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Wednesday, December 21, 2022
Newsmax Takes More Shots At Tucker Carlson For Supporting Russia
Topic: Newsmax

Newsmax may be pro-Trump right-wing hacks, but they are not afraid to take shots at Fox News' Tucker Carlson over his support of Russia over its unprovoked war against Ukraine. (It's one of thre ways it differentiates itself from its Fox News competition.) Eric Mack reported in a Sept. 25 article:

Russia's state media are using clips of Fox News' Tucker Carlson to support Vladimir Putin's war efforts in Ukraine, according to multiple reports, including from Newsweek.

As Russian protests are being waged on Moscow streets, a social media video posted by Russian Media Monitor's Julia Davis shows war propaganda using video clips of Fox's Carlson.

"Meanwhile in Russia: see for yourself how clips of Tucker Carlson are being used on Kremlin-controlled state TV for their war propaganda, as well as anti-American and genocidal anti-Ukrainian messaging," Davis tweeted Saturday.

Last Thursday night, Carlson took to his top-rated Fox show to say Russia would inevitably win its war against Ukraine, claiming the size of its military and population would overcome its smaller neighbor.

Carlson did not address that the Ukraine military had forced Russian troops to give up its northern offensive against Kyiv and had taken back more than 3,000 square miles of Russian-occupied territory in the east.

Without evidence, Carlson, whom Russian TV hailed the "most popular American TV anchor," claimed Biden opposed a settlement to end the war back in April, which allegedly would have had Russia leaving Ukraine for the guarantee Ukraine would not join NATO.

Dick Morris followed up with a column the next day:

Vladimir Putin is desperate.

And so is Tucker Carlson.

Anyone who caught his Fox News monologue Thursday night could see it firsthand.

Carlson appears to have a lot invested in Russia winning its war against Ukraine.

But Russia is losing that war.

And badly.


Carlson isn’t bluffing either.

He really is invested in Russia winning this war, even if it’s losing right before our very eyes.

Before the war started Carlson said he would side with Russia if there was ever a war.

He even applauded as Russia moved troops to the Ukraine border. Russia was justified, he claimed.

And since Russia’s February 2022 unprovoked attack on a free, democratic, and sovereign Ukraine, he has used every opportunity to oppose Ukraine.

And he does so oftentimes with exaggerated claims and phony allegations.


I have many issues with Biden, but the idea he is seeking to engage Russia in a major war is simply not true.

But the facts just don’t matter to Tucker Carlson.

He’s on a mission.

The U.S. should continue to support the underdog, Ukraine. The U.S. supports Taiwan and Israel, both small nations facing giant adversaries.

And our resolve with Ukraine is already paying big dividends.

China is clearly reluctant now to invade Taiwan, and Iran has to think twice about striking Israel or other U.S. allies.

Fortunately, we are not giving in to Putin’s blackmail.

And as long as good sense prevails, we never will.

Even former Fox News host Eric Bolling got into the act, as recounted in a Dec. 9 article:

Newsmax host Eric Bolling delivered a stinging rebuke Thursday night of Tucker Carlson, calling the Fox News host a tool of Russian propaganda after Carlson made recent criticisms of Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Bolling used the opening monologue on his show to slam Carlson for charges he made Wednesday on his show, falsely claiming, among other matters, Zelenskyy was persecuting Christians.

Carlson has claimed Zelenskyy is shutting down churches, including the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Bolling said Carlson did not share with his audience crucial information, including the fact Zelenskyy is not persecuting Christians or shutting churches down indiscriminately.

The Newsmax host said Ukraine did ban the Ukrainian Orthodox Church because of its direct ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.


Bolling said Ukraine has two Orthodox churches, both independently governed, the Independent Orthodox Church of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, whose leader Patriarch Kirill has been an unabashed supporter of Putin's.

"On March 6, Kirill preached holy war against Ukraine," Bolling said.

"Kirill's reputed wealth in the billions is thanks to his ties to Putin and long-suspected ties to Russia's spy outfits. So Kirill routinely urges his flock of millions to support Putin's war effort."

Bolling said Zelenskyy was simply suppressing an enemy faction in his country.

"He's banning a Putin mouthpiece, a blatant propagandist and someone who has validated Putin's killing spree since he moment of the invasion," Bolling said.

Supporting Ukraine against Russian aggression isn't a high bar, but it is something Newsmax does better than Fox News.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:45 PM EST

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