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Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Another WND Columnist Tries His Hand At Promoting Manliness
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily columnists' quest for manliness continues with Larry Tomazak's June 13 column, in which he declares that "God is calling for men to rise up to fulfill our destinies as authentic men aligned with His master plan for true manliness" and goes on to assert:

Today families are in crisis. Fatherlessness is epidemic. Along with it is a parallel problem: a crisis of American manhood.

On college campuses we even have classes called “Rethink Masculinity” pushed by leftists and feminists to eradicate what they call “toxic masculinity.” Proponents don’t present a positive alternative of manly virtue focused on faith, family and female love and protection, but rather neuter men until real masculinity is air-brushed away! Gullible guys become men without chests, resembling the weird “Pat” character of by-gone “Saturday Night Live” comedy skits.

Tomczak the denounces the "Macho Man," the "Marshmallow Man" ("a passive wimp ...  a renegade having reneged on his duty to be a man’s man reflecting the image of Christ") and the "Mixed-up Man" ("a sad specimen ... embodying feminine and masculine traits. He may be a homosexual or projects a 'metrosexual' image") before declaring Jesus to be the embodiment of perfect manhood, complete with bullet points:

  • Imagine what 20 years of carpentry work did for His muscular development.
  • He walked miles in the grueling sun and then ministered to crowds of thousands, addressing them without amplification.
  • Visualize Jesus grabbing a whip, overturned tables and driving out money changers from the Temple.
  • Picture those “boys on the dock,” burly fishermen dropping their nets to follow Him.
  • Use your sanctified imagination to ponder His horrific flogging and enduring the infamous crucifixion depicted vividly in Mel Gibson’s “Passion of the Christ.”
  • You might recall that Tomczak had a massive freakout over a Taylor Swift video -- effectively arguing that women should wear burqas -- and despised the film "Love, Simon" for committing the offense of treating gays like regular people.

    Posted by Terry K. at 10:02 PM EDT
    CNS' Jones In Full Suck-Up Mode for Trump
    Topic: reporter Susan Jones has long been a pro-Trump sycophant. She took that sycophancy to a new level in a June 12 article, in which she marveled at Trump's civility in a press conference. Under the headline "No 'Fake News': Trump Holds Calm, Courteous News Conference in Singapore," Jones gushed:

    "I haven't slept in 25 hours," President Trump told a 4 a.m. EDT news conference in Singapore following his historic summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.

    Nevertheless, the president spoke to reporters for more than an hour, never using the term "fake news," although he did admit he was apprehensive about taking their questions.

    "So it is an honor to be with everybody today, the media -- it's a big gathering of media, I will say -- makes me feel very uncomfortable, but it is what it is. People understand that this is something very important to all of us, including yourselves and your families, so thank you very much for being here."

    Amazingly, at the end of the news conference, the president was applauded as he walked off the stage.


    Several reporters prefaced their questions by congratulating the president on his historic summit with Kim. Trump thanked them.

    Jones emphasized the applause for Trump at the end of her article, in which she transcribed Trump's final statement, following by the line "(Applause.)"

    That sycophancy is embarassing, even for a right-wing journalists. Then again, CNS paid her to write it and published it as is.

    Posted by Terry K. at 3:00 PM EDT
    Speaking of Repentance...
    Topic: WorldNetDaily

    Joseph Farah devoted his June 17 WorldNetDaily column to a lengthy refutation of the idea that the Caananites were wiped out by the Israelites, as the Bible claims (Farah asserts that the Bible states otherwise). We're not going to get into that, since our Bible history is a little shaky.

    We will, however, highlight the final two paragraphs of Farah's column, in which he writes:

    I guess the lesson is if you want lots of publicity for your fake, phony, fraudulent pseudo-scientific study, don’t say it confirms the Bible, say it refutes it. And that’s just how this hoax got started.

    And the fake news machine was only too eager to play along – mostly without correction and certainly not with repentance.

    Of course, WND has long been a fake news machine -- even as it was sliding towards a near-death experience -- and it is not big on publishing corrections, doing it seemingly only when threatened with legal action.

    As far as repentence goes, Farah has steadfastly refused to do so for the fake news WND has published over the years, even when he tried to start a politically motivated "day of prayer and fasting" on Sept. 11.

    Repent? You first, Joe.

    Posted by Terry K. at 12:35 AM EDT
    Tuesday, June 26, 2018
    CNS' Double Standard on Forgotten Meetings In The Trump-Russia Probe
    Topic: editor in chief Terry Jeffrey wrote disdainfully and at length in a June 18 article about how "then-FBI Deputy Director Andy McCabe said he did “not recall” whether he was at an August 2016 meeting allegedly held in his own office--that included his then-counsel Lisa Page and then-FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok--in which Page, according to a text message by Strzok, argued “there’s no way he [Trump] gets elected.”

    Jeffrey followed that up two days later with a column with even more lengthy disdain: "The report on the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton's email scandal that the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Justice released last week makes one thing clear: Top FBI officials involved in both that investigation and the Russian collusion investigation have bad memories."

    By contrast, when the memory lapse was on the side of those whose ideology Jeffrey and CNS shares, they're much more sympathetic. Note the substantial change in town in this article by Susan Jones, which appeared on the same day as Jeffrey's article about McCabe:

    The Washington Post on Sunday published a story about longtime Trump associate Roger Stone recalling a May 2016 meeting with a man calling himself Henry Greenberg -- a man with a heavy Russian accent who offered Stone money in exchange for political dirt on Hillary Clinton.

    Stone, appearing on C-SPAN's "Washington Journal" on Sunday, said he didn't remember the 20-minute exchange "because it was so ridiculous," but he now believes it was an FBI sting operation:


    Stone said he didn't remember the meeting until the Office of Special Counsel raised the issue with [Trump campaign official Michael] Caputo, and Caputo then reminded him.

    Stone said Greenberg showed up "wearing a MAGA hat and a Trump t-shirt. He makes this offer, I decline, nothing inappropriate happened here, and I have now refreshed my memory and informed the committee."

    Meanwhile, an actual news outlet reported that Stone and Caputo had repeatedly denied any such meeting in the past, making their sudden refreshed memory -- which Jones uncritically portrays as undisputed fact -- rather suspect. (Jones didn't mention Stone's previous denials nor his sleaziness.) Jeffrey, meanwhile, put the worst possible spin on unrecalled meetings based on pure speculation.

    Funny how a sleaze like Stone gets the benefit of the doubt from CNS, while a top FBI official is presumed guilty in order to fit the pro-Trump editorial agenda.

    Posted by Terry K. at 10:35 PM EDT
    Updated: Tuesday, June 26, 2018 10:35 PM EDT
    WND Returns To The Birther Cesspool, Declines Taking Credit For Creating It
    Topic: WorldNetDaily

    WorldNetDaily remains a group of diehard birthers, to the detriment of trying to portray itself as a legitimate news organization after its near-death experience. WND touches on this again in a June 18 article by Bob Unruh.

    Unruh writes about a new Pew Research poll finding that "the ability to distinguish fact from opinion is influenced by political knowledge and comfort with the digital world," stating:

    Take, for example, the long-argued issue of whether Obama was a natural-born citizen. The dozens of court cases died down toward the end of his first term only after he produced a printed copy of a computer image of what he said was his Hawaiian birth certificate.

    Pew used the statement “President Barack Obama was born in the United States” as part of its effort to assess individuals’ ability to decide whether or not the statement was “factual.”  That is, could it be tested and determined to be true or not.

    Pew determined it was a factual statement, but only six in 10 Republicans agreed. The rest decided it was a matter of opinion.

    Even 10 percent of Democrats said the same thing.

    Unruh somehow managed to restrain himself from arguing that in WND's world, the statement "President Barack Obama was born in the United States" is a lie.As we've documented, WND has repeatedly hyped dubious -- if not fraudulent -- claims that Obama's birth certificate is a forgery, while studiously refusing to publish evidence showing the opposite.

    Unruh also managed to avoid taking credit for the fact that it's beause of right-wing fake-news websites like WND that birther conspiracy theories have as much currency as they do. C'mon, Bob, at least own being a birther!

    Posted by Terry K. at 4:25 PM EDT
    MRC Whitewashes Roseanne Barr's Nazi Lie About Soros As Merely An 'Anti-Soros Tweet'
    Topic: Media Research Center

    Like WorldNetDaily, the Media Research Center had a chance to correct a lie regularly spread in right-wing media circles. Like WND, it chose not to.

    The MRC's Julia Seymour used a June 12 post to follow in WND's footsteps by summarizing a Washington Post interview with George Soros. Because the Post let Soros speak for himself rather than follow the reflexive Soros-bashing agenda the MRC does, Seymour huffed that "the article was flattering to Soros," adding:

    The only Soros critics Kranish included were either promoting conspiracy theories about Soros, already controversial or downright reviled — for example, he mentioned a recent anti-Soros tweet by Roseanne Barr, as well as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s complaint that Soros is a “threat to the fundamentals of the constitutional system.”

    But Barr's tweet was not merely "anti-Soros" -- it repeated the malicious lie that Soros collaborated with the Nazis during World War II when, in fact, he was a teenage Jew trying to avoid detection by the Nazis. The Post article specifically stated that about the Barr tweet, yet Seymour felt the need to whitewash it as merely "anti-Soros."

    While we could find no instance of the MRC spreading this lie, it would have been the responsible thing for Seymour to point out that Barr's tweet was, in fact, a lie instead of whitewashing it. But then, that might have interfered with the demonization campaign the MRC has waged against Soros for years, which at one point denigrated Soros as "the godfather of the left" and used the vaguely anti-Semitic "puppet master" graphic shown above.

    Posted by Terry K. at 12:45 AM EDT
    Updated: Sunday, June 13, 2021 1:46 PM EDT
    Monday, June 25, 2018
    Newsmax Image Rehab Project Bolling Gets A New Job
    Topic: Newsmax

    The heavy lifting for Newsmax for the Eric Bolling image rehab project is apparently over, as the credibly accused sexual harasser scored a new show at right-wing CRTV, with his regular appearances on Newsmax TV drying up around the time his new job started. But that doesn't mean Newsmax won't have him around on occasion -- after all, its image rehab for Bolling is arguably a success.

    A June 8 article by Todd Beamon touted Bolling's recent Newsmax TV appearance, in which he dubiously advocated that President Trump "should break all existing multi-lateral trade agreements and negotiate new accords with individual nations." Beamon weirdly described Bolling only as an "author" -- not "a credibly accused sexual harasser who left Fox News in disgrace" or even a host on a competing right-wing media outlet.

    Then, a June 19 article promoting Newsmax's "Troopathon" fundraiser listed Bolling among the "amazing array of guests" taking part. The list also included Bill O'Reilly -- another Newsmax image rehab project -- and a host of other right-wingers ... and fake-news purveyor Jack Posobiec.

    It's difficult for Newsmax to present itself as credible when it's trying to whitewash credibly accused sexual harassers and associating with right-wing nutjobs.

    Posted by Terry K. at 8:50 PM EDT
    CNS Lets Another Trump White House Lie Stand Uncorrected
    Topic: reporter Melanie Arter has a bad habit of repeating Trump White House falsehoods and misinformation without correcting them. She does it again in a June 14 article:

    White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders responded to reports Tuesday that she was planning to leave her White House post at the end of the year, asking if CBS News knows something she doesn’t know about her plans and her future.

    “Does @CBSNews know something I don’t about my plans and my future? I was at my daughter’s year-end Kindergarten event and they ran a story about my ‘plans to leave the WH’ without even talking to me. I love my job and am honored to work for @POTUS,” Sanders tweeted Wednesday.

    But Arter failed to highlight the fact that Sanders is lying. She even includes a quote from the CBS article (to which she curiously failed to link) explicitly nothing that Sanders failed to respond to "repeated requests for comment before this story was published." Which means that contrary to Sanders' claim, CBS did try to talk to Sanders; she simply refused to respond to the request, then dishonestly complained that CBS ran its story without talking to her.

    As the Washington Post points out, the Trump White House regularly uses this tactic as a way to discredit media outlets.

    It would be nice if Arter reported facts instead of taking dictation from the Trump White House.

    Posted by Terry K. at 1:00 PM EDT
    WND's Farah Plays the Satan Card To Raise Money For His Book
    Topic: WorldNetDaily

    Fundraising is not going well to get Joseph Farah's book published, and Farah has decided to blame Satan himself for it.

    In a June 15 email to the WorldNetDailiy mailing list carrying the headline "Satan evidently doesn't want you to read this email," Farah wrote:

    I'm not joking when I say Satan doesn't want you to read this email.

    I’ve been sending emails to our hundreds of thousands of subscribers for more than 20 years, but I’ve never had such a tough time getting one delivered as I have with this one.

    It must be as important as I believe it is.

    So, here’s my third try …

    Farah went on to write that "We are far short of our goal of $400,000 with time running out" to "print the massive quantities of this book the marketplace is demanding." But as always, Farah does not demonstrate where exactly that demand is, or why he can't leverage that alleged demand to publish a smaller initial print run then use the profits from that to finance additional print runs.

    Two days later, Farah sent out the same letter with the same headline.

    On June 21, Farah dropped the ambiguity, affirmatively declaring in the headline that "Satan doesn't want you to read this email." He went on to write: "I don’t make this claim lightly: Satan is pulling out all the stops in subverting plans for the release of the most important book I have ever written. ... But the opposition comes in all forms – health challenges, financial crises, technology issues, you name it!"

    Farah is so invested in this particular bit of victimhood that he rehashed in his June 21 WND column -- headlined "Satan doesn't want you to read this column" -- in which he sorta likens himself to Jesus in the process of shilling for money:

    But, of course, who was it that opposed Jesus – who tempted Him in the wilderness? Who is it that hates the Gospel more than anyone?

    And that’s the kind of opposition I am experiencing. It’s palpable. It’s not like anything I have ever before witnessed in my own life.

    Why am I baring my soul like this publicly? Because I know I am talking to the widest audience of friends I can reach. I desperately covet your prayers to strengthen me for this challenge.

    After all, that is the greatest weapon Jesus has given us. It is what He Himself relied upon during His earthly ministry. 


    What I will not do is go into many specifics about the opposition I am experiencing – the kind that affects everyone around me. It comes in many forms – from financial crisis to health challenges to technology breakdowns to a multitude of distractions.

    Well, you know, if you're claiming that Satan is at the root of your troubles -- particularly those that require other poeple to give you money to get out of -- perhaps you should provide some details so readers can judge if that is indeed the case.

    Farah concluded: "Thank you. And please act quickly! I am besieged." He didn't mention that he brought no small part of this besiegement upon himself by publishing fake news and bogus conspiracy theories.

    Posted by Terry K. at 12:42 AM EDT
    Sunday, June 24, 2018
    MRC's Double Standard on Exploiting A Parent's Grief
    Topic: Media Research Center

    An anonymously written post credited only to "MRC Latino Staff" states:

    Once again, Univision anchor Jorge Ramos proves that no argument is off limits so long as it advances the network’s gun control agenda, not even a conspiracy theory with no basis in fact.

    A recent edition of Sunday political affairs talker Al Punto featured an interview with Manuel Oliver, father of Joaquín, who perished in the horrific school shooting in Parkland, Florida.

    Watch as Ramos goads Oliver into indicting the National Rifle Association as a conspirator in the Parkland shooting, as aired on Univision's Al Punto on Sunday, May 13, 2018:


    To be crystal clear: we have no issue whatsoever with Mr. Oliver, who has an absolute right to process his grief as he and his family see fit as they continue to process this tragedy. To suddenly and senselessly lose a child under those circumstances is a parent’s absolute worst nightmare. The parents of those lost to school shootings our fullest measure of love, empathy, and understanding. To that end, Mr. Oliver has nothing but our prayerful support.

    We do take exception, however, with the manner in which Ramos chooses to publicly exploit this grief in furtherance of a long-standing gun control agenda.

    But when Republicans and Donald Trump exploited the grief of Pat Smith, whose son was killed in the attack on Benghazi, in the furtherance of an agenda by having her spew her raw hatred at the 2016 Republican National convention, the MRC took exception to said exploitation being called out. Curtis Houck ranted:

    From the moment that Pat Smith concluded her Monday night speech at the Republican National Convention (RNC) about how her son was murdered in the 2012 Benghazi terror attack, MSNBC had their marching orders to annihilate, demean, and smear Smith for her attacks on Hillary Clinton that left the assembled cast of liberals confused at the “gross accusation” that’s “ruined” the entire night.

    "Annihilate, demean, and smear"? How is that different from what Smith did during her speech?

    The MRC then whined that the media wouldn't play along with Smith's exploitation, then exploited her grief some more by giving her space to hate even further.

    The MRC should stop its own exploitation of people's grief for political purposes before criticizing others for it.

    Posted by Terry K. at 8:50 PM EDT
    WND Columnist Cites Fake-News Site To Push Idea of 'Deep State' Coup
    Topic: WorldNetDaily

    WorldNetDaily columnist James Zumwalt has a definite love for fake news. He demostrates that once again in his June 13 column, in which he responds to former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens' idea the the Second Amendment is a relic of another time. Zumwalt argues that there are times when citizens may need to lead a coup against the government, speculating on two recent examples. The first was the Watergate scandal, in which "the abuse of power during Watergate could well have led to a coup." He then writes:

    The second incident during Stevens’ lifetime involves an actual attempted coup, evidence of which we see unfolding today. It is clear, 19 months after the 2016 presidential election, that high-level U.S. government players worked to manipulate events to secure the election of Hillary Clinton and, failing to do so, manipulate the ouster of President Donald Trump. The dust has yet to settle from all the activity involved, but when it does the American public will be shocked to learn how a coup attempt may well have been imposed upon it by the Deep State. Had it succeeded, it may have been an armed citizenry left to restore liberty.

    Zumwalt's source for the "attempted coup" claim is a pro-Russia conspiracy website called It a notorious fake-news promoter that's been busted repeatedly. The website even admits that a significant portion of its content is fake: "Some events depicted in certain articles on this website are fictitious and any similarity to any person living or dead is merely coincidental. Some other articles may be based on actual events but which in certain cases incidents, characters and timelines have been changed for dramatic purposes. Certain characters may be composites, or entirely fictitious."

    In addition to the conspiratorial ranting, the article to which Zumwalt links contains a blatant bit of fake news, by including a graphic claiming that CNN used pictures of "the same girl in 3 different Refugee Crisis pictures being saved by 3 different men." In fact, all the images are from a single incident, and there's no evidence CNN ever portrayed them as representing anything else.

    Zumwalt's embrace of fake news simply further WND's longstanding reputation as being a promoter of such.

    Posted by Terry K. at 1:38 PM EDT
    Saturday, June 23, 2018
    CNS Gives Platform to Heritage Columnist to Cheer Authoritarian Hungarian Leader

    We've previously noted's love for right-wing authoritarian Hungarian leader Viktor Orban, painting him as merely a Trump-esque "populist" while whitewashing his racist and xenophobic traits. The whitewashing continued in a May 23 CNS column by the Heritage Foundation's Mike Gonzalez:

    Hungary’s maverick prime minister, Viktor Orban, is once again stirring the pot of goulash.

    Four years ago, Orban gave his critics ammunition when he said he was constructing an “illiberal democracy.” This month he doubled down, declaring liberal democracy dead and urging other European leaders to stop trying to revive the corpse.

    Instead, Orban exhorted them to get busy invoking a new democracy based on Christian principles.


    For many reasons, Orban deserves our attention when he says his ambition—“now we want to hunt really big game” is precisely how he put it—is to change the course of Europe.

    He is flushed with an electoral victory in which his party last month captured more votes than all of the opposition combined. He has defeated German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the important philosophical debate over immigration (Orban says it should be lowered). And he has vanquished the leftist billionaire George Soros, who just announced his NGO is leaving Hungary.

    Most importantly, the question of values is the fundamental issue confronting the continent. Unlike the United States, modern European states are not founded upon creedal documents that lay out the constituting character and culture of the nation, and how to preserve them.

    Gonzalez didn't mention Orban's history of removing governmental checks and balances, turning public broadcasating into propaganda outlets and the whiff of anti-Semitism surrounding his Soros-bashing obsession (despite the fact that a Soros-funded scholarship paid for Orban's college education).

    Gonzalez waits until the 12th paragraph to concede that Orban is perhaps not an American ideal, though he whitewashes Orban's ultra-nationalism in the process:

    But first it is important to note obvious downsides. Orban is no Thomas Jefferson, and his emphasis on ethnicity, not civic nationalism contained within borders, is sui generis.

    If you believe that all men are created equal, are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, and that governments are instituted “to secure these rights” and “the blessings of liberty,” then the type of state that Orban wants to build is likely not your bag.


    Most important, securing individuals’ liberties is most assuredly not the central purpose of the state he is busy creating. As he said, again, in the 2014 speech:

    “The new state that we are constructing in Hungary is an illiberal state, a non-liberal state. It does not reject the fundamental principles of liberalism such as freedom, and I could list a few more, but it does not make this ideology the central element of state organization, but instead includes a different, special, national approach.” (Emphasis added.)

    There is good reason why ethnic, rather than civic, nationalism gives us pause. Though ethnic nationalism is unassailable from a natural rights perspective, it does de-emphasize the individual’s agency by making citizenship (belonging) non-volitional.

    Still, Gonzalez is not terribly bothered by all this, declaring that "this is less of an indictment of Orban than one would think" because "he’s building a state for Hungarians, not Americans—and we must remember that even though safeguarding freedom must be our central animating spirit, to do that, we too, must preserve America’s unique culture."

    And Gonzalez concludes with a more full-throated endorsement of the authoritarian: "By attempting to reintroduce the Judeo-Christian ethic into a secularized Europe, Orban arguably is giving Europe a chance to do just that. Even if the ethnic model he and his electorate may be pursuing is irreplicable in America or most of Western Europe, the values model could have a lot to offer.­­­"

    Gonzalez -- and, thus, CNS -- has to overlook a clear history of authoritarianism and anti-Semitism to reach this gushy conclusion.

    Posted by Terry K. at 10:25 AM EDT
    Updated: Saturday, June 23, 2018 10:27 AM EDT
    WND's Massie Clings To His Obama Derangement
    Topic: WorldNetDaily

    President Obama has been out of office for well over a year, but WorldNetDaily columnist Mychal Massie is still clinging to hoary, nasty, never-proven Obama conspiracies.

    In his June 11 column, Massie reference "Obama’s alleged immoral behavior in the seamy underbelly of Chicago’s bathhouses." He offered no proof of this, of course -- after all, if there was actual proof, it almost certainly would have surfaced by now. Massie reference the same bogus claim a few months back, using the utterly discredited Larry Sinclair as a backup and falsely asserting that Sinclair had died.

    Massie went on to rant about another Obama conspiracy theory: "What has Obama ever accomplished or built? We are told that Bill Ayers – the radical communist and anarchist whose wife spent time on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted List – ghostwrote Obama’s book(s)." In fact, not even gossipy biographer Christopher Andersen backed away from any assertion that Ayers "ghostwrote" Obama's book(s).

    Massie's Obama derangement continued:

    The facts cannot be denied; Obama was a disaster as president.

    Obama didn’t build anything or run anything before taking office. He was a community organizer, which is tantamount to being a “mobster.” Community organizers promise they won’t destroy your property or stir up disturbances in exchange for a company or property owner succumbing to their extortion threats.

    It can be argued that the only promise Obama kept was that he would “fundamentally change America” – and that he did. It is not ipse dixit to say his health-care program was an unmitigated disaster. His international dealings were pleasing to the Muslim Brotherhood, Iran and other terrorist Muslim groups, but they weren’t favorable to Israel or to America. Was forcing public facilities and schools to allow men to use women’s bathrooms an accomplishment? He stirred the caldron of skin-color discord on a level not witnessed since white Democrats started the Ku Klux Klan.


    It is clear to all who are honest that Obama accomplished next to nothing for the good of America as a whole, and the facts support my assertion. 

    Yet Massie offered no facts to support said assertion.

    Posted by Terry K. at 12:33 AM EDT
    Friday, June 22, 2018
    MRC's Graham Finally Finds A Fact-Check He Likes -- When It Goes After Bill Clinton
    Topic: Media Research Center

    The point of the Media Research Center's "fact-checking the fact-checkers" campaign, as we've documented, is nothing more than a politically motivated attack on fact-checkers for pointing the falsehoods and outright lies of President Trump and his administration.

    The MRC's Tim Graham demonstrates that grudge once again in a June 5 post, which begins by huffing that "Washington Post 'Fact Checker' Glenn Kessler has concentrated most of his firepower on Donald Trump. A June 1 blog posttouted 'President Trump has made 3,251 false or misleading claims in 497 days.'" Graham doesn't dispute this; he's simply complaining that this particular truth has been made public.

    Graham then changed his tune, cheering "a tiny nod toward balance" because the Post fact-checked Bill Clinton about his claims of deep debt upon leaving the presidency and finding them wanting. For no other apparently reason than that it engages in some right-wing-friendly Clinton-bashing, Graham proclaims that "We have rated this Washington Post 'fact check' as The Real Deal."

    Which further exposes the agenda of Graham's fact-check-bashing enterprise. Only facts that support the MRC's right-wing, pro-Trump agenda are accepted; any media outlet who writes something negative about Trump -- no matter how true it is -- cannot be trusted.

    As we've said before: Real journalists check facts; partisan activists attack the fact-checkers.

    Posted by Terry K. at 2:21 PM EDT
    WND Columnist Pretends That Ranting About 'Transanity' Isn't Intended To Demean Transgenders
    Topic: WorldNetDaily

    Longtime trans-basher Michael Brown writes in his June 15 WorldNetDaily column:

    We’ve been saying for years that there will be a pushback against LGBTQ extremism. And it’s not because people are uncaring. Or intolerant. Or bigoted. Or unfair. Instead, the pushback comes as a rational reaction to the rising tide of transanity.

    For those not familiar with my use of the term “transanity,” I’m not demeaning the struggles of those who believe they are trapped in the wrong body. Rather, I use the term to describe the denial of biological verities, the idea that reality is whatever you perceive it to be, and the extremist agenda that flows from this mindset.

    So, while I have compassion on those who struggle, I stand against the extremist agenda.

    Brown is not telling the truth: he does not have compassion for transgender people. We've noted how Brown loves to portray transgenders as cross-dressing boys whose goal is to perv on girls in the bathroom and sneered that "Caitlyn Jenner is just a man in a dress."

    And tossing around the term "transanity" is inherently demaning, no matter how Brown tries to spin it.

    This particular column by Brown cheers the "pushback against transanity" by refusing to let people use bathrooms by their gender identity,huffing that "girls would just have to overcome the discomfort of seeing male genitalia in their bathrooms and locker rooms. Transanity indeed." Brown offered no evidence that transgender females are eager to display their "male genitalia" in a bathroom.

    Brown concluded his column by stating: "May the opposition rise up and do the right thing. And may we continue to study the question of transgender identity, working for a compassionate solution to help people find wholeness from the inside out." Again: If you're rooting for anti-trans "opposition" to "do the right thing" by shutting down any public expression of transgender behavior, you're seeking the opposite of a "compassionate solution."

    Posted by Terry K. at 12:16 AM EDT

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