Topic: WorldNetDaily
The only person at WorldNetDaily who might be a bigger Trump fanboy than Joseph Farah is Wayne Allyn Root, who des enough sucking up to the guy to get interviews with him. Root's Nov. 25 column served up more of the same in touting "my annual "Root Turkey Awards" – for the biggest winners and losers of 2022," in which he unsurprisingly named Trump his big winner:
So, my pick for biggest winner of the year is Donald J. Trump. Precisely because the whole world is against him. Because the odds are stacked against him. Because every "expert" in the media and political world thinks he's "damaged goods." For three weeks now every article in both liberal and conservative media has worked overtime to convince you Trump is finished.
Yet despite all of the attacks, Trump is still standing. In perfect Trump in-your-face-style, he just announced he's running for president of the United States again. And he's still the prohibitive front-runner. Three recent national polls tell the story. The latest Emerson poll has Trump ahead of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for the GOP presidential nomination by 30 points. The latest Harvard CAPS-Harris poll "only" has Trump up by 18 points. Another poll shows Trump leading Biden for president 44 to 42, while DeSantis is only tied with Biden.
After all the hate, vitriol, slander, blame, unprecedented raids on his home and premature political obituaries by the media, Trump is still the front-runner to become the 47th president of the United States.
That makes him my "Annual Root Turkey Award" winner of the year.
Root also gave an award to right-wing Florida Gov. Rion DeSantis, but he argued that DeSantis set his presidential ambitions aside to be Trump's running mate in 2024:
Here is both a Thanksgiving wish and election strategy that puts the GOP on the road to victory. My two Annual Turkey Day winners need to put their differences and egos aside and join forces to save America.
Trump/DeSantis 2024.
Trump was the greatest president of my lifetime. DeSantis is the greatest governor of my lifetime. Why should we have to choose?
Trump needs one more term to finish what he started. In case you forget, or you've been brainwashed by the nasty fake news media, I'm here to remind you ...
In the past presidential election, Trump got the most votes of any president in history; the most votes of any Republican in history; and added the most additional votes of any president in history – over 11 million new voters between his first presidential run and his second run.
Trump will be the 2024 GOP nominee.
DeSantis needs to accept that. If they run against each other, they will divide the GOP, and everyone loses. If they run together, their powerful synergy will be impossible to stop. And DeSantis will be the front-runner for president in 2028.
But Trump needs to give a little too. Trump should give DeSantis an unprecedented role. He should agree to put Vice President DeSantis in charge of making the whole nation into Florida. DeSantis should be in charge of election integrity under Trump. And DeSantis should be in charge of medical freedom under Trump – guaranteeing Americans that under Trump/DeSantis there will never again be lockdowns, business closures, mask mandates, vaccine mandates or vaccine passports.
But to make this happen, Trump will need to change his official residence to his Las Vegas hotel to satisfy the rules of the Electoral College (no two candidates on the same ticket can reside in the same state). Choosing Vegas as his residence means Trump pays the same zero state income tax rate as Florida. Everyone wins.
For his Dec. 2 column, however, Root was in damage control mode, defending Trump over his dinner with the very anti-Semitic Kanye West and Nick Fuentes. Which, of course, he starts with self-aggrandizement over his own self-proclaimed Jewish bona fides:
Let me start with a disclaimer: I'm a Jew. Not just any Jew. tested my DNA and reported I'm of 99.9% Eastern European Jewish ancestry. That's about as Jewish as you can get.
I had two Jewish parents, and four Jewish grandparents. Several of my ancestors were victims of the Holocaust. Others escaped Germany just in the nick of time.
I love the Jewish people. I'm proud of the success of the Jewish people. And I've fought strongly and proudly for Israel my entire adult life.
So, if a president of the United States was associated with radical extremists, Jew haters and Holocaust deniers, I'd be the first one to condemn him.
He then moved to the whataboutism card by talking about Barack Obama's relationship with "racist, hate-filled Jew hater and anti-Semite" Jeremiah Wright, and expanding the whataboutism from there:
How about Obama's actual actions as president? Almost every move made by Obama for eight years was anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian. His Iran treaty was the most devastating anti-Israel contract ever proposed by any U.S. president. Obama gave everything including the kitchen sink to Iran, a nation that supports Islamic extremism and terrorism all around the world.
The entire Democratic Party is filled with Jew haters, anti-Semites and politicians who hate Israel and work against the interests of the Jewish people 24/7/365. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Chuck Schumer have spent plenty of time around Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Talib, among many others. They're not just friends; they're TEAMMATES.
Root didn't explain how any criticism of Israel must be portray as anti-Semitic.That's because he was too busy making excuses for Trump:
Let's compare all of this to Trump.
While president, Trump did more for the state of Israel and the Jewish people than anyone in history. He risked his career and political standing to always support Israel, through thick and thin. In Israel, Trump is beloved. Israelis have named streets, train stations and soccer teams after Trump.
There will never be a president who does more for Israel, or the Jewish people. Period.
But the liberal media hate Trump. They have tried to slander him, frame him, demonize him, and destroy him thousands of times. They love Obama. The way they treated Obama versus Trump is like night and day.
Last week, Trump had dinner with a celebrity acquaintance (Ye, formerly known as Kanye West) and a stranger (Nick Fuentes). The media, Democrats and the RINO establishment GOP are trying to destroy Trump over a brief dinner – with a stranger.
The story is a scam. It's gaslighting at the highest level. Ye set Trump up. Ye is clearly mentally disturbed. He wanted to create a media firestorm that would fuel his own insane political ambitions. Trump was just eating dinner and expecting to give career advice to a billionaire celebrity acquaintance.
Root conveniently forgot to mention that the dinner was held at Trump's Mar-a-Lago house -- meaning that Trump specifically invited West to be there -- and this was more than a month after West's anti-Semitic outburst. He went on to delcare that "Trump was the best friend the Jewish people ever had. Trying to make Trump into an anti-Semite is the greatest fraud and gaslight of all time"-- which also omits the fact that Trump loves to trade in Jewish stereotypes that border on the anti-Semitic.
Root surprisingly concluded by grudgingly admitting that Trump screwed up and maybe inviting West and Fuentes to dinner was a bad idea:
And to Trump I give one piece of advice: Hire a gatekeeper. Know the background of who you're dining with. Never let anyone like Ye or Fuentes near your table ever again.
End of story.
Yes, even hanging out with Jew-haters doesn't faze Root's Trump worship because it's somehow somebody else's fault that they were at Trump's house. That's cult-level obsession.