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Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Dick Morris Dumb Hot Take Watch
Topic: Newsmax

Yes, Dick Morris really did make this observation in a Nov. 26 Newsmax TV appearance:

While inflation hurts most of us, Democrat voters on government support are "insulated" from it – a scheme of dependency and virtual control – according to presidential campaign adviser Dick Morris on Newsmax.

"What they're doing is borrowing like crazy, spending like crazy, knowing that that will cause inflation and then protecting their constituencies so that there are on protected islands in this frothing sea of inflation," Morris told "Saturday Report." "And to get on the island, you need to vote Democrat; you need to be part of the constituency, and that's a way to insulate their voters from what's happening to the rest of us, and I think that played important role."

Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning and his associate Robert Romano studied Americans impacted by inflation for Morris, former President Donald Trump's presidential campaign adviser told host Rita Cosby.

"They found that 37% of Americans are essentially insulated from inflation – by cost of living adjustments in their social security checks, their food stamps, their disability benefits or in their private employment," Morris told Cosby. "And that – while the two thirds of us that are not take inflation on the chin and we hate it and it really crimps our lives for them – for them, it's a minor annoyance, because they get it back at the end of the year with an increase of their benefit checks.

"This puts the idea of what the Democrats are doing into a new perspective – from me at least."

Yes, Morris really is arguing that Democrats don't get harmed by inflation because they're all on welfare or Social Security (which is not welfare and which many older conservatives receive as well).

Morris had a more conventional (yet also terrible) hot take in a short Nov. 28 column, in which he whined that certain Republicans don't hate LGBT people enough to oppose the Respect for Marriage Act:

The Senate is about to vote on legislation codifying the Supreme Court decision allowing gay marriage. But, with gay marriage already protected in all states by the court ruling, the "Defense of Marriage Act" will not affect anyone at all.

Its real purpose is to set up a statutory basis for prosecuting or persecuting anyone who dissents and won't personally cooperate with the new definition of marriage. It will go after bakers who won't do a cake for a gay couple and all those whose religious principals do not permit them to sanction marriage between two men or two women.

The Democrats are jamming the bill through during the current lame duck session of Congress so that they can profit from the votes of about-to-be former senators who did not have the courage to vote yes, but now that they are out of harm's way are willing to vote for this misguided law.

It should not be called the Defense of Marriage Act but the Defense of Cowards Act. Retiring Sens. Rob Portman, R-Ohio, Richard Burr, R-N.C., and Roy Blunt, R-Mo., are voting for the bill even though they know that were they seeking reelection, their voters in conservative states would never approve of their positions. Now, they are showing their true colors as social "progressives" too late for their constituents to punish them.

Let hypocrisy reign supreme in the Washington swamp.

Just as much as bad takes do?

Posted by Terry K. at 7:38 PM EST

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