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Friday, October 3, 2014
Oops: WND Confuses Abbie Hoffman, Anti-Abortion Activist
Topic: WorldNetDaily

You simply can't make up anything about WorldNetDaily because it provides so much derangement and fail on its own. Take, for instance, a promotional email of anti-abortion products WND sent out on Oct. 2. Among the things promoted is a book by former Planned Parenthood-turned-anti-abortion activist Abby Johnson. And how does WND promote this book?

"What I have told people for years, what I've believed and taught and defended, is a lie. What if I'd known the truth and what if I'd told all those women?"

Those are the heart-wrenching words of Abbie Hoffman. 

No, really. WND referred to Abby Johnson as '60s radical Abbie Hoffman. Here's the screenshot:

Like we said, you can't make this stuff up, folks.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:50 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, October 3, 2014 1:56 PM EDT

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