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Tuesday, January 28, 2014
WND's Farah Goes Drama Queen, Issues 'Public Notices' Of His Sound Mind And Body
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily is clearly prepared to milk the purported conspiracy regarding the indictment of right-wing darling Dinesh D'Souza for all it's worth.

WND editor Joseph Farah cranked it up to drama-queen levels with a series of tweets. First, he declared, "Public Notice: If I should be indicted for anything in the coming weeks, I just want to let everyone know I'm innocent of any and all charges."

That was immediately followed the statement, "Public Notice 2: If I should meet an untimely, unexplainable death in 2014, there is an obvious explanation."

A little while later, Farah added: "Public notice 3: Just had my brakes checked, too. Blood pressure normal. Just saying..."

Farah seems to be vastly overestimating the importance of himself and his website. Farah himself is a documented liar, and WND lies every time it refuses to tell its readers that its birther stories have been discredited. Quite simply, nobody believes WND. Why would anyone care whether its founder and editor -- or, for that matter, anyone else associated with it -- lives or dies?

Besides, Farah pulled this same drama-queen stunt 15 years ago, when he went to Arkansas to give a deposition supporting factually challenged anti-Clinton documentarian Patrick Matrisciana. He wrote in a 1999 column:

Gennifer Flowers, Bill Clinton’s long-time mistress, told Chris Matthews the other day that she avoided the Clinton killing fields by remaining high-profile — even if she was ridiculed, dismissed, rebuffed and scoffed at by most of the establishment press.

Matthews asked her if she really believed the man she loved for so many years — Bill Clinton — had actually ordered people to be killed. Without batting an eyelash, Flowers answered affirmatively.

I’m following the Gennifer Flowers strategy.

If my plane should blow up or get hijacked by terrorists, if I should suddenly become depressed and shoot myself with someone else’s gun leaving no fingerprints, if I should suffer a heart attack after eating in a Little Rock restaurant — just add my name to the list, folks.

It seems that Farah just wants some attention -- apparently, he's a little jealous that D'Souza is getting all the sweet, sweet conspiracy action right now.

Posted by Terry K. at 6:10 PM EST

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