Topic: WorldNetDaily
Joseph Farah writes in his latest appeal for money to keep his WorldNetDaily in business: "I want to emphasize that WND is unique in two ways in the alternative, independent media and always has been. We have a strong Judeo-Christian worldview, and because we are all refugees from what we euphemistically call the 'mainstream media,' we apply the highest standards of journalism because we actually believe in them."
Farah is lying. If he actually believed in upholding "the highest standards of journalism," WND would not have published as much fake news as it has.And even as it fights for its life, the fake news hasn't stopped.
James Zumwalt writes as part of another anti-Muslim screed in his Jan. 10 WND column:
For those unaware of it, Western civilization’s decline is in progress. While several factors contribute to this progression, an outrageous lifestyle recently gaining acceptance in Germany illustrates just how low into a moral abyss Western values have sunk.
This lifestyle’s acceptance will be cited by future historians as evidence of our inability to grasp a demise occurring right before our eyes.
It comes as a direct result of an open-door Muslim immigration policy. As other Western host nations, including the U.S., similarly have opened their doors to Muslim immigrants, they must view the German experience as a bellwether of what awaits them. As Muslim populations grow, some of their cultural demands, found repugnant to many in the West, will be imposed upon host countries.
Brothels abound in a Germany, where prostitution is legal. But what has shockingly evolved as a result of an increasing Muslim population are “bestiality brothels.” Yes, in a country where all aspects of the sex industry are permissible, so too are licensed bestiality brothels – also known as “erotic zoos.” Progressives wielding power in Germany find bestiality acceptable as a “lifestyle choice.”
Some perverts harboring a loin-full lust of the farm animal variety apparently are unwilling even to wait in lines at such brothels. A farmer in southwest Germany, noting his sheeps’ unusual timidity around humans, set up CCTV cameras in his barn. He was shocked to observe Muslims not only violating his property boundaries but the boundaries of human decency by violating his sheep as well. These transgressors adopted a “wham, bam, thank you, lamb” approach to satisfying their sexual proclivities.
That's simply not true. Zumwalt is relying on a 2013 article by the notoriously unreliable Daily Mail -- an article that, according to Snopes, not only fails to mention Muslims or migrants at all but also fails to prove that "bestaiality brothels" actually existed, apparently relying on a single quote from a German animal protection officer who didn't say anything about animal brothels. (The Daily Mail article also doesn't mention "progressives"; Zumwalt made that up too.) Snopes adds that Germany quickly moved to outlaw bestality after realizing there was a loophole that didn't explicitly ban it before.
If Farah really believes that WND applies "the highest standards of journalism," it would have done so here through a simple fact-check on the part of a WND editor that would have caught Zumwalt's falsehood and resulted in either the rewriting or outright refusal to publish his column. But that didn't happen. And it's unclear how the "strong Judeo-Christian worldview" Farah claims WND has prevents it from engaging in basic fact-checking.
Farah keeps begging for money to save WND, but he still hasn't offered any compelling proof that WND deserves to live, let alone that it lives up to the standards Farah invokes in his lofty, empty sales pitch.