Topic: WorldNetDaily
Bob Unruh does his best to lionize the latest stunt by WorldNetDaily's favorite failed lawyer in an Oct. 3 WND article:
He has sued the National Security Agency, and won at the district court level.
He has sued to get Barack Obama’s birth certificate.
He has sued Hugo Chavez on behalf of torture victims.
He has sued journalists.
He has sued the Taliban and al-Qaida.
He sued Cuba and won a multimillion-dollar judgment.
Now Larry Klayman, the former Justice Department lawyer and founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, is suing to get President Obama deported.
Shipped out. Sent back. Removed.“In sum, deportation proceedings should be immediately commenced, an investigation undertaken, a full evidentiary hearing held, and Barack Hussein Obama should be removed from the United States,” Klayman writes in his deportation petition.
But because Unruh is a stenographer and not a reporter, he only regurgitates Klayman's birther-centric claims and fails to do even the most cursory investigation into the latest evidence disproving them (of course, WND has always censored the evidence that disproves their birther conspiracies).
Klayman's petition shows he's simply repeating all the old discredited birther arguments. For instance, he asserts that Obama "was not born in the United States of America, indicated by the inference that Obama would not have used a clearly falsified birth certificate, whose falsehood is easily established and by the testimony of Barack Obama's grandmother who claims to have been present at his birth in Mombasa, Kenya and other witnesses to his Kenyan birth."
Wow, so much fail in one sentence. As we've previously reported, the so-called anomalies birthers insist exist in the PDF copy of Obama's long-form birth certificate released by the White House are easily reproduced though the use of a Xerox office scanner.
And it was never true that Obama's grandmother claimed to be present at his birth in Kenya; as we've noted, that claim came from an anti-Obama minister who asked the woman a leading question through a translator and when the nature of the question was made clear, PolitiFact noted that "it was immediately and clearly corrected -- repeatedly.” Further, the grandmother was later asked the question in a more straightfoward manner, and she unequivocally stated that Obama was not born in Kenya.
Finally, Obama's birth certificate has been validated by the state of Hawaii, something Klayman refuses to accept.
We could go on, but we'd be repeating things we've written ad nauseum.
Unruh could have demonstrated himself to be a real journalist by reporting all the contradictory evidence that exists to discredit Klayman's politically motivated rantings masquerading as a legal action. Instead, he demonstrates yet again that he's nothing but a stooge for right-wing ideologues who couldn't report a story fairly and completely if his life depended on it -- and why nobody believes WND.
Meanwhile, Klayman promoted his incompetent petition in his Oct. 3 WND column, with added Obama derangement:
As set forth in a deportation petition I filed just today, it’s time that he be deported back to his native country and for him to leave us alone. He has no legitimacy to be president, and he must be tried, convicted and removed from our shores before he destroys everything the Founding Fathers bequeathed to us.
Perhaps Klayman should be removed from the legal profession before he destroys the legal system with his aggressive incompetence.