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Thursday, December 12, 2013
WND's Farah Thinks Nobody Has Challenged His Mandela-Bashing
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Joseph Farah writes in his Dec. 10 WorldNetDaily column:

Forgive me if I don’t mourn for Mandela. I mourn instead for his victims. I mourn instead for those martyrs being persecuted, tortured and killed every day around the world for their faith in God. I mourn instead for the tens of millions of innocent victims of Communism and other forms of totalitarianism Mandela promoted.

By the way, though my commentaries on Mandela have been read by hundreds of thousands of people in the last week, not a single person has questioned even one of the facts I have reported that indict his semi-official narrative.

You wound us, sir. Perhaps you missed our item detailing how you took Mandela's refusal to accept a condition to renounce terrorism as a condition for leaving prison out of context, ignoring the fact that his freedom would be meaningless in a country that still practiced apartheid. (Not to mention the fact that your denunciation of Mandela for attempting to overthrow the government" doesn't extend to your own employees like Larry Klayman and Erik Rush.)

Apparently Farah did miss what we wrote, because it said again:

He was not a “political prisoner” for 27 years, as is often reported, but was convicted of specific acts of sabotage and revolutionary activity. He was offered many opportunities to walk out of prison a free man if he simply denounced violence and terrorism. He refused.

There's a reason we've gotten so mileage out of the graphic that accompanies this post -- Farah just can't stop telling lies, even when it's blatantly obvious he's lying. And Farah just can't seem to understand that his mendacity is just one of many reasons nobody believes WND.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:30 AM EST

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