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Thursday, January 2, 2014
WND Unintentional Irony Watch, Continued
Topic: WorldNetDaily

A couple weeks back, we wrote about how WorldNetDaily promoted a story about a news anchor who couldn't take a joke and sued a person who sent him an allegedly threatening tweet -- despite WND's own demonstrated inability to take a joke by suing Esquire magazine over a satirical blog post.

Well, WND has followed up -- and the unintentional irony is as thick as ever. Joe Kovacs picks up the story in a Dec. 25 WND article:

The weeks leading up to this Christmas have in no way been merry for Martin Pierro, the South Florida comic publisher who apparently freaked out his local CBS news anchor with an online joke the journalist perceived as a murderous threat.

The 41-year-old Lake Worth, Fla., man had been living in a virtual pressure cooker after he was arrested and charged with intimidation through a written threat to kill or injure WPEC anchorman John Discepolo, despite Pierro’s assertion he was merely clowning with the anchor about his ominous-sounding news teases.

But now, Pierro is having a happy holiday and can breathe easily into the new year as the criminal charges against him have just been dropped.


Hundreds of readers have been verbally hammering Discepolo for what they perceive to be his inability to take a joke.

“I don’t see the threat. He did not threaten anyone! The news guy is a wuss,” said Tracy Brock Ash.

“This reporter needs to have his estrogen levels checked. What a mangina!” exclaimed WND reader John Freeman. He reminds me of the jerk in class everybody hated in high school. Why don’t he take his ball and run home to mommy? Maybe she can kiss his boo boo and make it all better. What a jerk!”

“His wife should’ve married a man,” added Robert Ralph.

No word on whether Kovacs thinks his boss, Joseph Farah, and WND's loser attorney, Larry Klayman, are wusses or need to have their estrogen levels checked due to their inability to take a joke after WND's lawsuit against Esquire was tossed out of court.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:04 AM EST

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