forthcoming prime-time George Stephanopoulos interview hour with former FBI Director James Comey on these very same stations."

Jeffrey Lord also weighed in with a defense of Sinclair and its conservative bias:

To be a liberal in the media is to be presented to the audience as a straight-shooter, a neutral observer charged with a “just the facts m’am” presentation. When in fact the “just the facts” presentation is actually all about the “facts” as presented through a liberal lens. 

The reason the Sinclair episode here is so enlightening is that it shows just how the liberal media game works. Sinclair, a conservative media company, takes over what has been an outlet putting out “news” as decided by a producer (and presumably others) who have, shall we say with understatement, “a liberal world view.” Precisely because the liberal game is interrupted and its monopoly on news presentation is changed by a conservative - all liberal media hell breaks loose.


What Sinclair is doing around the country is “taking control of the liberal media narrative” of the news as broadcast on Sinclair stations - and changing it.“The liberal media narrative” something that has been held in a monopoly until the advent of talk radio, Fox News, the Internet and - in this case - now by Sinclair.

The MRC loves media bias -- when it reflects the MRC's own.

UPDATE: The MRC's upset over Sinclair being portrayed as state-run TV is rather hilarious given that it has no problem hurling that claim itself. A January 2017 post by Whitlock called MSNBC "state run TV" because Brian Williams said something nice about President Obama.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:35 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, April 30, 2018 9:18 PM EDT
WND's Farah Begs For Money To Publish His New Book
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Remember that Chuck Norris column that effectively served as an announcement of WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah's new book, and which Farah played off as jumping the gun since the book wouldn't be coming out for another six months?

Well, we're seeing that this is all a very calculated campaign led by Farah to promote his book -- and raise money to publish it.

An April 20 WND article proclaimed:

In announcing a fundraising project for what is described as a “breakthrough Bible book,” WND and WND Books has enlisted a who’s who of Christian leaders who are enthusiastically endorsing “The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament.”

Researched and written by Joseph Farah over the last three years, the unique book officially releases in September following a grass-roots funding effort designed to provide the companies with the financial resources to print a first run of at least 100,000 copies to meet what is already projected to be massive demand from the public.

Among those endorsing the book are Franklin Graham, Mike Huckabee, Chuck Norris, Greg Laurie, Jack Van Impe, David Barton, Dinesh D’Souza, Jonathan Bernis, Michael Brown, Sid Roth and Ray Comfort.


The campaign to support the book permits both free-will, non-deductible donations as well as tax-deductible contributions through an allied non-profit. 

The article is illustrated with the cover of the "Special VIP Advance Reader Copy" Farah has sending to those Christian leaders to create buzz and, presumably, troll for blurbs.

The URL redirects to the WND online store page for the book, while the URL redirects to a WND page with the hard well for the money pitch:

While ministries around the country are eagerly awaiting the release of the book, which has already been approved for sale by Franklin Graham for the Billy Graham Library and being considered now for sale in the Museum of the Bible, WND and WND Books does not have the financial resources to print the first 100,000 books, which will cost over $200,000.

There’s also a long delay in actually receiving the money in book sales. Bookstores make big orders – essentially on consignment. It’s not unusual to be receiving revenues from actual sales six to 12 months later. Since this book is what is called an “evergreen” in the industry, the book is sure to sell for many, many years – because there is no competition in the marketplace and because the substance of the book never changes or becomes outdated. But WND also currently has no advertising budget to support this book – something that would result in the word getting out for faster sales.

So, the need is great – beyond $200,000. That’s just a start.

Can you help WND raise at least $200,000 right now with your tax-deductible contributions or your free-will non-deductible gifts directly to WND so we can help spread this vital Gospel message? 

WND doesn't explain why the first printing needs to be 100,000 copies, nor doesn't it explain why it doesn't do a slow rollout of the book instead, using profits from that printing to pay for more copies.

The page also details the tax-deductible component:

We invite you, your organization or church to become a patron for “The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament” by making a tax-deductible grant or donation of $10,000 or more to the “The Gospel Book Project” direct to Gospel for All Nations by special arrangement with author Joseph Farah who wants to hear from you directly. Donors will also shortly receive a pre-publication collector edition Special Advance Reader Copy signed by the author as well as an autographed first edition copy that will include the list of patrons, if they so choose to be listed. If you are in a position to arrange such a grant or donation, please email the author at to set up a personal briefing, thanks and instructions.

Gospel for All Nations is a ministry -- seemingly consisting of just a man, his wife and their daughter -- that, according to its website, "exists to take The Gospel of Jesus to the nations of the world, focusing in particular on the least reached nations." It's unclear what, exactly, the connection is between Gospel for All Nations and Farah and WND.

An April 23 WND article features more testimonials for the book and another plea for funds.

It seems that begging WND readers for money to keep his operation afloat agrees so well with Farah that he's doing it again -- but with the added twist of tax-deductible contributions through a nonprofit ministry through a relationship that has not been publicly defined.

At least donors get a tangible book out of the deal. Hey, at least it's not bitcoin.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:33 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, April 30, 2018 8:52 AM EDT
Sunday, April 29, 2018
CNS Managing Editor Cheers Anti-Gay Rugby Player

You wouldn't think anyone at would care what an Australian rugby player has to say about anything -- rugby's barely a blip on the sports radar in the U.S., and its players in other countries even less so. But when an Australian rugby player echoes the anti-gay agenda of CNS managing editor Michael W. Chapman, it makes the CNS website.

Thus, this April 5 blog post by Chapman:

Australian rugby star Israel Folau, who is a devout Christian, said that God's plans are not always our plans and, when asked what God's plan is for homosexuals, Folau responded, "HELL... Unless they repent of their sins and turn to God."

Folau, 29, plays for the Waratahs in Super Rugby. Last year he was a finalist for World Rugby's player of the year. Folau has 119,000 followers on Twitter, 125,350 on Facebook, and 337, 000 followers on Instagram. He is "one of Australia's most recognizable rugby players," reported RT News on Apr. 4.

In response to an injury he suffered on March 31, Folau posted on instagram a cartoon that showed "YOUR PLAN" versus "GOD's PLAN" -- the straight and easy road to success vs. a bumpy and trial-filled road to success.  Beneath the images, Folau quoted James 1:2-4, "Consider it all joy when you encounter various trials, because the testing of your faith produces endurance... so that you may be lacking in nothing."

After Folau posted his comment, a follower posted a question, "@izzyfolau what was gods plan for gay people??"

Folau -- izzyfolau on Instagram -- replied, "HELL... Unless they repent of their sins and turn to God."

Yep, Chapman's kind of news. Folau later claimed that he didn't mean to offend with his statement, denied he was homophobic (Chapman, of course, is a separate matter), and that he would be willing to leave his team if asked. Folau won't be punished by Rugby Australia over the controversy.

Incidentally, Chapman's source for Folau's comments is RT, the news operation run by the Russian government  that's basically a propaganda tool for Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

So Chapman relies on a propaganda outlet to peddle his own anti-gay propaganda at a "news" operation that's little more than right-wing propaganda.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:07 PM EDT
MRC Still Fighting Idea Reagan May Have Had Alzheimer's Symptoms While President
Topic: Media Research Center

The Media Research Center's weird sensitivity to the idea that Ronald Reagan may have had symptoms of Alzheimer's disease while president continues in an April 11 post by Brent Baker:

Last week’s episode of FX’s The Americans, set in 1987, imagined a U.S. arms control official telling an undercover Soviet KGB operative that he’d heard from a White House insider that President Ronald Reagan has “been forgetful, not focused, almost a different person lately. The man I talked to said he thinks that the President might be going senile.” In the next scene, the agent’s KGB handler worried: “Weinberger and his cronies are even more hard-line than Reagan.”

But as leading Reagan biographer Craig Shirley has pointed out, “there is no truth to the notion of Ronald Reagan having Alzheimer’s during his presidency.” Not that such a fact would have prevented the scene The Americans played out from happening in reality – given the disdain for Reagan from so many in the DC establishment.

But as we've noted, Shirley is more of a Reagan hagiographer than a straight biographer, and he fears that questioning Reagan's health means delegitimizing his entire presidency. He also insists that only conservatives be allowed to write about conservative history and that they should "root out and eviscerate and disembowel liberals writing of our history."

Posted by Terry K. at 11:36 AM EDT
Saturday, April 28, 2018
CNS Merely Reprinted the Press Release About A New Right-Wing Book

A "news" organization is nevery more lazy than when it simply republishes a press release without any editing. That appears to be the case with this item:

In “LOVE THY BODY,” best-selling author Nancy R. Pearcey challenges the rise of politically correct social constructs that pose as liberation but are harmful to the human person, while setting us up for control by an all-powerful political state.  

“LOVE THY BODY,” published January 2, provides real-world solutions to a dehumanizing hostility to the body that characterizes the secularist approach to abortion, assisted suicide, same-sex "marriage," transgenderism, and so on.

The following excerpt from “LOVE THY BODY” uncovers the link between the personal and the political—how a secular ideology denies the relevance of biology and thereby alienates us from our bodies and render human beings "easier to manipulate and control." Human freedom begins at home. Now, more than ever, says Pearcey, love thy body.

The book title in all caps is the giveaway that CNS simply copied-and-pasted a press release -- no self-respecting news organization, or at least one with competent copy editors, would let that happen.

The excerpt itself is the usual right-wing complaining about "secular orthodoxies" and the "secular moral revolution." Message is more important than editorial standards at CNS, apparently.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:44 AM EDT
WND Columnist Doesn't Like Trump Being Likened To A 'Mob Boss'
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Michael Master serves up an odd defense of President Trump in his April 20 WorldNetDaily column:

In promoting his new book, former FBI Director James Comey referred to Trump as being like a “mob boss.”

Al Capone was a mob boss. The FBI tried in vain for years to catch Capone at breaking the law as a mob boss so they could lock him up. The FBI failed at the task at hand and so looked for some other way to get Capone. The FBI solicited help from the IRS and indicted/convicted Capone for tax evasion – but nothing for Capone’s actions as a mob boss.

The general population accepted the actions of the IRS/FBI collusion against Capone because the popular thought was that Capone was a bad guy who should be removed from society.

And how did the general population learn about Capone? From the media and the information leaked to the press from the J. Edgar Hoover led FBI. That was the same J. Edgar Hoover who kept private files about politicians that he used as blackmail to keep Congress and presidents from interfering with his FBI, including files about the female escapades of JFK, RFK and Martin Luther King Jr..

Now, the FBI is doing the same thing to Trump. McCabe, Comey, Mueller, Rosenstein … all part of the FBI deep state. Why did Rosenstein give so much latitude to Mueller? Why did McCabe leak information to the press? Notes kept by Comey to be used against Trump? Comparisons of Trump to a mob boss? All deliberate. What do they have on Attorney General Sessions? What do they have on members of Congress?

For Comey to refer to Trump as a mob boss says it all. Capone had people killed. His mob brought drugs into the U.S. Prostitution. Bootlegging. Gambling. Did Trump do any of that?

Master seems to have forgotten that Trump used to own casinos emblazoned with his name. He also ignored that Comey explained his "mob boss" statement by highlighting how Trump demands loyalty to him over even loyalty to the country.

Master's column comes to its expected conspiratorial end by stating, "Trump a mob boss? hardly. The real threat to America is them … the deep state.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:59 AM EDT
Friday, April 27, 2018
Right-Wing Radical Bozell Attacks 'Left-Wing Radicals' Going After Ingraham
Topic: Media Research Center

Craig Bannister takes stenography from the boss in an April 13 blog post:

Media Research Center President Brent Bozell and Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund Chairman Jenny Beth Martin are calling on advertisers to stand up to left-wing radicals demanding they stop supporting Fox News Channel’s “The Ingraham Angle.”

On Friday, the Red Lobster franchise announced it was caving to the radicals’ demands and pulling its ads from host Laura Ingraham’s Fox News program – prompting Bozell and Ingraham to take to Twitter.

“Why is @RedLobster pulling ads from @IngrahamAngle now? She already apologized and @AceHardware just resumed ads,” Bozell wrote, noting that Ace Hardware resumed its ads after Ingraham apologized for her comments about anti-gun activist David Hogg.

Ex-advertisers like Red Lobster should “grow a spine and stop capitulating to left-wing radicals,” Bozell wrote.

How does targeting an TV personality you don't like, or its advertisers, make you a "left-wing radical"?  Because Bozell has done his share of that.

Bozell targeted Reza Aslan because he had a show on CNN and said mean things about President Trump. The fact that Aslan quickly apologized didn't keep Bozell from discontinuing his campaign of hate -- he wanted a scalp, and he eventually got it.

Bozell also attacked advertisers who dropped Sean Hannity's show last year over his promotion of the Seth Rich conspiracy theory -- and to do that if effectively defended Hannity's embrace of conspiracy theories. Bozell joined conservatives who hounded insurance firm USAA, who had dropped its ads, to return to the show.

Doesn't that mean USAA caved to right-wing radicals? After all, by his own definition of the other side, Bozell is one.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:15 PM EDT
Farah Won't Apologize for WND, Though He Really Should
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Joseph Farah's April 5 WorldNetDaily column came to the defense of Sinclair Broadcasting's forcing the numerous stations it owns to repeat a Trump-esque statement complaining about fake news. "What’s all the hub-bub? Isn’t everyone concerned about “fake news” spread on social media?" Farah huffed. "Isn’t it good to have fair and balanced coverage that actually sticks to the facts and makes the effort to seek the truth?"

Well, yes -- not that Farah has much experience providing fair and balanced coverage at WND.

After ranting about how happy he is that Sinclair is providing "ideological competition" to a media that is "dominated by the left,"  Farah declared: "I make no apologies as the founder, chief executive officer and editor of WND. We will continue to swim hard against that overwhelming media tide of knee-jerk leftism that dominates our industry."

No apologies whatsoever, Joe?

Not for the fake news you publish?

Not for pushing bogus birther conspiracies?

Not for flat-out lying about President Obama?

Not for falsely smearing an innocent man?

Not for hiring Jerome Corsi?

Not for giving a platform to an anti-Semite and white nationalist?

Not for running WND so badly you had to beg for money from readers to bail it out?

None of that? OK, whatever.

(Of course, Farah's refusal to apologize for his shoddy website is another reason he needed to be bailed out financially.)

Posted by Terry K. at 12:42 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, April 27, 2018 12:46 AM EDT
WND Columnist Doesn't Like Trump Being Likened To A 'Mob Boss'
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Michael Master serves up an odd defense of President Trump in his April 20 WorldNetDaily column:

In promoting his new book, former FBI Director James Comey referred to Trump as being like a “mob boss.”

Al Capone was a mob boss. The FBI tried in vain for years to catch Capone at breaking the law as a mob boss so they could lock him up. The FBI failed at the task at hand and so looked for some other way to get Capone. The FBI solicited help from the IRS and indicted/convicted Capone for tax evasion – but nothing for Capone’s actions as a mob boss.

The general population accepted the actions of the IRS/FBI collusion against Capone because the popular thought was that Capone was a bad guy who should be removed from society.

And how did the general population learn about Capone? From the media and the information leaked to the press from the J. Edgar Hoover led FBI. That was the same J. Edgar Hoover who kept private files about politicians that he used as blackmail to keep Congress and presidents from interfering with his FBI, including files about the female escapades of JFK, RFK and Martin Luther King Jr..

Now, the FBI is doing the same thing to Trump. McCabe, Comey, Mueller, Rosenstein … all part of the FBI deep state. Why did Rosenstein give so much latitude to Mueller? Why did McCabe leak information to the press? Notes kept by Comey to be used against Trump? Comparisons of Trump to a mob boss? All deliberate. What do they have on Attorney General Sessions? What do they have on members of Congress?

For Comey to refer to Trump as a mob boss says it all. Capone had people killed. His mob brought drugs into the U.S. Prostitution. Bootlegging. Gambling. Did Trump do any of that?

Master seems to have forgotten that Trump used to own casinos emblazoned with his name. He also ignored that Comey explained his "mob boss" statement by highlighting how Trump demands loyalty to him over even loyalty to the country.

Master's column comes to its expected conspiratorial end by stating, "Trump a mob boss? hardly. The real threat to America is them … the deep state.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:01 AM EDT
Thursday, April 26, 2018
MRC Didn't Get The Message About Lackluster Job Numbers
Topic: Media Research Center

The Media Research Center's Julia Seymour complains in an April 10 post:

A fuzzy animal, faulty directions and famous murderers all outranked the latest jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The BLS announced on April 6, that the U.S. added 103,000 jobs in March and unemployment remained low. However, the more than 25 million combined viewers of the broadcast networks' evening shows weren’t notified that night.

Seymour apparently didn't notice how her colleagues at the MRC's "news" division,, covered the story of March's job numbers. The 103,000 number was considered such a disappointment that it wasn't even mentioned until the 11th paragraph of CNS' main story on it; instead, the CNS headline claim was that a record number of women were employed. Other CNS stories promoted increasing manufacturing jobs and declining government jobs -- not the total number of jobs created.

It seems the networks may have been doing the Trump administration a favor by not reporting on the lackluster job numbers. Seyour and her fellow pro-Trumpers at the MRC should probably be thanking them.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:23 PM EDT
WND Pushes Anti-Sex Education Campaign
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily's Bob Unruh tries for a little drama in an April 5 article:

Principals at schools across the country already have exhibited various levels of support for students who have walked out of class to protest guns.

The protests culminated recently in an anti-Second Amendment rally in Washington attended by tens of thousands.

Soon, school officials will be notified of another walk-out demonstration.

This one is to object to the “pornographic” curriculum used by many schools in “anti-bullying” programs that many parents don’t even know about.

It’s being organized online at Sex Ed Sit Out, and it’s already gone international.

Despite quoting people and groups warning about how "children are being taught how to have anal and oral sex, masturbate one another, and question one’s gender," as well as "gender-bending ideology and anal sex tutorials," Unruh is light on specifics, and he can't be bothered to talk to any supporters of sex education -- so much for those "highest standards of journalism" Unruh's boss, Joseph Farah, loves to claim WND has.

Unruh followed up on April 19 with an article that focused on right-wing legal group Liberty Counsel complaining that "43 states have exemptions from obscenity laws" for educational material, which means that they "effectively protect porn" and, somehow, results in the 4.5 million U.S. school students who "will experience sexual abuse at the hands of a school employee." Neither Unruh nor Liberty Counsel provide any evidence to support the direct link they allege.

The article is another of Unruh's one-source wonders; as with the earlier article, he can't be bothered to talk to anyone with a different view.

The same day, anti-Kinsey obsessive Judith Reisman served up a WND column endorsing the Sex Ed Sit Out, insisting that sex education is "planned pedophile grooming." Needless to say, she went into an anti-Kinsey rant, including her long-discredited notion that Kinsey was a pedophile.

The right-wing Benham brothers also endorsed the Sex Ed Sit Out in their April 22 WND column, claiming that some sex education appears as anti-bullying efforts but that "the only bullies here are the teachers, administrators and undisclosed organizers (Planned Parenthood, NARAL, HRC) forcing their agenda on the minds of our children." The Benhams went on to liken critics of sex education to Martin Luther King and Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

So what happened with the Sex Ed Sit Out? Not much -- WND didn't report on how many people took part, which suggests that very few did. And a youth group countered the miniscule protest by serving up sex ed on social media.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:39 PM EDT
CNS' Jones Injects More Opinion Into A 'News' Story

We've documented how reporter Susan Jones loves to inject her (usually pro-Trump) opinion into stories that are ostensibly "news." She did it again in an April 10 article:

In a heavily edited and unenlightening television interview that aired Monday night, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch didn't say anything we haven't already heard about her secret meeting with former President Bill Clinton at an Arizona airport, which happened at the same time Hillary Clinton was under FBI investigation for her email practices.

The only news nugget to emerge from Lynch's interview with NBC's Lester Holt was this: Lynch described former FBI Director James Comey's announcement that the Clinton case should be closed without prosecution as an "unusual move," hinting that she was not happy with Comey's unilateral actions.


Holt noted that Bill Clinton's wife was under investigation by the Justice Department when Bill came onboard Lynch’s private plane: "Did you have any moment where you said, Mr. President, this is probably not appropriate or this is going to look bad?" Holt asked Lynch.

“Well, I will say that in the course of the conversation, we spoke and it seemed that we were going to say hello, hi, how are you and move on and then the conversation would continue," Lynch responded.

Conversation would continue? What does that mean? Did it continue? We'll never know, because that's all NBC was willing to share of Loretta Lynch's response.

Still, Jones somehow managed to generate 18 paragraphs out of something she dismissed as "unenlightening."

Posted by Terry K. at 1:26 AM EDT
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Ilana Mercer's Back At WND, Still Standing Up For White People
Topic: WorldNetDaily

After more than a year away, Ilana Mercer -- the South African expat who's still pining for apartheid -- returned last fall as a WorldNetDaily columnist. She's behaving as usual; a November column fretted about the overstated fear of black on white violence in the country and asserted that South Africa "was the creation of British and Dutch settlers and their descendants" and the black majority currently running the country are "dismantling it." She further lamented that "Empowering political majorities in Africa has helped, not hindered, the propensity of hostile masses to exact revenge on helpless minorities."

Mercer also stated that "Like South Africa, America is a creation of (northwest) European settlers," bringing her racial philosophy to this country. She furthers that in her April 19 column fretting about the decline of whites in America and blaming on all those brown people:

If white lives mattered at all to the liberal establishment, an inquiry would ensue:

Is it possible that an enormous influx of legal and illegal migrants over decades is playing a role in the decline of America’s founding population? (A similar, sad fate was visited on their predecessors, the Amerindians.)

On the one hand, we have the drastic, ongoing decline of America’s white population; on the other, a massive, incessant inpouring of minority immigrants, since 1965. A correlation between the two is not impossible.


Declining birthrates have long been the excuse advanced by immigration central-planners for sticking with mass immigration policies. The aging white population is not replacing itself, say proponents of doomsday demographics. Young, Third World immigrants are essential to shore-up the welfare state.

However, the now-waning West became great not because it was more populated than the rest of the world and outbred it. The West was great because of its human capital – innovation, exploration, science, philosophy; because of superior ideas and the willingness to defend such a civilization.

America doesn’t need more people; it needs to allow its own people to recover.

Yep, the same ol' Ilana.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:17 PM EDT
WND's Farah Is Still Getting Syria Wrong
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Last year, WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah displayed his ignorance about the Syrian civil war by falsely declaring that "There are two warring parties in Syria – the Syrian government, which is attempting to repulse an invasion and partial occupation of Syrian territory, and ISIS, a terrorist plague on the entire world, not just Assad’s regime." In fact, there are multiple warring parties, and the Syrian government under Bashar al-Assad actually built up ISIS in the country in an attempt to discredit the political uprising against his regime.

Well, Farah is still having problems figuring out the whole Syria thing. In his April 9 column, he did concede that gas attack was likely perpetrated by the Assad regime, lamenting that "It appears Syria’s war on ISIS has become a war on its own people – a war not only on Sunni Muslims but Kurds." He's more interested, though, in alleged Turkish attacks on Kurds in the northern part of the country.

Farah followed up on April 16 by casting doubt on the effectiveness of President Trump's reltaliatory bombing of Syria for the gas attack, and he finally admits he doesn't really know what's going on:

What is the real problem in Syria? What continues to drive people into refugee status? How can the killing fields and ethnic cleansing be stopped?

I’m not sure I know the answer. But Russia, Iran and Turkey – a new axis of evil – are firmly entrenched in Syria. Bashar Assad, the titular leader of Syria, is merely a pawn of all three.

If the U.S. does not have a plan for Syria, Russia, Iran and Turkey surely do.


Does America have any friends in the Middle East?

Yes, it does. And we need to help them defend themselves to the greatest extent possible.

I believe those friends include Israel, the Kurds, the Christians and other ethnic and religious minorities that are all caught in the crossfire of this conflict. We should never forget them.

No one, including the axis-of-evil coalition, wants to see this conflict spiral out of control, certainly not at this moment.

Neither of Farah's columns mention the fact that there is an anti-Assad opposition in Syria, to whom the U.S. has provided some support. Infighting among the various rebel factions, however, is diminishing their effectiveness, as well as the military support the Assad regime has received from Russia and Iran.

Again: Farah portrays himself as an expert on international affairs and issues an "intelligence resource," the G2 Bulletin, for which he charges a whopping $99 a year. His portrayal of the situation in Syria still doesn't reflect reality, so what good is he?

Posted by Terry K. at 12:59 AM EDT
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
CNS Reporter Lets Trump Get By With Another Misleading Claim
Topic:'s Melanie Arter was in stenography mode again for a March 29 article:

During a speech in Richfield, Ohio, President Donald Trump said his administration has delivered on its promises, created 3 million jobs and eliminated job-killing regulations.

“We’re keeping our promises, and the results are in: 3 million new jobs since Election Day - 3 million. And if I would have said that to you during the campaign, where we had tremendous support in this great state, state of Ohio, if I would have said, 3 million jobs, they would have said-- the fake news -- he’s exaggerating,” he said.

“Unemployment claims are their lowest level in 45 years - 45 years. African-American unemployment has reached the lowest level ever recorded. Remember? Remember I said, ‘what do you have to lose?’ What do you have to lose? And I’m so happy about that,” Trump said.

Arter doesn't mention that since Trump is counting from Election Day in November 2016, he's taking credit for jobs he didn't have any role in creating, given that Trump didn't assume the presidency until January 2017. Arter also doesn't mention that fewer jobs were created in 2017 than in 2016, the last full year of President Obama's term.

Arter further declined to note that the lower black unemployment rate is simply the continuation of a trend begun under Obama.

But then, putting stenography before actual reporting -- and letting the Trump White House peddle misleading claims without challenge -- is pretty much Arter's job these days.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:06 PM EDT

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