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Saturday, September 27, 2014
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch, Supersize WorldNetDaily Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily

So the choice Obama faces is between the potential loss of Democratic control of the Senate or the loss of his last remaining shred of credibility. Poor thing!

All this president ever wanted was “hope and change.” He “hoped” that he could sit cross-legged around a solar-powered heat source, sing “Kumbaya” with world leaders and they would all be friends. Then, with the money saved from his defense budget, he could “change” our economy from one based on work and reward to one where the government provides every need. Life really is unfair!

-- Jane Chastain, Sept. 17 WorldNetDaily column

The dumbing down of America has been on the runaway fast-track for more than 50 years and counting, just in time to brainwash unsuspecting sheep into voting for an America-hating Muslim community organizer dedicated to the fundamental transformation of the greatest nation on earth into some “social justice” hellhole.

-- Ted Nugent, Sept. 17 WND column

Why didn’t the gay community march on Washington after the gay couple was assassinated in accordance with the Shariah?

And so more gay people will be tortured and murdered by jihadists. But San Francisco officials and the enemedia, and Barack Obama himself, can congratulate themselves that they weren’t “Islamophobic.”

-- Pamela Geller, Sept. 21 WND column

The White House is surrounded by security details. There are cameras everywhere. Agents are locked and loaded, determined to prevent any existential threats to the first family and others. The nation is on heightened awareness of potential terrorist threats.

Yet, Omar J. Gonzales, 42, of Copperas Cove, Texas, made it all the way to the White House entrance unscathed.

What does this tell you?

It should tell you no one in America is safe as long as Obama is on watch.

-- Joseph Farah, Sept. 23 WND column

Unfortunately, in this world of politically correct freakzoids, the inexplicable self-inflicted curse of denial has festered the big lie of so-called animal rights, and these dishonest zealots remain maniacal in their clamor to ban hunting, fishing and trapping.

These are basically the same lying scammers that allowed the Chicago community organizer to weasel his way to the presidency, nearly neuter America's defense system, increase the national debt like a crack whore in an opium mall, abandon security 101 in Benghazi and elsewhere, ignore a gunrunning attorney general, allow an IRS to operate like a third-world gang, unleash U.S. Fish & Wildlife agents to raid Gibson guitars and get away with it, cause America to lose all respect around the world with a foreign policy straight out of the Ann Arbor Hash Bash and cause myriad embarrassments by a government completely out of control.

-- Ted Nugent, Sept. 24 WND column

Possibly the surest sign that America is in decline is that the country twice elected Barack Hussein Obama to be its commander in chief. The chump hasn’t the know-how to be a crossing guard, but we gave him the same two terms we once gave George Washington and Ronald Reagan. As I said just prior to the 2012 election, I thought America could probably survive eight years of Obama, but I wasn’t so sure it could survive an electorate that would grant him a second term.

-- Burt Prelutsky, Sept. 25 WND column

Posted by Terry K. at 9:50 PM EDT
Friday, September 26, 2014
Aaron Klein's Lying Benghazi Book Fail
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Aaron Klein's Benghazi book is tanking -- as of this writing it's ranked at No. 6,845 at Amazon, a dismal ranking for a current-events book that's been out for less than a month -- so he and his publisher, WorldNetDaily, have to do something to gin up sales. So it's desperately trying to pick a fight with Media Matters.

Klein has already challenged Media Matters founder David Brock to a debate, complaining that the group has been "lobbing falsehoods and smears in a clear attempt to discredit the messenger.” As we've noted, WND is falsely denying that Klein is a birther in order to salvage what little credibility he has.

Now, WND and Klein is trying to play gotcha in a Sept. 24 WND article:

In a blog post Wednesday titled “Conservative Media Attack Clinton Allies In Desperate Ploy To Smear Her Over Benghazi,” Media Matters claims Klein’s book “attempted to smear another Clinton ally: former CIA deputy director Michael Morell.”

Continued Media Matters: “Klein suggested that Morell was ‘given’ his new job at the consulting firm Beacon Global Strategies (co-founded by Philippe Reines, a Clinton adviser), ‘in exchange for his silence in the talking points scandal.’”

However, those quotes never appear in Klein’s book. Thy were entirely fabricated by Media Matters.

Klein’s book never states Morell was “given” his job, nor does the quote “in exchange for his silence in the talking points scandal” appear anywhere in the book.

The relevant section of the book states: “Morell served 33 years in the agency and was a frontrunner for CIA director; it is doubtful he resigned to become a family man. Morell later reemerged as a counselor to Beacon Global Strategies, a consult group particularly close to Hillary Clinton. The firm is led by Philippe I. Reines, who served from 2009 to 2013 as Clinton’s Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Strategic Communications and Senior Communications Advisor.”

In fact, the Klein quote is not fabricated. From page 177 of Klein's "The Real Benghazi Story":

Morell later reemerged as a counselor to Beacon Global Strategies, a consult group particularly close to Hillary Clinton. Was Morell given this job in exchange for his silence in the talking points scandal?

It comes from a list of "76 key questions for Benghazi investigators to answer," which WND published on Sept. 14 noting that "Klein included the list of questions in his just-released book."

Either Klein is an extremely dishonest reporter, or he doesn't know what's in his own book.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:24 PM EDT
Thursday, September 25, 2014
WND's Jesse Lee Peterson Has Issues With Women
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Jesse Lee Peterson has some issues with women.

In August, the WorldNetDaily columnist defended ESPN commentator Stephen A. Smith for claiming that women provoke men into abusing them, insisting that "There is cause and effect to everything."

Peterson followed up in his Sept. 21 WND column by attacking the panel of women the NFL hired to look at domestic violence issues in the league in the wake of the Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson incidents:

Under pressure by feminist groups, [NFL Commissioner Roger] Goodell appointed four liberal activist women to head up a “social responsibility” panel that will oversee the NFL’s “policy and procedures” on domestic violence, including Anna Isaacson, Lisa Friel, Janet Randel and Rita Smith. This is like the fox guarding the hen house!

Why is Roger Goodell getting advice from a radical feminist? Why are four liberal women given power over an all-male sport, and which is watched and supported mostly by men? And why are the men going along with this?


Liberals are trying to tie the discipline of spanking to domestic violence.

Charles Barkley rightly noted, “Every black parent in the South is going to be in jail under those circumstances.”

I’m not defending what Adrian Peterson did, but notice how liberals distort situations. If a child is spanked with a thin switch, liberals claim that the parent used a “branch.”

Peterson doesn't mention that the "thin switch" Adrian Peterson used on his son left numerous cuts on the boy's body. Apparently that's OK with Jesse Lee Peterson because it wasn't a "branch."

But Jesse Lee isn't done ranting:

The real problem in our society is violence – man versus woman and woman versus man – born of unresolved anger, which must be rejected. But instead, anger is being used as a blunt instrument by feminists to beat down the NFL.

We on the side of truth must not be seduced by the emotional side of the lie because that’s how the left wins. If we go along with their definitions, it will make criminals out of decent men and women.

Men comprise the major block of NFL fans, but they don’t realize their God-given power. It’s time for men to use their power, and put an end to the feminists’ charade.

It's difficult for Peterson to suggest he's opposed to domestic violence when he's suggesting that Rice and Adrian Peterson are "decent men" and telling men to "realize their God-given power" to save football from "feminists."

Posted by Terry K. at 10:47 AM EDT
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
WND's Mitchell Lies About Obama And ISIL
Topic: WorldNetDaily

You'd think that someone running for office would not want to be caught telling blatant lies. But that's not the way Molotov Mitchell, a candidate for North Carolina legislature, rolls.

In his Sept. 23 WorldNetDaily video, ol' Molotov lies right off the bat by repeatedly and falsely calling President Obama an "imam." Then, Mitchell invents a reason why Obama uses "ISIL" instead of"ISIS":

When Barack Obama uses the term ISIL, he's tipping his hat toward these terrorists. He's saying you're not just the lords of Iraq and Syria, no, you're the lords of Iraq and the Levant. Imam Hussein Obama is implying that Israel is part of their fight, that he's giving ISIS more territory than they actually have. Way more, in fact, and that's bad.

But here's the kicker. By using "Levant," Imam Hussein Obama doesn't even have to say Israel's name. It's almost as if Israel doesn't exist. Everybody knows Imam Hussein Obama is no friend of Israel, so it's no surprise that he uses the one term that undermines them as a nation.

Despite inventing an answer, Mitchell concludes by claiming the "million-dollar" question is why Obama uses ISIL. 

If ol' Molotov had bothered to do any research before making his video, he would have found that, as we've previously noted, use of "Levant" is a more accurate translation of the group's name, and ISIS aggravates numerous women named Isis.

If Mitchell can't do basic research before spouting off in one of his videos, how can he be trusted to act competently as the political officeholder he wants North Carolinians to vote him as?

Posted by Terry K. at 1:22 PM EDT
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
NEW ARTICLE: Bob Unruh's Anti-Gay Agenda
Topic: WorldNetDaily
As befits a WorldNetDaily reporter, Unruh believes only one side of LGBT-related stories should be reported -- the side of those who hate gays and transgenders. Read more >>

Posted by Terry K. at 7:25 PM EDT
Monday, September 22, 2014
WND's Klayman: Nuke ISIS!
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Larry Klayman proves himself to be just as incompetent a military adviser as he is a lawyer with his advice on how to deal with ISIS in his Sept. 19 WorldNetDaily column. And because Klayman is a rabid Obama-hater, he includes his usual dose of Obama derangement:

Indeed, in taking on the Muslim caliphate, now being spearheaded by ISIS, we need to take a lesson from President Harry Truman in ending World War II. Showing real grit and leadership, Truman and his advisers correctly concluded that even if thousands of Japanese civilians had to be sacrificed in dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, this seemingly unthinkable strategy would save countless lives in the end. And, not just the lives of U.S. servicemen who were then fighting in the Pacific theater, but by bringing the war to a close quickly also countless Japanese lives as well.

Had “W” and Dick Cheney similarly authorized the use of tactical nuclear weapons on the Taliban in the days following Sept. 11, not only would Osama bin Laden had been killed many years earlier, but the United States could have wiped out this terrorist group completely and we would not be faced today with its resurgence. And, as importantly, we would have taught the Muslim enemy and our adversaries around the world – including but not limited to the Nazi-like Russian President Vladimir Putin and Islamic Iranian leaders – a strong lesson. Namely, attack the United States and its people, and we will wipe you out, period. Instead, Bush and Cheney decided to respond in kind, and we see the results today. Notwithstanding the Muslim president’s traitorous acts furthering the planned Islamic caliphate over the last six years, Bush and company sowed the seeds that Obama then exploited to further the insidious plans of his Middle Eastern Muslim brothers to again enslave Jews and now Christians to a world where Shariah law rules the school under the devilish hand of their god, Allah.

So the time has come to return to the strategy of President Truman and face reality. If we really want to destroy ISIS and set an example for other radical Muslims and the Putins of the world to fear us and leave us in peace, we must use the tools that can do this. Put simply, we should employ tactical nuclear weapons to wipe out the enemy. We cannot worry that Islamic civilians will be killed in the process. In the end this strategy, as was true of the Japanese in World War II, saves not just American but Muslim lives as well.

But of course, Hussein Obama will never authorize this strong action. In the last six years since he took over as our so-called commander in chief, he has ordered our brave servicemen not to fire on Muslims unless they were essentially fired upon first. The result: More men and women in our armed forces have died and been maimed, percentage wise, during the Afghanistan war than in all other American wars.

And, all of this points out that We the People not only have a Muslim enemy in the Middle East to defeat, but also a Muslim sympathizer in the White House that is bent on destroying our Judeo-Christian heritage and way of life.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:08 PM EDT
Friday, September 19, 2014
WND Writer: Adrian Peterson's Punishment Of Son Not A Bad Idea, Just 'Poorly Executed'
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Reb Bradley is the author of the WorldNetDaily-published book "Child Training Tips." As we've previously noted, Bradley is an enthusiastic advocate of corporal punishment of children (and even babies), stating that the "objective" of punishing children is "subjection of their will" and that parents must "teach your children to obey without being told 'why.'"

All of which makes Bradley the obvious WND choice to talk about the Adrian Peterson child abuse case, which he did in a Sept. 17 column. Bradley laments the decline of spanking:

People, civilized and uncivilized, have used spanking to teach their children self-control for thousands of years. In most cultures it has been used to help children learn to say NO to themselves and YES to what is right. It wasn’t until 50 years ago that parenting books began to discourage spanking. Instead of reinforcing the absolute importance of raising children of good character through balancing love and discipline, the new “experts” emphasized raising children who were independent, expressive and “self-actualized.” Since the ’60s the change in emphasis saw a dramatic increase in narcissism and hedonism in our culture.

Bradley ultimately defends Peterson's intent if not his methods, claiming the severe beating Peterson delivered to his 4-year-old son was merely "poorly executed":

Someone like Adrian Peterson is trying to employ the approach to parenting that was used successfully for centuries and worked well on him. He wants his son to grow up with self-control and responsibility. Unfortunately, Peterson, like all of us, is flawed and therefore makes mistakes in his judgments and acts of discipline.

When I heard that Peterson had whipped his son 14 times with a switch and left abrasions and bruises I was sickened. Just the thought of injuring a child that way angers me. I am a proponent of spanking, but not of overdoing it. Spanking must not be done in anger, not on the legs, not on the head, not with an implement that damages the skin, and certainly not with 14 strokes. If, as his son claimed, his dad spanked him in anger, then he accidentally taught his son that it is OK to take out aggression on smaller, more helpless people.

Spanking is not an act in which a parent wails on his kid and yells, “I’ll teach you to do that to me.” Parents – spanking is not about YOU. Such an approach can actually foster violence in children. Proper spanking simply offers some negative reinforcement for young children when they demonstrate defiance or rebellion and NOT when they make childish mistakes. The unpleasant consequence for misbehavior motivates better behavior. It helps children in the first five years of life develop self-control, the key trait of maturity. Without self-control they will grow up, but they will never mature. Our nation is now morally out-of-control because it is populated by individuals who lack self-control, most likely because they were catered to and not spanked for defiance when they were young.

So – did Peterson permanently warp his son by spanking him? I doubt it – at least not by the spanking, as poorly executed as it was. A calmly delivered spanking on the bottom would have served his purpose better. Adrian Peterson loves his son and wants to raise him properly, but quite honestly, I would encourage him to concentrate on cultivating a strong relationship of love. By the time his son is a teenager, love will motivate him far more than fear.

Bradley's calling for love to motivate more than fear seems to run counter to his advice to subjugate the will of children and instill blind obedience into them.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:33 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, September 19, 2014 12:33 PM EDT
Thursday, September 18, 2014
WND's Massie Invokes His Black Conservative Privilege Again
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Mychal Massie uses his Sept. 15 WorldNetDaily column to engage in one of the oldest tricks in the demogogue's book: pretending that his most extreme critics are representative of all his critics.

In the column, he dismisses his critics as "white bigots" and claims that according to them, "God frowns on those who refuse to be victims and don’t espouse antipathy based on skin color. The fact that my race is the human race and not some melanin-coded subsection of same is anathema to her."

That's laughable, because Massie very much exploits his race to espouse his antipathy. As we've documented, the anti-Obama and anti-black venom that spews from Massie's mouth would be automatically dismissed as racist were he not himself black. He is effectively invoking his black conservative privilege to get away with saying such things.

Massie also declares that, according to his critics, "speaking the truth is inconsistent with being a person of color." This from a man who lies with impunity in his WND columns. Indeed, he peddles more lies in his column:

Should I ignore the fact that Obama sent six special ops members to their deaths to rescue a Muslim terrorist sympathizer and military deserter, Bo Bergdahl, in exchange for five of the most high-value enemy detainees being held? Would they have me ignore the fact that Obama has done not one thing to free Marine Corps Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi from the Mexican prison he is being held in?

First, no "special ops members" died in the exchange of Bergdahl for the "enemy detainees," and the claim that six soldiers died in Afghanistan searching for Bergdahl years before has not been substantiated. Second, even Tahmooressi's lawyer believes that diplomacy will have no effect on his case:

Defense attorney Fernando Benitez, who will represent the Afghan war veteran in a Tijuana court for the first time on July 9, said demands, threats and diplomacy from American politicians will have no effect on Tahmooressi's release.

"This is a federal court and as in any democratic nation you will not find an executive calling up a judge and ordering the release of a suspect," Benitez said. "It makes no difference if it is a mayor, governor, or the president, there's not a phone call in the world that will change this."

Massie continues to be a  dishonest, hateful man who believes he can hide behind black conservative privilege to spew his hate. So what else is new?

Posted by Terry K. at 1:42 PM EDT
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
WND's Monckton: Ban The Quran!
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Craven public authorities have failed to act against the circulation of the Quran in its present form because they fear a violent backlash.

How, then, is this manifestly illegal text to be dealt with? It is not our custom to ban books, for freedom of speech is guaranteed by the Constitution.

However, it is our custom to prosecute for incitement to murder. And the fact that incitement is on every page of what is said to be a holy book does not diminish, still less extinguish, the offense.

A bill should be brought before Congress identifying all passages in the Quran which, whether in isolation or taken together, constitute incitement to murder.

The bill should specify that anyone who reads any of these passages out loud is to be charged with that crime and, if convicted, subjected to the usual penalty for it – a long prison term.

The bill should state that, after a grace period of a year, every copy of the Quran must clearly identify by emboldened and different-colored text the passages that constitute criminal incitement to murder, together with a clearly printed warning on the first page that reading any of these passages out loud anywhere within the jurisdiction of the United States may result in prosecution.

The prominent part played by the Quran in the radicalization of young Muslims so that they become willing to murder their own fellow-citizens demands that we act at once, before its dangerous influence incites the loss of any more innocent lives. The Quran as it now stands is illegal.

-- Christopher Monckton, Sept. 14 WorldNetDaily column

Posted by Terry K. at 12:43 PM EDT
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Bob Unruh One-Sided Reporting Watch
Topic: WorldNetDaily

We already know that WorldNetDaily "reporter" Bob Unruh can't be bothered to report any side of an argument that diverges from his employer's (and, presumably, his own) right-wing agenda. And he just can't seem to stop repeatedly proving it.

Unruh does it again in a Sept. 13 WND article in which he promotes only the view of anti-gay therapists, even quoting  from a dissent in a judicial decision upholding a state ban on anti-gay "repatative" therapy without quoting from the majority decision. Unruh goes on to baselessly assert that lawmakers in states that have banned anti-gay therapy are "pro-homosexual lawmakers" and that the anti-gay groups who favor such therapy are "licensed mental health professionals."

Such is the state of WND and Unruh's reporting. No wonder nobody believes WND.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:46 PM EDT
Monday, September 15, 2014
MRC's Graham, Sharyl Attkisson Pretend We Don't Know Where Obama Was During Benghazi
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Tim Graham devotes a Sept. 12 NewsBusters post to highlighting tweets by Sharyl Attkisson -- the former CBS correspondent turned conservative darling and right-wing website employee -- claiming that "we still have no idea what commander in chief did Sept. 11, 2012" during the attack on diplomatic facilities in Benghazi" and asserting that "the White House photos taken that night" have been "withheld" from the public. Graham followed up Attkisson's huffing by adding, "How can our "government watchdog" media not secure answers to the most basic questions about the government response to this attack on our consulate?"

Except, of course, those answers have been supplied. Even Fox News acknowledges that Obama was in the White House during the attack, and the White House Flickr account has a photo of Obama meeting with then-deputy national security Adviser Denis McDonough, National Security Adviser Tom Donilon, and then-chief of staff Jack Lew the night of Sept. 11, 2012.

Graham tries to fudge things by claiming that Attkisson was talking about what "Obama was doing in real time" that night, but she does not make that distinction in the tweets Graham reprints.

We know Graham has an interest in playing dumb about Benghazi because of his anti-Obama agenda, but what's Attkisson's excuse? Maybe she's just a bad reporter -- which the Media Research Center, where Graham serves as director of media analysis, used to believe she was until she made her own anti-Obama leanings clear.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:15 PM EDT
WND's Zahn Really, Really Wants You To See 'The Identical'
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily's resident movie guy, Drew Zahn -- best known for panning films that fail to comport with his right-wing Christian worldview -- has found a film that aligns with his worldview, and he's berating his fellow Christians for not seeing.

In a Sept. 1 article, Zahn touts an "exclusive preview" of the film "The Identical," declaring that "In 1967, Israel was miraculously saved from warring Arab nations on all sides, and this weekend in Hollywood’s only widely released debut movie, well-known actor Ray Liotta will proclaim that Israel’s fate has 'everything' to do with Christians in America." Which is an odd thing to focus on given that the actual film's plot has to do with twins separated at birth, one of whom becomes a rock star and the other is a preacher's son who is also lured by rock n' roll.

But when the film tanked at the box office on its opening weekend -- it came in 12th in revenue despite being the widest-opening new film that weekend -- Zahn used his Sept. 7 review of the flim  to berate his fellow right-wing Christians for not going to see it:

The moviemakers spent tens of millions marketing this film – a budget most Christian movies could only dream about – through churches, Christian radio and other key outlets. The movie stars big Hollywood names like Ashley Judd, Seth Green and Ray Liotta. It features a stunning soundtrack put together by Motown legends. It also delivers a profoundly Christian message in the context of a story that you don’t have to be a pew-sitter to love.

In other words, it’s just the kind of film that could take Christ outside the church walls. All it needs to succeed and to see more films like it made, to see the candle become a blaze in our culture, is for Christians to go see it. That’s it.

And yet, theater receipts now reveal, “The Identical” has become one of the biggest box office busts of 2014. Despite being the only widely released new film of the week, despite showing in nearly 2,000 theaters (or roughly 10 times the number of locations of a typical, independent Christian film), “The Identical” couldn’t even crack the Top 10 movies of the week.

The church simply stayed home and left its brothers and sisters in the arts out to dry … again.


Audiences of all faiths could enjoy “The Identical,” learn from it and have the opportunity to see how Christ, specifically, brings strength and purpose to life.

They could, anyway, if only someone would go and actually see it. And more such opportunities could also be made, more candles shining in the darkness, if only the bushel-dwellers would take seriously their opportunity to make a real impact on the culture around them.

Hollywood, right now, is practically handing the megaphone over to the church, but the church must come out of its doors and take the opportunity. There are filmmakers who are stepping up the challenge; but in order to make this work, the ticket buyers need to step up, too.

Zahn went to bat again for "The Identical" in a Sept. 12 article by touting the filmmakers' last desperate gambit to promote the film: streaming the first 15 minutes of the film online. Zahn groused:

Many Christian ticket buyers, it seems, mistakenly concluded “The Identical” – which stars big Hollywood names like Ashley Judd and Ray Liotta and includes 23 original songs created by Motown music legends – was “just an Elvis movie” and didn’t give the production the same boost at the box office they gave other faith films like “Son of God” and “God’s Not Dead.”

Without support from Christian moviegoers and saddled with negative reviews from secular critics, “The Identical” – despite appearing in nearly 2,000 theaters nationwide – flopped at the box office.

Zahn also complained that "while popular movie-critic sites like panned 'The Identical,' many Christian reviewers found reasons to praise it."

Zahn's willingness to be an unpaid (as far as we know) hype man for "The Identical" didn't help: The film took in a mere $390,000 over the weekend, a plunge of 75 percent from its opening weekend.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:16 PM EDT
Sunday, September 14, 2014
WND Tries To Invent A Reason Obama Says ISIL Instead Of ISIS
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily wants a reason President Obama uses ISIL instead of ISIS to refer to the Islamic State extremist group currently running roughshod in Iraq and Syria. But the truth is too boring, so it will promote the craziest theories instead.

An unbylined Sept. 11 WND article does just that, advancing unfounded speculation that Obama uses ISIL because he's “tipping his hat” to the group (Fox News' Harris Faulkner), because use of ISIL means Israel doesn't exist (Allen West). There is no evidence that anyone at WND ever bothered to ask anyone who's actually knowledgable about the issue about Obama's use of ISIL terminology.

WND could have checked with the Washington Post, however. Two days before WND's article appeared, the Post reported:

Many politicians and media organizations that have chosen ISIL rather than ISIS have said they went with the former as a paean to grammar. When you translate the Arabic name for the group of insurgents (Al-Dawla Al-Islamiya fi al-Iraq wa al-Sham) into English, many argue that using "the Levant" (a.k.a. ISIL) to describe the region is most accurate[.]


In the Capitol on Tuesday morning, House Democrats decided after a long debate that they too would call the extremist group ISIL -- partly because ISIS was a name that first belonged to a goddess, and then to thousands of women who took said goddess's name, before a terrorist group claimed it. As Max Fisher at Vox reported last week, many women named Isis have been aggravated by the acronym favored by most people discussing the Islamic State. 

But actual reporting is too much for WND. It would rather engage is baseless, Obama-smearing speculation.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:21 PM EDT
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch, Supersize WorldNetDaily Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily

It is high time that those in government who have any desire whatsoever to preserve this nation as an ongoing concern take stock of the abundance of evidence which proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the individual representing himself as Barack Hussein Obama is responsible for the resurgence of Islamic militancy in the Middle East, and ISIS in particular.

As uncomfortable for them as it may be, they must come to grips with the fact that Obama is a well-placed saboteur representing malignant interests, enemies both foreign and domestic, that have been strategizing the downfall of the United States for decades.

-- Erik Rush, Sept. 3 WorldNetDaily column

Hillary Clinton would like to become the first woman president. Should she succeed, it likely would be a bit anticlimactic. We’ve already had a girly-man president. More correctly, we’ve had a valley girly-man president – an uppity little pampered princess who can’t, or won’t, be bothered with things in which he has no interest, like terrorism or foreign policy.

For six years now we’ve looked for an Obama doctrine. Finally we have one. Last April aboard Air Force One, he summed it up for reporters: “Don’t do stupid s–t!” How very presidential! The only thing missing from that statement was “totally” and “whatever!”

--  Jane Chastain, Sept. 3 WND column

I take issue with those who are willing to take Barack Obama at his word when he says that he and his cohorts “don’t have a strategy for dealing with ISIS.” Readers who take the time to go through the articles from which the above quoted passages are taken will understand why. I think the Obama faction has been implementing a strategy that involves “dealing with ISIS” for some time. These days the word “strategy” is used to refer to a general plan for achieving a goal. But at its root it refers to a general’s plan for war.

Once we remember this root meaning we realize that, in order to understand what strategy is at work, we must first answer the critical question: Who is the enemy? In light of their declared hostility toward the United States, and the grisly murders they have perpetrated on account of it, we naturally assume that, when someone purporting to be the president of the United States speaks of a strategy for dealing with ISIS we are right to assume that they are the enemy. But the statements and actions of Obama and his cohorts suggest the likelihood that, in the strategy he is pursuing, the enemy is not ISIS, but the life and liberty of the people of the United States.

-- Alan Keyes, Sept. 4 WND column

It goes without saying that when people say that Obama throws like a girl, they’re not talking about 13-year-old Mo’ne Davis. Not only did she pitch a shutout in the Little League World Series, but showed real class when, embarrassed that so much attention was being focused on her, pointed out that baseball is a team sport and that she doesn’t play all nine positions and bat in all nine slots in the lineup. Too bad the guy in the White House who took the lion’s share of the credit for executing Osama bin Laden lacks her maturity and graciousness.

-- Burt Prelutsky, Sept. 4 WND column

The time for political correctness is over. It is time to call it like it is. The nation hangs in the balance, and making excuses for the destructive conduct of President Barack Hussein Obama and his American Muslim constituency no longer cuts it. His acts are not the result of someone who is ill-prepared and disconnected from the office of the president. He and his racist, anti-white, socialist, anti-Semitic and anti-Christian minions – from Attorney General Eric Holder, to Secretary of State John Kerry, to closet Muslim Director of the Central Intelligence Agency John Brennan – know exactly what they are doing. To complement the race war Obama and Holder have stoked at home, Obama and Brennan are bent on furthering an Islamic caliphate in the Middle East and around the globe. These are evil men, bent on taking the United States and its allies down. For Obama’s part, he not only identifies with his Muslim roots, he acts on them. Brennan is simply the white stooge who, among others, helps Obama carry out the plan.

-- Larry Klayman, Sept. 5 WND column

Whosoever feels comforted that Obama finally has the right notion about ISIS is too far gone to deal with. Let’s hope all those guilty of such poor thinking will forget to vote. They make me sorry I don’t have any more bridges to sell. Jack Benny taking a whole bunch of time to decide whether he’d rather hand over his pocket money or get shot is funny. The president of the United States ducking, stalling, equivocating and trying on a selection of other positions before settling on “Destroy ISIS” is not funny. If Obama’s latest statement on ISIS were a rope bridge, I wouldn’t trust it to sustain the weight of my pet ant walking across.

-- Barry Farber, Sept. 9 WND column

For years we’ve been aware that Obama and his colleagues (or co-conspirators, if you prefer) have studied, long-admired and (most importantly) emulated political leaders who have committed the worst atrocities and crimes against humanity in recorded history. These tyrants had no compunction with regard to deceiving, pauperizing, oppressing, or killing off tens of millions of their own citizens in order to actualize their political objectives.

Are we really going to employ such a deep and deliberate intellectual indolence that it will take several million casualties among us to confirm what is evident?

Like the pro wrestler, Barack Hussein Obama is simply going through the motions, executing choreography – that which he believes is expected of him as an American president. Largely, this amounts to little more than rhetoric and, at the moment, halfhearted military swipes against ISIS in Iraq. And like the wrestler, whose objective is to entertain and get paid rather than to win, Obama’s true objectives are also veiled.

-- Erik Rush, Sept. 10 WND column

Most young athletes must play on JV teams before they make the varsity. Most people must pay their dues through a process of preparation before they are elevated to positions of real achievement and responsibility in life. Obama is something of an exception to this rule.

He never ran a business.

He never held an executive position in government before being elevated to the presidency.

He never served in the military.

He had no foreign policy experience, save for four years as a U.S. senator.

He was simply a politician in the right place at the right time facing the wrong competition.

-- Joseph Farah, Sept. 10 WND column

No doubt many voters will blindly go to the polls in November with a case of collective amnesia. In an Obama-like stupor they will return their Democratic senators to Washington who then will roll over and play dead when he finally makes good on his promise to the amnesty advocates.

Beware of Obamanesia!

-- Jane Chastain, Sept. 10 WND column

Clearly, we have a commander in chief who is every bit as delusional as John Hinckley, who not only believed that actress Jodie Foster would be smitten with him if he could somehow manage to assassinate Ronald Reagan, but never even considered just sending her flowers and a box of candy.

-- Burt Prelutsky, Sept. 11 WND column

Gullible Americans did not seem to compute that King Hussein’s commitment to take care of them was preposterous. Consider: “The FBI’s most recent national threat assessment for domestic terrorism” did not even mention the threat of Islamist terror. Like his predecessor, this president and his malevolent minions consider the signal danger to the homeland (i.e. to their reign) to emanate from local yokels: “anti-government militia groups,” “white supremacy extremists,” “sovereign citizen nationalists” and, naturally, “Puerto Rican nationalists.” And, while He has thrown a bone to the ISIS-obsessed boneheads at home, the homeland’s southern border remains, by His decree, open to all.

-- Ilana Mercer, Sept. 11 WND column

Obama has promoted the view that illegal entrants into the U.S. are only looking for jobs and economic opportunity, not the chance to kill us in our schoolyards and malls.

-- Alan Keyes, Sept. 11 WND column

Posted by Terry K. at 9:14 PM EDT
Friday, September 12, 2014
WND's Klein Backtracks On ISIS Training Claim, Won't Admit He Was Wrong
Topic: WorldNetDaily

In June, WorldNetDaily's Aaron Klein made the inflammatory claim (citing his usual untraceable anonymous sources) that "dozens of ISIS members" were trained by "U.S. instructors working at a secret base in Jordan" -- something that the on-the-record evidence he cited did not back up.

Interestingly, after we highlighted Klein's dubious claim, WND altered Klein's article, adding a editor's note stating that "this story has been corrected to clarify that the fighters trained in Jordan became members of the ISIS after their training." But, again, none of the on-the-record evidence Klein cited backs this up.

That means Klein's article is still wrong, since he can't prove anything on the record and offers nothing but anonymous "informed Jordanian officials" who may have their own agenda.

Fast forward to a Sept. 11 WND article by Klein, in which he quotes a "senior Jordanian security official" -- anonymous, of course -- claiming that "The Kingdom of Jordan is deeply concerned about the Obama administration’s renewed plan to train 'moderate' rebels in Syria, believing the Syrian rebels are mostly extremists who espouse radical al-Qaida-like ideology." Klein then rehashes some of his earlier reporting -- but only some of it:

In February 2012, WND was first to report the U.S., Turkey and Jordan were running a training base for the Syrian rebels in the Jordanian town of Safawi in the country’s northern desert region.

The report has since been corroborated by numerous other media accounts.

Last March, the German weekly Der Spiegel reported Americans were training Syrian rebels in Jordan.

Quoting what it said were training participants and organizers, Der Spiegel reported it was not clear whether the Americans worked for private firms or were with the U.S. Army, but the magazine said some organizers wore uniforms.

The training in Jordan reportedly focused on use of anti-tank weaponry.

The German magazine reported some 200 men received the training over the previous three months amid U.S. plans to train a total of 1,200 members of the Free Syrian Army in two camps in the south and the east of Jordan.

Britain’s Guardian newspaper also reported last March that U.S. trainers were aiding Syrian rebels in Jordan along with British and French instructors.

Reuters reported a spokesman for the U.S. Defense Department declined immediate comment on the German magazine’s report. The French foreign ministry and Britain’s foreign and defense ministries also would not comment to Reuters.

There's no mention of his earlier report that U.S. officials were training ISIS militants, or even his altered claim that people trained by the U.S. later joined ISIS.

Klein's silence is a concession that he never could back up his earlier claim. Yet rather than issuing a full correction and retraction, he apparently just wants to  pretend that he never made such a claim in the first place, despite the fact that his erroneous article remains live on the WND website.

Klein has always been a sloppy reporter who puts his right-wing ideology ahead of the facts. Remember some of his other blunders -- he falsely linked an Islamic charity group to terrorists, and he falsely suggested that Fox News paid a ransom to free two kidnapped journalists.

This is why WND's desperate efforts to portray Klein as a credible writer -- such has falsely denying he's a birther -- are doomed to failure. The fact that Klein remains a prominent WND employee despite his lengthy history of blunders speaks for itself.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:42 AM EDT

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