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Saturday, December 18, 2021
MRC Writer Complains Americans Don't Hate LGBT People As Much As He Does
Topic: Media Research Center

The Media Rsearch Center is fond of complaining that there are LGBT people are too visible in media and society in general -- which is to say, they're visible at all. We have another one in this genre in the form of a Nov. 3 post by Matt Philbin, who laments that fewer people are hating LGBT people the way he does and begins with a predictibly lame shot at a newspaper for simply reporting the story:

It’s nice that USA Today has found an identity after all these years. It never managed to be a real newspaper, and since few business travelers tote along their gerbil cages, it never really became useful to anyone.

But these days, USA Today is thriving as a PR shop for the gay agenda. On Nov. 3, Entertainment Reporter David Oliver took dictation from GLAAD for a piece in the “Health and Wellness” section fluffing the group's annual Accelerating Acceptance Study.

Here’s the good news: Ubiquity is having the intended effect. You can’t swing a leather speedo in popular culture without hitting a brave lifestyle trailblazer living his/her/their truth, and “Increased visibility educates non-LGBTQ people,” according to Oliver.

So, “The report found that 43% of non-LGBTQ people think gender is not exclusively male and female, up from 38% in 2020,” Oliver typed.


So, you celebrate and reward a behavior, you get more of it. (You may wonder how the “growing community” squares with the “born this way” argument we were supposed to accept last week -- maybe more fluoride in the water? -- but shut up, you bigot.) 

But all is not unicorns and free condoms. “Among non-LGBTQ people,” Oliver says, “45% admit they are confused by all the different terms to describe people in the LGBTQ community.”

t’s true. Normal folks have trouble keeping up with the abnormalities the activists keep inventing. You add enough cars to the LGBTQXYZLMNOP freight train and those of us stuck at the road crossing as it goes by are bound to lose count.

Says the guy who is taking dictation from homophobes and working for the PR shop for haters.

But Philbin wasn't done hating yet. After noting a survey citing LGBTQ youth being positively impacted by LGBTQ celebrities, he sneered: "So we should all relax and let Lady Gaga raise our kids. What could go wrong?"

We can assume they would probably turn out better than any children raised by a hater like Philbin.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:17 AM EST

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