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Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Speaking of Repentance...
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Joseph Farah devoted his June 17 WorldNetDaily column to a lengthy refutation of the idea that the Caananites were wiped out by the Israelites, as the Bible claims (Farah asserts that the Bible states otherwise). We're not going to get into that, since our Bible history is a little shaky.

We will, however, highlight the final two paragraphs of Farah's column, in which he writes:

I guess the lesson is if you want lots of publicity for your fake, phony, fraudulent pseudo-scientific study, don’t say it confirms the Bible, say it refutes it. And that’s just how this hoax got started.

And the fake news machine was only too eager to play along – mostly without correction and certainly not with repentance.

Of course, WND has long been a fake news machine -- even as it was sliding towards a near-death experience -- and it is not big on publishing corrections, doing it seemingly only when threatened with legal action.

As far as repentence goes, Farah has steadfastly refused to do so for the fake news WND has published over the years, even when he tried to start a politically motivated "day of prayer and fasting" on Sept. 11.

Repent? You first, Joe.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:35 AM EDT

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