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Monday, November 30, 2015
WND: Don't Speculate On Crime Motive (Unless The Perp Is Black, Then Presume Racism)
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Bob Unruh grumbled in a Nov. 27 WorldNetDaily article:

The reports coming from reporters on the scene of a shooting in Colorado Springs, Colorado, on Friday were vague.

Police said three officers were wounded, as were an unknown number of civilians. The suspect, or suspects, were unknown. His, or her, motives were unknown. Firepower: unknown. Location: Known only within a broad area that includes a Planned Parenthood abortion business. And more.

The suspect had been described only generally as a 6-foot white male with white beard wearing hunting clothing.

But Twitter users already had the case solved.

“I see the ‘pro-life’ crowd is up to its usual,” wrote a social media user identified only as Dat Wags Tho.

So Unruh was complaining that people were speculating on motive before a crime was solved.

Ironically, his WND colleagues were doing the exact same thing a couple days earlier. From a unbylined Nov. 24 article:

In the highly politicized climate of President Obama’s final months in the White House, when he’s stated his goal of 2016 is to go after Americans’ gun rights, every mass shooting becomes a moment for the Democrats to speak out against the Second Amendment.

Except this one.

Zebulum Lael James, a 22-year-old black student at Jackson State University, is accused of going on a shooting spree and randomly selecting his targets in Jackson, Mississippi. The capital city of the state, Jackson is 79 percent black and 18 percent white.

Both of the targets police in Jackson say James “randomly” shot were white women, Suzanne Hogan and Kristy Lynn Mitchell.

Even though the article goes on to quote the police chief explicitly stating there's no evidence of motive at this point, WND then gives space to its favorite race-baiters to definitively declare that the perpetrator was obviously racist:

Jack Cashill, a WND columnist and the author of “Scarlet Letters: The Ever-Increasing Intolerance of the Cult of Liberalism” told WND he hadn’t even heard of this shooting spree when asked for comment.

After learning the details of the shootings, he said, “The Jackson media ask, ‘Because James is a black man and police believe he shot and killed two white women, is this considered to be a hate crime?’ Well, if at the University of Missouri it is considered a hate crime when a person of unknown race draws a poop swastika, I would think that singling out two white women for murder in a largely black city might just qualify. Media, where are you?”

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, a WND columnist and author of “The Antidote: Healing America From the Poison of Hate, Blame, and Victimhood,” also had not heard of this multiple shooting when asked for comment from WND.

He told WND, “If a white man shot and killed two black women, I guarantee you that it would be immediately classified as a ‘hate crime’ by Barack Obama and AG Loretta Lynch. Obama and Lynch would hold a press conference and blame racism and lecture white Americans and the nation on the need to end racism. The DOJ would open an investigation for civil rights violations. The local and national media would be all over the issue doing specials and portraying it as a national race crisis. Based on this case and countless other underreported black on white crimes, I’ve concluded that to this administration and the mainstream media: white lives don’t matter! They could care less about black-on-white crimes.”

Colin Flaherty, who has chronicled nationwide black violence directed against whites in “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It,” pointed to the improbability of James “randomly choosing two white women in a city that is 80 percent black.”

Flaherty said, “Random is the single most misused word in crime reporting, and the recent killings in Jackson, Mississippi, are good examples. A black man there shot and killed two white women – in separate incidents. Immediately, the black police chief of Jackson declared the shootings were random, and they had no idea what the motive was.”

He said, “The chief means that they did not find the killer had sprinkled the scene with anti-white epithets or flyers or magazines. But that hardly means the murders are random. Or that they have no racial content.”

Considering the math again, Flaherty said, “It’s easy enough to test: Just ask any mathematician who has the crime numbers in the area: If two white women are killed while shopping or driving or going about their business, what are the odds that a black person is responsible?

“The odds are wildly out of proportion. And anyone who took – and passed – math 101 knows that. Yet we have public officials and reporters trying to tell us – once again – that this black on white crime and violence and murder is just kind of an accident.”

In fact, there's plenty of evidence -- which WND and its resident race-baiters have chosen to ignore --  that indicate that the victims of Zebulum James' crime spree were chosen at random. He also fired shots into a house and a municipal bus, where there was no apparent racial motive.

But at WND, if you're a black criminal, it's presumed you're racist -- also ironic since WND arguably helped inspire an actual racist shooter, Dylann Roof, and was used as reference by another racially motivated mass killer, Anders Breivik.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:42 PM EST

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