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Saturday, June 23, 2018
WND's Massie Clings To His Obama Derangement
Topic: WorldNetDaily

President Obama has been out of office for well over a year, but WorldNetDaily columnist Mychal Massie is still clinging to hoary, nasty, never-proven Obama conspiracies.

In his June 11 column, Massie reference "Obama’s alleged immoral behavior in the seamy underbelly of Chicago’s bathhouses." He offered no proof of this, of course -- after all, if there was actual proof, it almost certainly would have surfaced by now. Massie reference the same bogus claim a few months back, using the utterly discredited Larry Sinclair as a backup and falsely asserting that Sinclair had died.

Massie went on to rant about another Obama conspiracy theory: "What has Obama ever accomplished or built? We are told that Bill Ayers – the radical communist and anarchist whose wife spent time on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted List – ghostwrote Obama’s book(s)." In fact, not even gossipy biographer Christopher Andersen backed away from any assertion that Ayers "ghostwrote" Obama's book(s).

Massie's Obama derangement continued:

The facts cannot be denied; Obama was a disaster as president.

Obama didn’t build anything or run anything before taking office. He was a community organizer, which is tantamount to being a “mobster.” Community organizers promise they won’t destroy your property or stir up disturbances in exchange for a company or property owner succumbing to their extortion threats.

It can be argued that the only promise Obama kept was that he would “fundamentally change America” – and that he did. It is not ipse dixit to say his health-care program was an unmitigated disaster. His international dealings were pleasing to the Muslim Brotherhood, Iran and other terrorist Muslim groups, but they weren’t favorable to Israel or to America. Was forcing public facilities and schools to allow men to use women’s bathrooms an accomplishment? He stirred the caldron of skin-color discord on a level not witnessed since white Democrats started the Ku Klux Klan.


It is clear to all who are honest that Obama accomplished next to nothing for the good of America as a whole, and the facts support my assertion. 

Yet Massie offered no facts to support said assertion.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:33 AM EDT

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