Topic: WorldNetDaily
Prolilfic COVID misinformer Wayne Allyn Root ranted in his Nov. 1 WorldNetDaily column:
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is the only present scientific way of measuring deaths and injuries from any vaccine – including the COVID-19 vaccine. It's not my system. It's not based on politics. It has nothing to do with conservative or liberal opinions.
It is a science-based medical reporting system provided by the government and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
It is the only way of keeping track of deaths, crippling injuries and adverse reactions from any vaccine. It has been used for many decades.No one in the medical community or media has EVER in history ignored or disparaged VAERS before – until now.
Here are the VAERS numbers: Over 17,000 Americans are reported dead from this vaccine – mostly from strokes, heart attacks and blood clots. Over 800,000 are reported injured, many of them hospitalized (over 83,000), many with life-threatening illness (over 18,000) and many others permanently disabled (over 26,000).
This information is all publicly available and provided by the CDC. This cannot be called "misleading" by anyone in the media. The very definition of "misleading" would be to either disparage or ignore VAERS and not report on it daily to your readers.
The number of deaths and significant injuries reported to VAERS is now dramatically higher than in the past 30-plus years combined. This has happened in only 10 months.
That's a fact. Facts cannot be "misleading."
Actually, facts can be "misleading" if you don't report all facts that are relevant to an issue -- and that's exactly what Root is doing here. As actual doctors stated about VAERS:
VAERS is set up to capture potential adverse events caused by vaccines. It is the best tool we have to find what may be previously unrecognized and extraordinarily rare adverse events that may eventually be linked.
VAERS cannot and does not determine whether a vaccine caused something. The CDC states this clearly in their disclaimer: "A report to VAERS does not mean that the vaccine caused the adverse event, only that the adverse event occurred some time after vaccination." The disclaimer continues, "The reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental or unverifiable."
Root is deliberately misleading his readers by censoring the fct that none of those deaths reported to VAERS has been confirmed to have been directly attributable to the vaccine. Yet Root continued to rant:
Even more facts and SCIENCE ...
Studies are in from many countries, but in particular the U.K. and Israel, reporting:
No. 1: The vaccine is in fact failing miserably – a huge majority of recent cases, hospitalizations and deaths are among double vaccinated individuals. FACT.
No. 2: Cases are slightly higher in countries with higher vaccination rates, and slightly lower in countries with lower vaccination rates.
These are factual, credible, scientific studies from multiple countries.
Yet Root didn't link to any of them so we could judge for ourselves. He concluded:
More importantly, the very definition of "science" is asking questions and debating.
To not ask questions, especially in the face of so many Americans sick with COVID-19 who are double vaccinated, and so many dead or injured directly from the vaccine as reported by VAERS, would make someone either naive, gullible, blind, deaf or very dumb.
I'm proud that my time at Columbia University taught me to think critically, ask questions, never accept as fact what any government agency or authority figure says and always be a fearless debater.
We're pretty sure that Root's time at Columbia didn't teach him to deceive his readers in order to politicize science and health for partisan reasons. You know, just like he tried to further birther conspiracies by claiming he never met Obama at Columbia while both were students there, never mind that Columbia is a very large university and Root would have no reason to have met Obama at the time.