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Thursday, October 8, 2015
Meet Franklin Raff, WND's New Fringe Webcaster
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily has an announcement: Ir's running a weekday 3-minute webcast by right-wing talker Franklin Raff.

Raff has impeccable fringe credentials: he was a sidekick to domestic terrorist G. Gordon Liddy's radio show and a producer of the short-lived radio show of WND editor Joseph Farah.

There's more on Raff's fringe bona fides: he has suggested that "many" schoolteachers are wannabe child molesters, inflated attendance numbers for a right-wing anti-health care rally, and has birther queen Orly Taitz as a Facebook friend.

And he's bringing the crazy to WND as well, from what appears to be his basement or a closet or some similar tiny space hastily designed with an American flag. One show last week featured this weird rant about gas masks that is, in reality, a commercial for gas masks from the WND store: "For all the time and money you've spent on prepper prep, you can't yell 'Wolverines!' when lying in a pool of your own sputum in a fetal position on the floor."

Another rant claims that "ISIS is actually operating a camp a few miles from El Paso" -- and also includes a plug for the WND-published book "The Islamic Antichrist."

Oh, the thing about ISIS operating a camp near El Paso is not true, so it's nice to see Raff maintaining the WND tradition of not letting the facts get in the way of a good scaring of the sheeple.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:55 PM EDT

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