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Monday, January 20, 2014
Is Right-Wing Activist A 'Social Scientist'? CNS Thinks So

Barbara Hollingsworth does her best to puff right-wing activist Janice Shaw Crouse, describing her as "a social scientist and expert on women’s issues" in a Jan. 16 article devoted exclusively to Crouse's attacks on Maria Shriver’s new report on women’s economic status.

But is Crouse who Hollingsworth says she is?

Public Eye notes that Crouse majored in speech and English in college, and that her doctoral dissertation in communications theory at State University of New York at Buffalo was on "the decidedly secular topic of who won the Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford 1976 televised presidential debates."

In other words, Crouse has no formal training in sociology, which one would think would be a prerequisite to being a "social scientist."

That's simply lazy reporting on Hollingsworth's part. That's in addition to her laziness in refusing to obtain reaction to Crouse's attack from the study's authors.

Hollingsworth's "social scientist" descripion of Crouse comes before a description of her that offers a clue to her ideology -- "executive director of the Concerned Women for America’s Beverly LaHaye Institute." That's another clue to Hollingsworth's bias.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:53 PM EST

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