Joseph Farah writes in his Oct. 8 WorldNetDaily column:
When it comes to Ebola, the greatest fear of the American statist, liberal establishment is not the deadly plague itself but rather what they describe as “hysteria” over its potential consequences.
Yet, in closely examining the very slow, lax and nonsensical official response to an outbreak that occurred many months ago, it’s clear a politically driven agenda rather than public health-driven action is stirring most of the well-grounded fear, anxiety and, yes, even hysteria in a frustrated citizenry that understand that the primary role of the federal government is to protect its people.
Unmentioned by Farah: WND is doing its best to fan the flames of Ebola hysteria. As we'vedocumented, WND loves to push the false idea that Ebola is an airborne virus in order to scare readers.
WND's latest fearmongering attempt is an Oct. 6 column by fringe physician Lee Hieb who warns of, yes, an "Ebola jihad":
Now ISIS has declared it will wage “Ebola Jihad” against America by purposely infecting people, then flying them into our country. They certainly have the capacity to do this and to do it without being detected. And these “Ebola Jihadists” could be from Amsterdam or London or Madrid, thus eliminating our ability to do screening by point of origin. Multiple sick Ebola patients on multiple airlines will expose thousands and thousands of fellow airline travelers, most of whom will not get the disease, but the sheer numbers of contacts will exceed the ability of our medical system to identify and track them.
Actually, there's no substantive evidence ISIS ever made such a claim; dubious fringe sources such as Walid Shoebat are insisting it happened, which should raise red flags.
Yet to Farah, all of this is President Obama's fault somehow:
Just as Barack Obama waited to deal with ISIS, he has waited to deal with Ebola. In both cases, his plan is too little, too late.
Now let’s compare the liberal response to Ebola with the liberal response to the phantom threat of “climate change.”
With Ebola, we shouldn’t panic. We shouldn’t take any drastic measures to protect ourselves from the disease. It would be somehow counterproductive – a notion that has not been rationally developed by any of those making this suggestion.
But with “climate change,” a fanciful, highly speculative threat that defied all evidence it even exists, liberals want to reorder the entire economic and political structure of the country and the world. In fact, officials use the most hysterical language imaginable to hype the threat it poses to the planet. End-of-the-world scenarios are constantly being spun. They tell us the time for drastic, even draconian, action is past. Alternate views are not even tolerated, only derided.
When I see such bad judgment made by our liberal, statist, political and cultural establishment, I worry. I think this kind of irrationality is inducing panic and hysteria. And the more the spokesmen for that liberal, statist, political and cultural establishment tell me there’s nothing to worry about, the more I worry.
But Farah wants you to believe that WND's fearmongering is credible.
Pot, Kettle, Black: Gay-Obsessed Tim Graham Accuses NY Times Of Being Gay-Obsessed Topic: Media Research Center
Tim Graham takes a break from his transgender obsession to spend an Oct. 6 NewsBusters post accusing the New York Times of -- wait for it -- being obsessed with gays:
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. The gay-obsessed New York Times is letting a gay columnist whack away at the Catholic church as having a “gay obsession.” No one obsesses about the gays as much as the gays, but you are only allowed to be “obsessed” if it’s relentlessly, propagandistically positive.
"No one obsesses about the gays as much as the gays"? Graham doesn't read his own writing, does he? Pot, kettle, black indeed.
Oh, but that's not all. Get a load of this:
Openly gay columnist Frank Bruni calls it “persecution” for Catholic schools to dismiss employees who flagrantly, publicly dissent from church teaching by getting married to a person of the same sex (currently dramatized by Hollywood in “Love Is Strange”). Bizarrely in contradiction of the facts, Bruni says this political activity is not political and that the activists are not “calling any special attention to themselves.”
Same-sex marriage is "political activity"? Huh?
Graham's not done ranting, however:
The art in the Sunday Review section is at least appropriate, with a big rainbow target on a Catholic church. That’s exactly right. They’d like to blow a big rainbow-colored hole in Christian tradition.
WND's Unruh Censors Full Story Of 'Transgendered Killer' Topic: WorldNetDaily
Anti-gay reporter Bob Unruh used his powers of selective reporting once again in an Oct. 1 WorldNetDaily article:
Students across America whose schools take part in “LGBT History Month” soon will be hearing praise for a transgendered killer who recently got out of prison.
According to a website promoting the observance, the personality spotlighted for Oct. 25 is CeCe McDonald, who was accused of second-degree murder and accepted a plea bargain of second-degree manslaughter after fatally stabbing a man with scissors.
McDonald is presented in LGBT History Month as a “prison reformer” who brought attention to the plight of transgender inmates.
“It is almost unbelievable who these activists think should be held up as role models,” said Brad Dacus, the president of Pacific Justice Institute, which issued a statement on the controversy.
Attorneys at the organization are calling on parents to pay attention to their public schools throughout October to see what is being taught as part of LGBT History Month.
“Every year, this celebration gets more disturbing and bizarre, but telling kids that a killer is a hero represents a new low,” Dacus said.
Unruh completely omitted the circumstances of the crime to which McDonald pleaded guilty.
As Rolling Stone details, McDonald was being taunted by a gang of bikers, one of whom threw a glass tumbler at McDonald, smashing her in the face. Another member of the biker gang, who was under the influence of cocaine and meth, charged at McDonald, who stabbed the biker in self-defense.
Those are details that belie Unruh's simplistic description of McDonald as a "transgendered killer." But because he is such an outrageouslybiasedreporter, Unruh didn't think you needed to know all the facts.
Newsmax Pushes Morris' New Book, His False Claims Topic: Newsmax
Dick Morris has made himself toxic enough that few in political media want anything to do with him, but Newsmax has dutifully led Morris' image rehab, to the point of publishing his new book. Now, that book must be promoted, and unsurprisingly, Newsmax is taking the lead there as well.
An Oct. 1 Newsmax article by Melissa Clyne touted Morris' claim on a Newsmax TV show that "President Barack Obama has missed 58 percent of the national security intelligence briefings during each of his terms in office."
Because Clyne is in promotion mode instead of journalism mode, she couldn't be bothered to tell her readers that Morris' claim is bogus. The Washington Post reported two years ago that Obama always reads the intelligence briefing and discusses it with advisers in a daily foreign-policy meeting. Thus, he does not need to attend a briefing for an oral report.
Nevertheless, Clyne parrots Morris' conspiratorial assertion that "Obama does not really care about foreign policy because his ultimate goal is a one-party system."
An Oct. 3 article finds Greg Richter similarly in stenographer moe, promoting Morris' appearance on a Fox News show to again claim that "Obama is implementing an agenda to destroy two-party rule in America."
Richter also uncritically repeats Morris' unsupported assertion that Hillary Clinton, while working as a lawyer for the Watergate committee, "stole documents to try to prejudice Nixon's case to make it impossible for Nixon to have a lawyer represent him in impeachment proceedings if they had been held." That's a claim that originates with another Watergate staffer, Jerry Zeifman; as we've documented, Zeifman has paraded himself as a Democrat who bashes Democrats, and he has made contradictory claims about firing Clinton from the committee.
None of what Morris is saying is trustworthy, but Newsmax won't tell you that because it has books to sell.
NEW ARTICLE: Tim Graham's Transgender Freakout Syndrome Topic: Media Research Center
The Media Research Center official just can't deal with the fact that transgenders appear in the media from time to time. Read more >>
Another Lying WND Headline: No, 4-Year-Olds Aren't Being Taught How To Behead Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily has no qualms about spreading lies to advance its fringe agenda, especiallyinheadlines. WND does this again in an Oct. 3 article by Chelsea Schilling headlined "Canada mosque teaches 4-year-olds how to behead":
As Richard Bartholomew points out, the article does not support the headline's claim. The children are acting out a play depicting the martyrdom of Muhammad’s grandson and brother, which means the the character carrying out the beheadings is the villain of the story; while the chararcer stands poised next to the victim with a toy sword or stick, the act itself is not depicted. Bartholomew adds: "This makes as much sense as saying that children playing Roman soldiers in a Passion Play have been taught how to nail someone to a piece of wood."
WND, it seems, just can't stop giving people reasons to not believe anything that appears on its website.
NewsBusters' Blumer: It's 'Too Easy' To Vote Topic: NewsBusters
In the midst of using a Sept. 29 NewsBusters post to whine about coverage of the upholding of an Ohio early-voting law, Tom Blumer demonstrates his hostility to early voting:
Ohio had no early voting of any kind until 2006. The system was simple: Vote on Election Day or vote absentee if you had a valid excuse out of a list about ten possible reasons for doing so. No one complained until a George Soros-backed group attempted to impose an early-voting and redisctricting regime on the state through the initiative process. The "Reform Ohio Now" initiatives went down by 2-1 margins.
Nevertheless, Ohio's current voting regime is about as easy as can be — too easy, in yours truly's opinion[.]
Blumer does not expaned on how difficult he thinks voting should be.
Blumer also complains about an "activist judge" who supported "having 28 days of early voting instead of 35." But he doesn't explain that, according to the Associated Press article he's complaining about, there was 35 days of early voting until the Republican-controlled Ohio legislature reduced it to 28. The court ruling in question denied an attempt to restore the original early-voting schedule; Blumer sneered that the civil rights groups who supported the restoration were "misnamed" and that "During the 41 years after the Voting Rights Act's passage, no court ruled that Ohio's election system violated [it]."
WND's (And Larry Klayman's) Latest Birther Fail Topic: WorldNetDaily
Bob Unruh does his best to lionize the latest stunt by WorldNetDaily's favorite failed lawyer in an Oct. 3 WND article:
He has sued the National Security Agency, and won at the district court level.
He has sued to get Barack Obama’s birth certificate.
He has sued Hugo Chavez on behalf of torture victims.
He has sued journalists.
He has sued the Taliban and al-Qaida.
He sued Cuba and won a multimillion-dollar judgment.
Now Larry Klayman, the former Justice Department lawyer and founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, is suing to get President Obama deported.
Shipped out. Sent back. Removed.
“In sum, deportation proceedings should be immediately commenced, an investigation undertaken, a full evidentiary hearing held, and Barack Hussein Obama should be removed from the United States,” Klayman writes in his deportation petition.
But because Unruh is a stenographer and not a reporter, he only regurgitates Klayman's birther-centric claims and fails to do even the most cursory investigation into the latest evidence disproving them (of course, WND has always censored the evidence that disproves their birther conspiracies).
Klayman's petition shows he's simply repeating all the old discredited birther arguments. For instance, he asserts that Obama "was not born in the United States of America, indicated by the inference that Obama would not have used a clearly falsified birth certificate, whose falsehood is easily established and by the testimony of Barack Obama's grandmother who claims to have been present at his birth in Mombasa, Kenya and other witnesses to his Kenyan birth."
Wow, so much fail in one sentence. As we've previously reported, the so-called anomalies birthers insist exist in the PDF copy of Obama's long-form birth certificate released by the White House are easily reproduced though the use of a Xerox office scanner.
And it was never true that Obama's grandmother claimed to be present at his birth in Kenya; as we've noted, that claim came from an anti-Obama minister who asked the woman a leading question through a translator and when the nature of the question was made clear, PolitiFact noted that "it was immediately and clearly corrected -- repeatedly.” Further, the grandmother was later asked the question in a more straightfoward manner, and she unequivocally stated that Obama was not born in Kenya.
Finally, Obama's birth certificate has been validated by the state of Hawaii, something Klayman refuses to accept.
We could go on, but we'd be repeating things we've written ad nauseum.
Unruh could have demonstrated himself to be a real journalist by reporting all the contradictory evidence that exists to discredit Klayman's politically motivated rantings masquerading as a legal action. Instead, he demonstratesyetagain that he's nothing but a stooge for right-wing ideologues who couldn't report a story fairly and completely if his life depended on it -- and why nobody believes WND.
Meanwhile, Klayman promoted his incompetent petition in his Oct. 3 WND column, with added Obama derangement:
As set forth in a deportation petition I filed just today, it’s time that he be deported back to his native country and for him to leave us alone. He has no legitimacy to be president, and he must be tried, convicted and removed from our shores before he destroys everything the Founding Fathers bequeathed to us.
Perhaps Klayman should be removed from the legal profession before he destroys the legal system with his aggressive incompetence.
Only one of these articles noted the drop in the unemployment rate (and even then not until the sixth paragraph), and none mentioned the fact that 248,000 jobs were added. All three articles were written by Ali Meyer
That first story, by the way, is a lazy rewrite of an article from last month by Meyer, which carried the suspiciously similar headline "Record 92,269,000 Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Matches 36-Year Low." That's a demonstration of how CNS reports an agenda instead of reporting the news.
WND Can't Stop Fearmongering About Ebola Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily just loves to fearmonger about the purported threat of Ebola in America, and the facts aren't about to get in their way.
In an Oct. 3 WND column, Dr. Jane Orient of the right-wing-fringe Association of American Physicians and Surgeons insists that, contrary to pretty much every other medical opinion on the subject, Ebola is an airborne virus:
Officials are frequently reassuring people that the virus is not “airborne” and that “direct contact” with a sick person is required to get infected. It is not possible, we are told, to get Ebola from a person who does not have symptoms. We just need hand-washing and other “simple, basic precautions.”
Meanwhile, CDC officials are in full hazmat gear, and some say that you need a buddy to make sure that every square millimeter of your skin is covered at all times. A tiny pinprick through your glove, and you’ve got Ebola.
The official website of the Public Health Agency of Canada stated that “airborne spread among humans is strongly suspected, although it has not yet been conclusively demonstrated.”
As we noted when Orient's AAPS-linked colleague Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet made the same claim, that's just the medical-scaremongering equivalent of doctor-shopping, clinging to an anomalous finding that contradicts all other established medical opinion on the subject.
Further, Vox points out that the Canadian study that was the basis for this finding examined if Ebola can travel from a pig to a primate and is not necessarily applicable to human transmission of Ebola.
Orient goes on to freak out that "sometime between Oct. 1 and Oct. 2 the Agency actually changed the language of their Pathogen Safety Data Sheet on Ebola to softer, less alarming language on airborne transmission, including the removal of citations to key scientific literature." Perhaps the Agency realized that people like Orient were cherry-picking their report in order to scare people and decided to make it more accurate, but Orient seems not to have considered that possibility.
A separate Oct. 3 WND article by Leo Hohmann featured the claims of Dr. Gil Mobley, who claims that the Centers for Disease Control is "not leveling with the public about the potential for Ebola to spread in the United States" and who "gained notoriety Thursday when he showed up at the Atlanta Hartsfield International Airport in a hazmat suit with the words 'CDC is lying!' across his back." Hohmann uncritically quoted Mobley:
“Yesterday on the front page of USA Today the CDC said we’re at a low risk because of our advanced healthcare and sanitary systems and because we are screening at airports,” he said. “Yet I had just come through Customs the day before, and they didn’t screen me.
“They didn’t ask me where I’d been, they didn’t ask me if I’d been sick, they didn’t ask me if I’d had a fever, and they didn’t thermo-scan for my temperature. That was two days ago.”
That may because customs officials knew that Mobley was coming from Guatemala, which has no Ebola outbreak.
This being a WND article, Hohmann couldn't be bothered to contact anyone to respond to Mobley's stunt.
Such fact-free fearmongering is just the latest reason why nobody believes WND.
More Logrolling: MRC Gives Mark Levin An Award Topic: Media Research Center
The logrolling between right-wing radio host Mark Levin and the Media Research Center has reached a new level: The MRC has given Levin its highest award.
At last week's MRC's "DisHonors Awards" dress-up ball, Levin received the MRC's William F. Buckley Jr. Award for Media Excellence. MRC chief Brent Bozell delivered a fawning introduction, followed by Levin himself delivering what the MRC described as "remarks about the path to success shown by Buckley and Ronald Reagan."
While Bozell and Levin touted their friendship with each other, not once in their combined 18 minutes of remarks (which included Levin getting interrupted by applause from the right-wing audience for a childish reference to "The Washington Compost") did they mention one crucial fact: the MRC is paying Levin to promote the MRC on his radio show.
This raises the question of whether the MRC's award to Levin is part of their business arrangement.
Meanwhile, the MRC keeps up its longtime conflict of interest regarding Levin:
A Sept. 24 NewsBusters post by Jack Coleman slobbers over Levin as "a widely respected constitutional scholar, author and lawyer" whose reputation was being besmirched by Lois Lerner.
A Sept. 25 post by Michael Morris notes how "Levin says he sincerely believes that 'World War III has begun.'"
An Oct. 2 CNS post by Katherine Rodriguez proclaimed how "Levin ripped into the dangers of President Obama's weak stance on immigration when news of the first CDC-confirmed case of Ebola virus in the U.S. broke on his show."
None of these posts mention the MRC's business arrangement with Levin.
You simply can't make up anything about WorldNetDaily because it provides so much derangement and fail on its own. Take, for instance, a promotional email of anti-abortion products WND sent out on Oct. 2. Among the things promoted is a book by former Planned Parenthood-turned-anti-abortion activist Abby Johnson. And how does WND promote this book?
"What I have told people for years, what I've believed and taught and defended, is a lie. What if I'd known the truth and what if I'd told all those women?"
Those are the heart-wrenching words of Abbie Hoffman.
No, really. WND referred to Abby Johnson as '60s radical Abbie Hoffman. Here's the screenshot:
Like we said, you can't make this stuff up, folks.
MRC Latino Upset That Hispanic Media Is Helping Its Audience Topic: Media Research Center
Ken Oliver-Méndez, head of the Media Research Center's project attacking the Hispanic media for being insufficiently conservative, complains in an Ot. 1 NewsBusters post:
Univision is out with another ad in partnership with the Obama administration. This time, U.S. taxpayer dollars are being spent for Univision morning show weatherwoman Ximena Córdoba to exhort beneficiaries of President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program to renew the permits exempting them from deportation proceedings for another two years.
“If you are a young undocumented and fulfill the following requirements, you are on time to apply for DACA and obtain your work permit,” says the network’s glamorous weatherwoman, who ticks off the eligibility requirements and points viewers to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website for more information.
Oliver-Méndez insists that this attempt to inform viewers is a "highly questionable expenditure of taxpayer dollars," huffing, "The use of such talent in government ads is considered, with good reason, as compromising both the talent’s and their media outlet’s impartiality and credibility in discussing or reporting on government policies and programs."
Oliver-Méndez also repeats an earlier attack on Univision,claiming that "liberal advocates of ObamaCare were cited nearly five times as often as conservative opponents of Obamacare" but ignoring response to that earlier criticism from a Hispanic media expert who pointed out that Republicans generally refuse to appear on Hispanic media outlets.
Jon Stewart of "The Daily Show" handled that earlier criticism, and it applies here as well: "Bastardos! How dare a cable network use its reach to help the audience comply with the law!"
Eric Holder Derangement Sydrome, WorldNetDaily Edition Topic: WorldNetDaily
It is time to bind criminals such as Eric Holder down with the chains of the Constitution and throw him in jail where he belongs. America is a government of the People, by the People, and for the People. Therefore, it is our responsibility to hold our public servants to their oaths of office under the Constitution of the United States and the laws of our republic.
I am not patting myself on the back for my simple words, but I am saying that it’s time that we all do what we can to reverse the egregious narrative cultivated by too many people in this administration and elsewhere that cops are our enemy. Shame on anyone who spreads such slander, even if some individuals in their ranks are bad apples.
The Obama-Holder legacy in these areas – pitting races against one another and citizens against their government protectors – has been regrettable, and we should all do what we can to reverse it on our own.
Indeed, the “genius” of Eric Holder and the way that he was able to remain in power despite an “accomplished” Justice Department career of corruption, was that he could relate to both races in a very warm and personal way, much like Obama in his earlier years. They were soul brothers, both half white and half black. And perhaps this helps explain both of their latent antipathies to whites, which became so manifest during the last six years. Perhaps being half black, neither man has felt that they were totally accepted into white society even though they tried hard to be, even after they both had risen to a high government office. And together they have apparently sought to “level the playing field” now that they were in power. It helps explain Obama’s parting comments about Holder just the other day.
In short, both men wear race on their sleeves. They live and breath it, and notwithstanding all of Holder’s and Obama’s phony scandals, their legacy together had been, sadly and despicably, to ignite a race war between blacks and whites through their biased and prejudiced use to the powers of the Justice Department.
If Obama invoked executive privilege when Holder sat before Congress to protect him from his role in Fast and Furious, who’s to say he isn’t protecting him again – or vice versa – through Holder’s own resignation? What better way to avoid the line of fire than to move completely out of the way? And what if Obama and Holder are not only protecting themselves from some past public sin through his resignation but also prepping Holder for some future position by his absence from the public stage?
(Next week, I will give even more details and evidence for “Obama’s master plan with Eric Holder,” and explain exactly how and when a SCOTUS seat replacement would occur.)
Apparently, "There were no WMDs in Iraq" is the left's Iraq War equivalent of their false "settled science" on human-caused global warming. Of course, climate science isn't settled at all, given that there hasn't been any warming in almost 19 years.
What is settled is that there really were WMDs in Iraq. The left's, Democrats' and others' claims that there were none — zero, zip, nada — is what is self-evidently false.
Wikileaks documents, purloined by Bradley/Chelsea Manning, considered a folk hero by many, show that there WMDs in Iraq.
Blumer cites as evidence of this a Wired report noting that the WikiLeaks findings show that "Remnants of Saddam’s toxic arsenal, largely destroyed after the Gulf War, remained" and that no "evidence of some massive WMD program by the Saddam Hussein regime — the Bush administration’s most (in)famous rationale for invading Iraq."
Blumer also cites the existence of uranium yellowcake in Iraq as evidence of WMDs.
Blumer huffs that the Wired writer "tries to minimize the impact by overstating the Bush administration’s actual position." But Blumer is also overstating the opposite position. Nobody is claiming that "zero, zip, nada" chemical or nuclear weapons were found in Iraq. The standard as articulated by the Bush administration prior to the U.S. invasion of Iraq was that Saddam Hussein was amassing WMDs that posed an "imminent" threat to the U.S.
Degraded, decaying 20-year-old chemical weapons aren't WMDs as defined by the Bush administration. Non-enriched, natural uranium that Iraq had no capability to enrich aren't WMDs either.
Nevertheless, Blumer concludes: "There were WMDs at the time of the Iraq invasion, and it's not arguable." Actually, it is -- just don't expect Blumer to admit it.