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Monday, January 16, 2023
CNS Doing Word Counts On Biden Now
Topic: loves to do word counts on Democrats (though never on Republicans) -- heck, it's still doing that to Barack Obama even though he hasn't been president for years. President Biden is the latest nitpicking target, and CNS is obsessing over how he repeats certain words in his speeches. Susan Jones complained in a Oct. 5 article:

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris convened the second meeting of their reproductive rights taskforce on Tuesday, each giving introductory remarks and slamming pro-life views as "extremist."

Reading from a binder when his moment came, Biden used the word "extreme" or "extremist" six times in five minutes to describe abortion bans and the people who support such bans.

After citing each example and even putting it in boldface, Jones then went the gaslighting route (like its Media Research Center parent) to pretend that Democrats are the real extremists on abortion:

Some pro-life Americans, including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, have said Democrats are the real extremists on abortion:

In a speech on the Senate floor in May, McConnell accused Democrats of supporting "an extreme and radical abortion policy."

“Our Democratic colleagues want to vote for abortion on demand through all nine months, until the moment before a baby is born," McConnell said.

"Democrats’ radical bill is as extreme as extreme gets. It ignores modern science. It is tone-deaf to public opinion. Nothing about their bill merely codifies the current case law on this issue. Their extreme proposal goes way, way beyond codifying the status quo. It would roll back many existing laws.

"Democrats’ bill would functionally allow elective abortion through all nine months. Abortion until the moment of birth.

Jones cited no example of an abortion taking place at "the moment of birth."

Craig Bannister did his own word count for a Nov. 30 article:

President Joe Biden repeatedly promised his audience that he was being truthful on Tuesday, when he addressed a South Korean-owned computer chip manufacturer in Bay City, Michigan.

On 29 occasions during his speech, Biden reassured those in attendance either that “I mean it,” it’s “not a joke,” it’s “a fact,” or he was “serious” about what he said.

Biden said 13 times that he meant what he said. Three of those times, Biden revealed that he “really” meant what he said, and another three times he explained that he “seriously” meant it.

Four of his comments were “not a joke,” Biden explained.

Nine times, Biden declared that he was providing a “fact,” including three times he doubled down on the claim.

Biden said that three of his comments were “serious.”

On multiple occasions, Biden used more than one of the reassurances in the same sentence, such as when he declared union workers to be the world’s most highly skilled and trained:

We cannot recall an instance in which CNS called out how many times Donald Trump used a certain word or phrase, even though there are many opportunities for it to do so --  for instance, his multiple claims that "big, strong" men keep coming up to him and crying.

Posted by Terry K. at 6:55 PM EST

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