Topic: Media Research Center
It appears all those free dinners with Mark Zuckerberg have paid off for Media Research Center chief Brent Bozell.
As we've documented, the Facebook chief has been sucking up to Bozell and other conservatives who agitate against Facebook by spreading the never-proven narrative that it uniquely discriminates against conservatives by hosting them at off-the-record dinners (which the MRC then had to defend). It seems now that Bozell is sufficiently comfortable with Facebook that he'll use it to his advantage.
The MRC is currently promoting an Nov. 12 interview Bozell will conduct with Donald Trump Jr. that will air on ... Facebook Live. The promotion links to, yes, Bozell's Facebook page.
It's as if Bozell and the MRC are merely trying to exploit a perceived confict with Facebook for personal and political advantage and that they would never leave the platform -- after all, if Facebook were really as biased as Bozell claims it is, he would never air this interview on it, right?
It's as if Bozell has been completely insincere about this the whole time.