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Saturday, November 11, 2023
Hypocrisy: MRC Whines About 'Dehumanizing' Abortion-Related Terms -- While Dehumanizing Migrants As 'Illegals'
Topic: Media Research Center

Tim Graham complained in a Sept. 11 post:

On Sunday’s edition of Inside with Jen Psaki, the former Biden press secretary mocked a Republican strategy session where pollsters suggested the term “pro-life” isn’t helping the GOP, so they suggested the term “pro-baby” instead. This spurred Psaki to compare babies to....broccoli and a lump of coal.

“I hate to break it to you, but if you call broccoli 'candy,' it's still just broccoli. If you tie a really nice bow around a lump of coal, it is still coal under there.”

And to think it’s terribly dehumanizing to call a biological male “he” and “his.” Apparently, comparing a baby to broccoli and lumps of coal is good, swaggering comedy. Democrats have suggested abortion is about a "choice," not a child. The act of abortion is far more dehumanizing than language.

"The branding isn’t the problem here! The policy is the problem,” Psaki insisted. “It is hard to roll out an effective rebrand for a product that customers hate.”

The "product" is saving babies from the Planned Parenthood slaughterhouse. Democrats get piles of money and logistical support from the slaughterhouse operators.

Carherine Salgado served up a similar "dehumanizing" complaint in an Oct. 5 post that raged against "Charley, the abortion chatbot," designed to provide "abortion options in every zip code" for interested women:

“Disturbing — and dehumanizing,” said MRC Free Speech America & MRC Business Director Michael Morris. “That’s the least that can be said about the creation of an AI chatbot meant to help facilitate ending the lives of the most vulnerable among us — unborn children. It is just like the left to literally remove the living, human element in such an important life or death situation.”

The complaints of "dehumanizing" by Graham and Salgado are quite hypocrirtical, given that the MRC has no problem labeling undocumented migrants with the dehumanizing label " illegals" -- even as it was issuing the above complaints:

No explanation was offered as to why it considers "illegals" to be an acceptable term and not dehumanizing at all.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:05 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, November 12, 2023 9:22 AM EST

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