Topic: WorldNetDaily
Joseph Farah writes in his Oct. 8 WorldNetDaily column:
When it comes to Ebola, the greatest fear of the American statist, liberal establishment is not the deadly plague itself but rather what they describe as “hysteria” over its potential consequences.
Yet, in closely examining the very slow, lax and nonsensical official response to an outbreak that occurred many months ago, it’s clear a politically driven agenda rather than public health-driven action is stirring most of the well-grounded fear, anxiety and, yes, even hysteria in a frustrated citizenry that understand that the primary role of the federal government is to protect its people.
Unmentioned by Farah: WND is doing its best to fan the flames of Ebola hysteria. As we've documented, WND loves to push the false idea that Ebola is an airborne virus in order to scare readers.
WND's latest fearmongering attempt is an Oct. 6 column by fringe physician Lee Hieb who warns of, yes, an "Ebola jihad":
Now ISIS has declared it will wage “Ebola Jihad” against America by purposely infecting people, then flying them into our country. They certainly have the capacity to do this and to do it without being detected. And these “Ebola Jihadists” could be from Amsterdam or London or Madrid, thus eliminating our ability to do screening by point of origin. Multiple sick Ebola patients on multiple airlines will expose thousands and thousands of fellow airline travelers, most of whom will not get the disease, but the sheer numbers of contacts will exceed the ability of our medical system to identify and track them.
Actually, there's no substantive evidence ISIS ever made such a claim; dubious fringe sources such as Walid Shoebat are insisting it happened, which should raise red flags.
Yet to Farah, all of this is President Obama's fault somehow:
Just as Barack Obama waited to deal with ISIS, he has waited to deal with Ebola. In both cases, his plan is too little, too late.
Now let’s compare the liberal response to Ebola with the liberal response to the phantom threat of “climate change.”
With Ebola, we shouldn’t panic. We shouldn’t take any drastic measures to protect ourselves from the disease. It would be somehow counterproductive – a notion that has not been rationally developed by any of those making this suggestion.
But with “climate change,” a fanciful, highly speculative threat that defied all evidence it even exists, liberals want to reorder the entire economic and political structure of the country and the world. In fact, officials use the most hysterical language imaginable to hype the threat it poses to the planet. End-of-the-world scenarios are constantly being spun. They tell us the time for drastic, even draconian, action is past. Alternate views are not even tolerated, only derided.
When I see such bad judgment made by our liberal, statist, political and cultural establishment, I worry. I think this kind of irrationality is inducing panic and hysteria. And the more the spokesmen for that liberal, statist, political and cultural establishment tell me there’s nothing to worry about, the more I worry.
But Farah wants you to believe that WND's fearmongering is credible.