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Wednesday, January 22, 2014
CNS Hides Agenda of Anti-Contraception Group

Barbara Hollingsworth begins a Jan. 21 article this way:

Any discussion of Obamacare’s “contraception mandate” must include the fact that the most commonly used emergency contraceptives “can cause the death of a human embryo,” according to a new report by the Washington-based Charlotte Lozier Institute.

What is thet Charlotte Lozier Institute? Hollingsworth never tells us, other than to describe it as "Washington-based," which conservatives usually consider to be a bad thing.

But the institute's website has the answer: it's "the education and research arm of the Susan B. Anthony List," a political action committee that donates money to anti-abortion candidates. Both organizations are opposed to contraception in general and emerghency contraception in particular.

Because Hollingsworth is a lazy reporter, she makes no effort to obtain other points of view -- she's simplywriting a press release for the Lozier Institute. (CNS' Penny Starr did the same thing for the Family Research Council last week.) Thus, she ignores that researchers and the National Institutes of Health have found that contrary to what the Lozier Institute claims, emergency contraceptives do not cause abortion of an embryo.

Hollingsworth won't tell you that because she's too lazy and biased.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:57 PM EST

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