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Sunday, October 19, 2014
MRC Embraces A Logical Fallacy
Topic: Media Research Center

It's one of the most basic logical fallacies: correlation does not necessarily equal causation. Still, the Media Research Center wants you to believe otherwise.

In an Oct. 13 NewsBusters post, MRC analyst Matthew Balan huffed that an Associated Press reporter quoted the "cultural leftist activist" Human Rights Campaign praising what it called a "seismic shift" in the Catholic Church's attitude toward gays during a meeting at the Vatican last week. No, really -- Balan really did complain that the AP "directly lifted the 'seismic shift' term from a press release of the Human Rights Campaign."

Apparently, anyone the MRC deems to be "cultural leftist activists" are not permitted to comment about the Catholic Church.

Balan was so angry about this, in fact, that he ranted the next day that other media outlets were taking their language directly from the HRC:

On Tuesday, the Big Three networks' morning newscasts carried water for the left-wing Human Rights Campaign by adopting their "seismic shift" label about the midterm report from the Catholic bishops' Extraordinary Synod on the Family. On Good Morning America, ABC's Amy Robach trumpeted that "the Catholic Church appears to be making a seismic shift towards gays and divorcees." Norah O'Donnell also used the "seismic" term on CBS This Morning.

NBC's Tamron Hall pointed out on Today that "gay rights groups are hailing what they call a 'seismic shift' by the Catholic Church towards gays," but like her counterparts on ABC and CBS, she didn't disclose that the phrase directly came from the homosexual organization's Monday press release on the synod document [MP3 audio available here; video below].

O'Donnell used the "seismic" label in a teaser for fill-in anchor Jane Pauley's news brief on the Vatican report: "It's being called a seismic move by the Vatican – how the Catholic Church could change its attitude toward gays and the issue of divorce." Pauley herself didn't use the term during the summary:


During her news brief on Good Morning America, Robach further underlined the Human Rights Campaign's "seismic shift" language by touting the supposed "major shift" in the Church document:


The previous evening, anchor Brian Williams echoed the Human Rights Campaign's spin on NBC Nightly News, but didn't directly use the "seismic" descriptor:

And here's where we run into the correlation-equals-causation fallacy. At no point does Balan prove that the networks were taking their language directly from the HRC. "Seismic shift" is arguably a cliche, and the interim report being cited could certainly be described as that, even if the meeting's final results ended up being much less so.

Again, Matthew: Correlation does not necessarily equal causation. It's basic logic.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:50 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, October 19, 2014 9:52 PM EDT
WND's Unruh Evolves His Lie about Houston Mayor
Topic: WorldNetDaily

In addition to feeding false hysteria about a request for documents in a lawsuit filed on behalf of Houston pastors over an anti-discrimination law, WorldNetDaily's Bob Unruh has perpetuated a lie about Houston Mayor Annise Parker (whom he always makes sure we know is a lesbian). Over the past week, however, he has moderated his attack on Parker to make it slightly less of a lie, though still false.

As we've documented, Unruh has asserted that Parker claims the non-discrimination ordinance is "all about me," with those words in quotes. But Parker has never been quoted saying "all about me." From the Houston Business Journal:

"This is personal. It is not academic. It is my life that is being discussed," said Parker, the first openly gay mayor of a U.S. city. "It applies to the range of protected groups ... but the debate is about me. It is about two gay men at this table. It is very intensely personal."

In other words, it's not the narcissistic statement Unruh's fraudulent misquote of Parker suggests it is, but an admission of how the non-discrimination ordinance directly affects her.

Unruh repeated the false "all about me" quote in his Oct. 13 article, but two days later he adjusted it slightly, stating that "Parker, a lesbian, has admitted the anti-discrimination ordinance is 'all about' her and her lifestyle." The quote is still wrong -- she never said "all about."

On Oct. 16, Unruh dropped the fraudulent quotes altogether, claiming that Parker "has said the issue is all about her own lifestyle choice." But that's a lie too -- Unruh offers no evidence that Parker has ever referred to homosexuality as a "lifestyle choice."

Unruh reverted to his previous lie in an Oct. 18 article, claiming Parker "admitted" the ordinance "was all about her."

Perhaps instead of making up quotes and falsely paraphrasing Parker, Unruh could try something journalistic and, you know, quote what she actually said. But then, Unruh isn't really a journalist, is he?

Posted by Terry K. at 7:02 PM EDT
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Yes, Patrice Lewis, Some People Are Too Stupid To Roast Marshmallows Without Instructions

Patrice Lewis is outraged -- outraged, I tell ya! -- in her Oct. 17 WorldNetDaily column:

 America, it seems, has turned a corner. Its citizens are now officially stupid.

It’s unbelievable that a nation that became the powerhouse of the planet, that set the standard for freedom, that churned out manufactured goods that made us the envy of the globe, that enabled its people to make that famous 5,000-year leap … now cannot be trusted to roast our own marshmallows without government guidance.

It seems the U.S. Forest Service recently published a 700-word guide on how to safely roast marshmallows. (The publication was released in time for Aug.30, which was officially, I kid you not, “National Roasted Marshmallow Day.” Your tax dollars at work.)

This comprehensive article suggests that a 10-foot buffer between children and a fire is a good rule of thumb. Roasting sticks should be at least 30 inches in length. (Do the math for how long a kid’s arm will have to be to roast marshmallows from 10 feet away with a 30-inch stick.) Oh, and don’t eat too many marshmallows, since a lot of sugar may prevent children from sleeping well. And be careful of all those nasty calories and unhealthy ingredients in s’mores. Instead, we can roast thin slices of fruit and angel food cake for a “healthier” snack. “You’re still having campfire fun, but the focus is on a healthier evening snack,” the guide gravely informs us.


This marshmallow guidance is not just a dumb, useless government tract. It’s also a subtle reinforcement that the American people are now too stupid to do much of anything. After all, can you imagine a government public service announcement which says, “Buy a bag of marshmallows. Sharpen some long sticks. Start a campfire. Have fun” …? Of course not.

The government now considers Americans too stupid to do any of that without getting the marshmallows in their hair, poking their eyes out with the sharp sticks and setting the forest on fire. Man, how on earth did our nation ever survive this long when it’s so full of stupid, incompetent people?

Lewis seems to have forgotten about that time the hosts of "Fox & Friends" tried to roast marshmallows with their hands. Even fellow Fox Newser Chris Wallace thought they were idiots:

People like these -- and, mind you, they are the hosts of a nationally televised weekday program -- are why the government must issue such instructions, Patrice.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:17 PM EDT
Friday, October 17, 2014
MRC Joins Houston Pastor Subpoena Controversy Bandwagon
Topic: Media Research Center

The ginned-up outrage over a subpoena for sermons by Houston ministers opposed to a non-discrimination ordinance is such that the Media Research Center is following in WorldNetDaily's footsteps by seeing political advantage in promoting it.

An Oct. 15 NewsBusters post by Ken Shepherd cranks up the outrage meter:

The Houston Chronicle reported yesterday that the city's liberal Democratic mayor has subpoenaed local churches whose ministers have been critical of the city's new "equal rights" ordinance. That law requires private businesses to permit transgendered persons to use the bathroom of the gender of their self-identity as opposed to their biological sex. Depending on how the law is interpreted and enforced, it could likely also apply to houses of worship.


At the very, very least, this is the work of an overly aggressive attorney who has little regard for the bad politics and bad PR involved. At the worst, it's a craven abuse of power by Mayor Parker which may be animated by hatred for conservative ministers who are critical not only of her policies but of her being a lesbian.

Shepherd didn't mention the salient fact that this subpoena request did not come out of nowhere, as he suggests, but is a discovery request in a lawsuit over the non-discrimination ordinance filed by the ministers and their right-wing representatives.

Shepherd even cites an opinion by conservative legal blogger Eugene Volokh stating that the subpoena is probably permissible, then dismisses it by declaring the request is "a fishing expedition."

MRC chief Brent Bozell then horned in on the discussion with a typically hyperbolic rant divorced from reality:

“When the government mandates what a pastor can or cannot say, and criminalizes preaching the Bible, we’re no different than Red China. How in the name of God is that not national news?

“The freedom of religion, expressed at the pulpit, is a sacred right in this country. If you lose that, then religion itself is outlawed unless expressly approved by the state. This is unheard of in America. It is unconscionable that the ‘news’ media are suppressing this from the public.”

We have no idea what Bozell is talking about. No pastor's speech is being censored and freedom of religion is not being threatened; what's being sought are statements that have already been made.

MRC apparatchik Dan Gainor also joined in the politically motivated fun:

“There was a time where journalists considered faith sacred. Now the LGBT community gets that treatment and Christians are ignored or abused by the press. A radical, left-wing mayor aims the full force of a major city on five pastors and demands 16 different types of information from them and … nothing. The networks spent more than 4 minutes on a movie about male strippers and a ‘Hunks and Hounds’ calendar instead.

“That’s garbage journalism, designed so it doesn’t offend the left-wing sensibilities of the so-called ‘journalists’ at the major networks.”

Again, freedom of religion is not threatened. But Gainor is too invested in ratcheting up the controversy; his Oct. 16 column accuses Houston Mayor Annise Parker of engaging in an "anti-Christian jihad" and falsely insisted this is about "the religious liberty of five pastors" despite not offering any evidence that the pastors' "religious liberty" has, in fact, actually been violated.

The MRC's freedom to try and make hay off of ginned-up controversies, meanwhile, is unhindered.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:46 PM EDT
WND's Unruh Can't Stop Misleading About Houston Non-Discrimination Lawsuit
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Because WorldNetDaily's Bob Unruh has an anti-gay agenda, he has no interest whatsoever in accurately or fairly reporting on LGBT issues (which is just the way his employer likes it). Unruh keeps up that un-journalistic tradition in his coverage of a lawsuit over a Houston non-discrimination ordinance -- something he has spread lies about in the past.

In an Oct. 13 WND article, Unruh dishonestly portrays a city request for copies of sermons delivered by pastors who oppose the ordinance -- which Unruh maliciously describes as "allow[ing] 'gender-confused' people to use public restrooms designated for the opposite sex" and portrays as part of "the transsexual agenda" -- as a threat to religious freedom. Unruh quotes only pastors and their legal representatives fearmongering about the action and misleading about the ordinance, and he made no apparent effort to contact city officials for their side of the story. Unruh also repeats his lie that Houston Mayor Annise Parker "has acknowledged the ordinance is 'all about me.'" As we've documented, Parker said no such thing.

But as Media Matters points out, the request is part of a normal discovery phase in response to a lawsuit filed by ordinance opponents and are meant to gather information about possibly improper church behavior.

Had Unruh bothered to contact Houston officials about the controversy, he wold have found that they concede the documents request may be overbroad.

But, again, the facts don't matter to Unruh. His Oct. 15 follow-up article repeats all the one-sided smears and Unruh's refusal to tell the other side of the story. And in an Oct. 16 article kept up Unruh's lazy reporting: He fails yet again to contact Houston city officials for their side of the story, instead noting an article from the right-wing Washington Times about the city narrowing the scope of their demands.

Most real journalists would be ashamed to write such ridiculously biased and misleading -- if not outright false -- screeds and passing them off as "journalism." Unruh clearly has no shame about this, which is just another reason why nobody believes WND.

UPDATE: Unruh's Oct. 17 article on the issue, like the others, ignores the other side of the story. Despite writing four articles about this, Unruh has never reached out to Houston city officials for their response. Talk about lazy reporting.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:59 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, October 17, 2014 4:07 PM EDT
Thursday, October 16, 2014
NEW ARTICLE: The Unbalanced Barbara Hollingsworth
The CNS senior editor isn't big on reporting both sides of the story or disclosing the right-wing nature of her sources. She also let a Scientology-linked attack on psychiatric drugs stand unchallenged. Read more >>

Posted by Terry K. at 9:33 PM EDT
WND's Newest Conspiracy Theory: Alexa Cutting Traffic Numbers On Right-Wing Websites!
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily has uncovered a new conspiracy: Amazon-ooperated Alexa is mysteriously lowering traffic rankings of right-wing websites!

Leo Hohmann writes in an Oct. 13 WND article:

Those who run watchdog news websites are scratching their heads and trying to make sense of the latest data released by a California company that measures website traffic.

According to data for July through September, almost every major website – from WND to the Drudge Report and Breitbart – saw its rankings drop on while pro-government sites mostly went up.

Alexa Internet Inc. is a subsidiary of Amazon.

Familiar names in alternative media like the Drudge Report, Breitbart, Infowars, the Blaze, Newsmax, WND,, and the Daily Caller all saw their rankings plummet while sites such as, the Daily Kos, Democracy Now!, Media Matters and ThinkProgress all rose in the rankings.

Notice how Hohmann defined right-wing website as "watchdog" sites while liberal sites became "pro-government." And Hohmann waited until the 22nd paragraph of his article to note the likely explanation behind it: an Alexa blog post describing the site's newly expanded data sampling to provide more accurate metrics.

Nevertheless, Hohmann pushes the conspiracy angle in a WND article the following day:

Statistically, it would seem to be impossible.

How could every major alternative website that challenges the mainstream, establishment view of Washington and the world be experiencing a drop-off in readership while their counterparts on the other side of the political spectrum are gaining readers?

It appears unlikely, yet that’s exactly what happened last month, according to, which measures web traffic and ranks websites from the most popular to the least popular.

The Drudge Report, WND, Breitbart, Fox News, the Blaze, Newsmax, CNSNEWS, the Daily Caller, Infowars and Natural News are all plunging in popularity, according to Alexa’s rankings.

At the same time, pro-government sites like the Daily Kos, ThinkProgress, Media Matters, MSNBC, and Democracy Now! are all rising in popularity, according to Alexa.

Alexa rankings are important because they are among a handful of measurement tools used by companies when deciding where to spend their advertising dollars.

Nowhere in his two articles does Hohmann raise the possibility that Alexa's previous data was flawed and that the new numbers accurately reflect traffic.

This refusal to see the truth and assume a conspiracy is just another reason why nobody believes WND -- and why its traffic is dropping.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:43 PM EDT
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Of Course Newsmax Has A Special Deal For Dick Morris' Book
Topic: Newsmax

It wouldn't be Newsmax if they weren't trying to sell Dick Morris' new Newsmax-published book in some kind of loss-leader deal, and by golly, they don't disappoint.

Here's the deal:Buy Morris' book from Newsmax for just $9.95 and they'll throw in an entire year of Newsmax magazine for free.

The usual caveat applies, though: You have to remember to unsubscribe from the magazine when the year is up, otherwise you will be automatically charged $39.95 for the following year's subscription.

Newsmax just loves these kinds of loss-leader deals.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:19 PM EDT
WND Tries To Clean Up After Michael Savage's Latest Outburst
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Right-wing radio host Michael Savage got caught spewing hate on his show again, and WorldNetDaily has stepped in to try and limit the damage. Take it away, Chelsea Schilling:

CNN is accusing talk-radio host Michael Savage of spreading “wild conspiracy theories” about Ebola and claiming Obama is purposely trying to infect U.S. troops and the nation with the deadly virus.

“Speaking of wild conspiracy theories, conservative talk-radio host Michael Savage, who has one of the biggest radio audiences in the country, has even been suggesting that this is all some Obama plot to purposely infect the nation,” CNN’s Jake Tapper said in a segment on his show headlined, “Dangers of Ebola: Myths and misconceptions.”

CNN then played a clip of Savage telling listeners of his nationally syndicated show, “There’s not a sane reason to take 4,000 troops and send them into a hot Ebola zone without expecting at least one of them to come back with Ebola, unless you want to infect the nation with Ebola.”

Tapper then said, “It’s hard to even know where to start with that one – the idea that the president wants to infect soldiers and then Americans. It’s so unhinged, we should probably not bother dignifying it with fact-checking.”

Savage – who has a doctorate in epidemiology and coined the president’s nickname, President Obola – didn’t indicate that Obama actively sought to infect soldiers. He expressed his alarm at the prospect of sending thousands of U.S. troops into a hot zone and potentially exposing them to the deadly virus.

Sorry, Chelsea -- if Savage is claiming there is no reason for Obama to send troops to Africa "unless you want to infect the nation with Ebola," he is, in fact, indicating that Obama actively sought to infect soldiers. You can't spin it any other way, no matter how hard you try.

And you definitely can't spin it any other way given Savage's unhinged anti-Obama rhetoric on Ebola: accusing Obama of letting Ebola “get out of control” and ludicrously claiming that the president's praise of Abraham Lincoln means that he'll suspend habeas corpus just like Lincoln did, and claiming that Ebola will be Obama's Kristallnacht.

Schilling also performs a sin of non-disclosure: failing to mention the business agreement WND has with Savage through which WND hosts Savage's website.

Posted by Terry K. at 4:18 PM EDT
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
MRC's Double Standard on Separating Artists From Their Art
Topic: Media Research Center

In an Oct. 11 NewsBusters post, Media Research Center director of media analysis Tim Graham expresses his dismay with how a writer was pointing out that Stephen Collins, who played the family patriarch in the TV show, "7th Heaven" and has admitted sexually abusing young girls, was tied to a show highly endorsed by the Parents Television Council, founded by Graham's boss, Brent Bozell. Graham complains that the writer "never acknowledges the difference between the artist and the art, that the actor's sins don't make it wrong for a lobbying group for family-friendly TV to laud the show."

But Graham previously wasn't so eager to demand that art and artist be separated. In an October 2009 column, Bozell -- who, as we now know, was being ghostwritten by Grahamm for years, so we can assume that these were Graham's words --  took a much harder line on the art of director and "child-molesting director" Roman Polanski:

The Huffington Post, the Internet's most infamous hangout for deranged celebrities, carried a series of pathetic Polanski defenses. Winning the Artists Are Above The Law Award was an ambitious film critic named Kim Morgan, who grotesquely channeled the Winger vibe: "I've always contended that Polanski has depicted women with complication, humanity, ugliness and most important, empathy. Polanski is an artist, an acute observer of life's darkness and absurdities on the level of Dostoevsky or Nietzsche."

Yes, that Polanski was so full of empathy as he ignored the little girl repeatedly saying "No" while he molested her.

She then wrote "I write this not to defend statutory rape, I write this to study the visions of a troubled, talented human being, a human being who has gone through real horror himself and a human being who also happens to be one of the greatest filmmakers alive." But she also said she opposed his arrest. She was defending a rapist - but not statutory rape, see. 

So, according to Graham, art must be separated from the artist only when that art is right-wing friendly. Another day, another double standard from the MRC.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:47 PM EDT
Round 3: WND's Kupelian Once Again Tries To Whitewash Fringe Candidate's Extremism
Topic: WorldNetDaily

It's that time of year: Fringe Republican Art Robinson is staging another quixotic run for Congress against Oregon Democratic Rep. Peter DeFazio. This is the third campaign for Robinson against DeFazio, and he lost the previous two quite handily.

This also means that WorldNetDaily's David Kupelian will write another dishonest column defending Robinson, as he did in 2010 and 2012.

Kupelian's Oct. 9 WND column takes many of its cues from his previous work, largely pretending that Robinson isn't an extremist and claiming that DeFazio has been "ruthlessly smearing" him. Indeed, large segments of it are largely cut-and-paste from Kupelian's 2012 column.

This means there's a repeat of Kupelian's dishonest defense of Robinson's homeschool curriculum, which includes a requirement that students read the public-domain adventure novels of 19th century author G.A. Henty. Kupelian repeats his complaint that critics have highlighted a "racially insensitive" passage in one Henty novel, omitting the fact that according to PBS, Henty's novels "are notable for their hearty imperialism, undisguised racism, and jingoistic patriotism" -- all things that have little relevance in modern society.

In another self-plagiarized section, Kupelian touts how "Robinson has single-handedly documented the utter lack of unanimity in the scientific community on man-made global warming through a petition he started – not an online petition, mind you, but an actual document physically signed – that to date has been signed by more than 31,000 scientists, including more than 9,000 Ph.D.s." But as we've pointed out, few of Robinson's signatories have a scientific background in climatology, there's no apparent verification mechanism to ensure that the signatories do in fact have the scientific qualifications they claim, and there have been more than 10.6 million science graduates as defined by Robinson's group since the 1970-71 school year, making the 31,000 on the petition a tiny fraction of that -- 0.3 percent, to be exact -- small enough that one could call it "fringe."

Kupelian adds a few more dishonest defenses this time around:

Robinson discusses in his newsletter “Access to Energy” an emerging field of science called “hormesis,” which hypothesizes that very low levels of ionizing radiation (which occurs naturally most everywhere, though to different degrees) may be beneficial to human health, so that one day human beings may actually control the level of background radiation in their environment for optimal health. DeFazio translation: Robinson wants to poison your drinking water with radiation.

In fact, that is what Robinson has effectively said he wants to do. Monther Jones quotes from Robinson's work:

On nuclear waste: "All we need do with nuclear waste is dilute it to a low radiation level and sprinkle it over the ocean—or even over America after hormesis is better understood and verified with respect to more diseases." And: "If we could use it to enhance our own drinking water here in Oregon, where background radiation is low, it would hormetically enhance our resistance to degenerative diseases. Alas, this would be against the law."

Kupelian also complains: "Robinson’s campaign is funded almost exclusively by large numbers of small donations from individuals, but DeFazio has fabricated the notion that Robinson is being bought off by Wall Street." In fact, in the 2010 election, Robinson was the direct beneficiary of $627,500 in advertising from a anti-DeFazio PAC funded by New York hedge fund manager Robert Mercer, and he spent six figures again in 2012, bringing the total amount Mercer spent to more than $1 million. Mercer has already contributed the maximum amount to Robinson's campaign, and it's likely he'll crank up PAC one more time.

Kupelian is silent about Mercer. He is, however, willing to slobber all over Robinson -- and, of course, encourage you to donate to his campaign:

Let me tell you, in this election, Art Robinson reminds me more of the Founding Fathers – principled, multi-talented Renaissance men, some of them scientists like Jefferson and especially Franklin – than anyone else in the current candidate field. Think about it: Ben Franklin was a scientist, writer, printer, political theorist, inventor, civic activist and statesman. Art Robinson is all of these things – except the last one, statesman. He needs your help to make that happen.

Art Robinson loves his beautiful farm and his kids and his science work and doesn’t really dream of power and Washington and living at the public trough. That’s exactly the kind of person we need in Congress. Believe me, it’ll be worth electing him just to watch a real scientist stand up in the House chamber and verbally annihilate the silly rhetoric of all those Congress members touting “global warming” and cap-and-trade.

Here’s the bottom line: Art Robinson can win this race with your help. He must counteract the wall-to-wall libelous TV, radio and Internet ads that will soon be unleashed during the final few weeks of the campaign to once again scare voters to death about a racist mad scientist who wants to eliminate Social Security and irradiate everyone’s drinking water. You can easily help stop this evil and elevate a modern-day Ben Franklin to the United States Congress.

Right now – while there’s still time – you can donate to his campaign the funds needed to run the TV and print ads necessary to refute the outrageous lies of his opponent in the few critical weeks prior to Election Day.

Please, help Art Robinson, support him financially, campaign for him and tell others about him. And if you live in his district, vote for him.

Kupelian has already failed the honesty test by hiding the truth about Robinson. Why should anyone believe him when he proclaims that Robinson is the second coming of the Founding Fathers?

Posted by Terry K. at 8:11 PM EDT
Monday, October 13, 2014
CNS' Starr Doesn't Fact-Check Anti-Abortion Propaganda

Penny Starr uncritically writes in an Oct. 10 article:

Representative Chris Smith (R-N.J.) said at the Heritage Foundation on Thursday that despite his and other congressmens’ efforts to hold Communist China accountable for its one-child, forced abortion policy, President Barack Obama and his administration are not only ignoring the policy but are advancing the “brutal program.”

“I respectfully submit that not only is the Obama administration turning a blind eye to the atrocities being committed under the one-child policy, but it is even contributing financial support--contrary to U.S. law--to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA),” Smith said in a keynote address at the event.

“Under Presidents Reagan, Bush and Bush, Mr. Obama, unlike them, has thus far provided $227 million in tax payer funds--grant money--to the UNFPA, an organization that supports, plans, implements, defends--and maybe for international audiences this is most important--whitewashes the Chinese government’s brutal program.”

Smith, who is on the House Foreign Affairs Committee and chairs its subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights and International Organization, was referring to his and other Republicans’ 1984 legislation that became law as a part of a foreign aid bill that prohibits funding organizations  like UNFPA that support China’s one-child and forced abortion policy.

If Starr had bothered to fact-check Smith's statements, she would have found  plenty of doube about his claim that UNFPA supported "forced abortion" in China. As UNFPA itself points out:

The State Department team investigated UNFPA-supported projects in China and submitted a report in May stating, based on what we heard, saw, and read, we find no evidence that UNFPA has knowingly supported or participated in the management of a program of coercive abortion or involuntary sterilization in the PRC [People's Republic of China]. Indeed, UNFPA has registered its strong opposition to such practices.

NARAL Pro-Choice America notes that Smith's claim is "misinformation" spread by "anti-choice lawmakers" seeking to deny funding for family-planning programs.

This information is easily found with a simple Google search. Either Starr couldn't be bothered to do that search, or she decided to suppress that information because it conflicted with her and her employer's anti-abortion crusade.

That makes Starr either dumb or dishonest. Either way, she's a lousy reporter.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:12 PM EDT
WND's Peterson: Obama Is 'Committed To Evil'
Topic: WorldNetDaily

You can say what you want about Barack Obama. But one thing you can’t take away from him: The guy knows how to spread evil!


Nice work, Obama. Allowing Ebola to infect America – this is a way to allow evil to spread massively.

During his six years in office, Obama has allowed darkness to work through him and others. He’s totally committed to spreading evil and could care less what anyone says or thinks about him.


Another way Obama is allowing evil to spread in America is by repeatedly weighing in on racially volatile situations. He sent racist Attorney General Eric Holder to Ferguson, Missouri, and designated Al Sharpton as the White House point man on race relations. According to a recent New York Times-CBS poll, nearly nine in 10 people say race relations have gotten worse under Obama.

Now there’s been another police shooting of a black male in St. Louis. Eighteen-year-old Vonderrit Myers, a thug who was out on bond, was fatally shot after he shot at an officer. In response, protesters are throwing rocks at police. Liberal Democrats are already accusing the police of “racial profiling” – riling up low-information black voters for the midterm elections.

Barack Obama is a cold, calculating individual who is totally committed to spreading evil.

We need to be like Obama – only the opposite. Just as he’s committed to evil, we must be committed to good. If the people of good didn’t have anger and fear, they wouldn’t care what the people of the lie say about them. They would allow the truth to work through them, and we would overcome evil with good.

Obama’s ultimate goal appears to be taking down the greatest force for good the world has ever known – America. We must allow the good in us to stop him.

-- Jesse Lee Peterson, Oct. 12 WorldNetDaily column

Posted by Terry K. at 7:15 PM EDT
Sunday, October 12, 2014
MRC's Graham Won't Explain What George Will Wrote To Get Disinvited As Speaker
Topic: Media Research Center

Tim Graham huffs in an Oct. 7 NewsBusters post:

The liberal media are quite apathetic toward the lack of diversity – when it comes to conservatism, or say, critics of Islam. Twitchy reported on Monday that columnist George Will was disinvited from a speech – not a commencement address – for a column leftists truly hated about the new bureaucratic machinery created to fight sexual assault allegations on campus.

Curiously, Graham doesn't include any quotes from the Will column in question to show why "leftists truly hated" it. But he quotes form a college newspaper saying Will was disinvited for "his conservative views."

But as Graham noted in a June post through the words of a newspaper editor that dropped Will's column, Will "suggested that sexual assault victims on college campuses enjoy a privileged status."

Dismissing the seriousness of sexual assault allegations is a conservative view? If you say so, Tim.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:01 PM EDT
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch, Supersize WorldNetDaily Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily

It has become fairly clear that the Obama administration intends to render American citizens as defenseless as possible when it comes to militant Muslims.

-- Erik Rush, Oct. 1 WorldNetDaily column

One would think with all of the admiration Barack Hussein Obama has from the American people (so the state-run media would have you believe) the least thing he would need would be more protection from the people he is reportedly serving. Yet, it was recently reported that he is building a wall around the White House at taxpayer expense to insulate himself from them.

America is awake to the fact that the southern border of the United States remains unsecure and the illegal aliens are invading on a daily basis. Yet, his house needs to be secure by building a wall of protection against people of this country that he serves? How telling! What is legal for him seems to be illegal for the American people (Deuteronomy 17:14-20). He works you! Why is he so heavily protected against his own people?

-- Bradlee Dean, Oct. 2 WND column

The Obama administration has put America in peril like never in her history, and never has that been more apparent than in the face of this Ebola crisis.

This administration has used the powers it was given as if it were an enemy of the American people. It is killing America, her heritage, her traditions, her security and her people. It is ravaging the electorate. It is treating the American people like an abused wife.

-- Gina Loudon, Oct. 5 WND column

When a person behaved boorishly or purposely behaved in a way that was inconsistent with propriety, my late grandmother used to say the person was “showing their behind.” In the case of Obama, he is telling America to kiss his.


I could site [sic] dozens more examples in which Obama openly shows concern for evil terrorists, Muslims, and black ghetto trash while he glaringly ignores the welfare of Americans.

I cannot conceive of another political figure in whatever future America has left who will be as transpicuously dismissive of Americans as Obama.

It cannot be expressed often enough, nor expressed strongly enough, that Obama deserves national condemnation. True American leaders do not dismiss the sufferings and losses of we the American people as casually as he does.

-- Mychal Massie, Oct. 6 WND column

Upon hearing this latest evidence of the incompetence permeating our government, the conversation veered into conspiracy territory. One of the men brought up the fact that Washington has known for months if not years that we were at risk for some sort of global pandemic. According to a government supplier of emergency products, the Disaster Assistance Response Team was told to be prepared to be activated in the month of October for an outbreak of Ebola. Hmm, that’s just like the fact that they knew 60,000 illegal children were going to be coming across our southern border eight months before it happened.

Questions were then brought up about the stockpiling of ammunition and weapons by Homeland Security over the past couple of years and the $1 billion worth of disposable FEMA coffins supposedly stored in Georgia. Why was there preparation being made for FEMA camps to house people in isolation? These were the questions being seriously discussed.

Recent polls show that there is a crisis of confidence among the people. When the people lose all trust in their government because of the lies they have been told over and over again, theories begin to emerge about all sorts of things. We desperately need someone to rebuild the trust and restore faith in this government. The damage that has been done is almost irreparable.

My fear is that this has all been orchestrated from the very beginning. Who knows? Maybe the current administration needs this to happen so martial law can be declared, guns can be seized and the populace can be controlled. Once that happens … game over.

-- Morgan Brittany, Oct. 7 WND column

For years now, from Obama down through every political appointee and administration spokesperson, all have followed the pattern of denial and minimization prior to implementation of policies (if acknowledging the need for a policy at all), astonishment in the face of the resulting calamity, followed by more denial and minimization. We learned about it on the news. We underestimated the impact of fill-in-the-blank. And no, we don’t have a strategy …

I’ve said before (and I am by no means the only one) that it would be statistically impossible for an individual to be sufficiently unlucky, incompetent, or intellectually compromised that their policies would overwhelmingly result in disaster after disaster. Unfortunately, we’ve cultivated a population wherein there are individuals among us so mind-blowingly stupid that they believe travel restrictions imposed on Ebola-stricken nations would be racist. Thus, there are plenty of folks who still buy into the “Obama as the good-natured bungler” narrative – sort of a Steve Urkel with a pen and a phone.

While I have breath, however, I will continue to affirm that the individual representing himself as Barack Hussein Obama is a malignant saboteur, harboring allegiances that are in conflict with his role as our president.

-- Erik Rush, Oct. 8 WND column

We don’t believe that our president is a Christian.

We don’t believe that denying any semblance of security in Benghazi was due to simple ineptitude.

We don’t believe the Affordable Health Care Act has anything to do with providing better health care to needy Americans. What we are convinced of is that Obamacare is just another redistribution scam by the scammer in chief and his socialist/commie supporters.

We don’t believe that president Obama and his sidekick, Attorney General Eric Holder, were unaware of the Fast and Furious gunrunning scam to Mexican gangs.

-- Ted Nugent, Oct. 8 WND column

In my new book, “You Lie: The Evasions, Omissions, Fabrications, Frauds, and Outright Falsehoods of Barack Obama,” I set out to document Obama’s lies. So many are they I ended up writing a history of his presidency. Here are just 10 out of many.


1.“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Oh, man, Obama had his hand on the Bible for this one. May God have mercy on his soul.

-- Jack Cashill, Oct. 8 WND column

But as has been true throughout Obama’s illegitimate presidency, as all credible evidence suggests that he was born in Kenya and is neither a natural born citizen eligible to be president, nor has he been “naturalized” as a citizen to even have the right to remain here – see the deportation petition I filed recently – regrettably our Muslim commander in chief has favored his own creed over the rest of us. Obama has turned Martin Luther King’s revolution for equality for all races, colors and creeds on its head. Now, during his regime, relegating whites and others who are not black or Muslim to the back of the bus has become an invidious form of reverse discrimination. This was not right when blacks were subjected to this treatment, and it is not right now – particularly given its deadly implications.

Something must be done to stop this madness and destructive misuse of the office of the president.

-- Larry Klayman, Oct. 10 WND column

Posted by Terry K. at 10:10 PM EDT

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