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Friday, October 23, 2015
Mychal Massie Thesaurus Watch
Topic: WorldNetDaily

When WorldNetDaily columnist Mychal Massie isn't spewing hatred, he's plundering thesauruses for five-dollar words to stick in his column.

He drops some more excess verbiage in his Oct. 19 WND column, in which he uses the phrase "pernicious camarilla of Erebusic marplots."

Now, "Erebusic" and "marplots" are two of Massie's favorite showoff words, but we don't recall him putting them together like that. We're not sure what a "pernicious camarilla" is, let alone a "pernicious camarilla of Erebusic marplots."

This superiority exercise by Massie, by the way, is directed at a year-old study arguing that twice as many drivers failed to yield for black pedestrians than those who were white. Massie declared -- in language used by actual humans -- that this "witch-hunt" was conducted by "white cultural Marxists" who were expressing their "personal bigotry."

Massie further argued that the behavior found in the study was justified because of "the high rate of violent behavior by blacks." No, really:

These white-hating racists and all like them never factor in the idea of self-preservation of the whites they are accusing. They did not factor in the number of car-jackings by blacks or the documented unprovoked attacks upon vehicles operated by whites in intersections and crosswalks by blacks. Did they factor the attacks by blacks such as the kidnapping, rape, sodomizing, torture and murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom? (See: “We Must Unite Against Black Racialists”;; Dec. 20, 2013)

Of course not, because that would mean holding blacks accountable for their actions. Neither these people nor their alleged researched studies are interested in truth; they are only interested in promoting white guilt, accusing whites and continuing the idea of blacks being treated negatively based on the color of their skin.

This wasn’t a study – it was an exercise in the “golem effect,” a phenomenon in which low expectations lead to decreased performance, which is a form of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Uh, yeah.We've detailed how Massie loves to invoke his black-conservative privilege to say things that would leave him branded as a racist were he not a black conservative.

Maybe Massie should stick to thesaurus-plundering.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:57 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, October 23, 2015 8:59 AM EDT

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