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Tuesday, December 7, 2021
WND's Root: NFL Needs Racists And Homophobes Like Jon Gruden
Topic: WorldNetDaily

The Media Research Center isn't the only ConWeb component to  be upset that NFL coach Jon Gruden lost his job for racist and homophobic remarks in old emails. Wayne Allyn Root underwent much wailing and gnashing of teeth in his Oct. 18 WorldNetDaily column:

The NFL has betrayed us again, this time with the God-awful firing and public lynching of Las Vegas Raiders head coach Jon Gruden.

But why should the way the NFL treated Gruden surprise anyone? After all, the NFL is always wrong about everything.

Actually, it's clear the NFL's whole goal in life is to throw their own customers under the bus while courting people who have never watched NFL football and never will.

Remember the recent TV ads reporting that "(t)he NFL is gay … lesbian … bisexual … transgender." Really? Is that who sits in the stands? Is that who lives and dies with NFL football? Is that who bets on games?

The people who love football, who live and die with NFL football, are overwhelmingly just like me. And we're just like Gruden. We're rough, tough, macho, disciplined, take-no-crap, patriotic, primarily white, male, middle-class Trump voters. There, I said it. Like it or not, that's the raw truth.

The NFL's main customer base is Trump voters.

Root somehow worked Hillary Clinton into his weird outrage:

Hey, NFL, want to know what your own customers think? We don't care what Gruden said in private emails from 10 years ago. This was a witch hunt. This was a shameful public lynching of a Super Bowl-winning coach. Somebody had it out for Gruden. They wanted to ruin his life. They wanted to end his career.

I'm guessing the guilty party is the pathetic, bleeding-heart, liberal NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell who was filled with rage when he found out Gruden called him a "pu–y."

Gruden made a big mistake. He should have sat down with his team's owner and said, "Hell no, I won't resign over words, in a private email, from a decade ago. I'm coming out of the closet. I self-identify as Hillary Clinton."

Those should have been your magic words, Jon. "I am Hillary Clinton. I am woman, hear me roar." End of witch hunt. You'd have been celebrated the next day for being the first openly transgender coach. They'd have thrown you a ticker-tape parade down the Vegas Strip. ESPN would have awarded you an ESPY Award for courage. The Raiders would have built you your own bathroom.

As a bonus, the NFL would have erased your emails. Clinton erased 33,000 emails upon getting a subpoena from Congress. Not a word was ever leaked from Clinton's 33,000 emails. The media blacked out the story. Gruden just needed to become a liberal woman.

Root concluded by ranting: "This was a shameful public lynching of Gruden. It's time to look at the emails and texts of everyone in the NFL. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." But if that is taken to its logical extreme, there are no longer any standards, and people will do whatever with impunity. Root never addresses that.

Posted by Terry K. at 6:31 PM EST

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