Topic: WorldNetDaily
Erik Rush tells a whopper in his Jan. 15 WorldNetDaily column:
This week it was reported that Obama senior adviser Valerie Jarrett gave the “stand down” order during the Sept. 11 terror attack in Benghazi, Libya, that resulted in the deaths of four Americans. This would in the very least convict President Obama of negligence in delegating such responsibility to an unelected, inexperienced subordinate, as well as explaining “all of the serial lies and the cover-ups and the obfuscation and all of the efforts that were made to distract people’s attention from this,” as characterized by talk-show host Rush Limbaugh.
In fact, the complete opposite was reported: Both the House Benghazi transcripts and the Senate bipartisan report found that no stand-down order was given, by Jarrett or anybody else. Rush is simply lying.
But when has the truth ever stood in the way of Rush's Obama derangement? (Remember, he thinks Malcolm X is Obama's father.) Rush blithely continues on to advocate a military coup:
There is the possibility that certain military personnel might lend their support to an effort by Congress to remove the president through methods other than impeachment, although this is less likely than it otherwise might have been given the widespread purge that has taken place within the military.
Rush has also avocated Obama's assassination.
Presumably, us pointing this out is more evidence that we'll first against the wall when the Erik Rush revolution/military coup comes.