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Sunday, November 12, 2023
What's Mychal Massie Melting Down Over Now?
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Let's examine Labor Day. Excluding those who believe "denial" is a river in Egypt, honest people in the news/information and political fields, said being an oxymoron notwithstanding, will admit that "Crooked Joe Biden" is the extension of Mr. "I think about sex with men 24/7" Obama's tenure in office. And he has continued "the fantasizer's" wretched legacy masterfully, unless you're the working class. In that case, it's aggravated immiseration, which amounts to societal assault and battery. The legacy is one of crushing labor, malicious regulating of small businesses, the asphyxiation of economic growth and the polarization of business fact from business fantasy. But, I'm getting ahead of myself.

Labor Day is masked as the end-of-summer paid holiday that celebrates the working class in America and the establishment of labor unions for the betterment of workers.

In reality, Labor Day is a communist holiday. I find it impossible not to define Labor Day as a holiday born out of socialism by definition. Socialism is based upon the theory of ownership by the people; whereas under communism the government/state owns and controls property, industry and economic resources.


The purpose of presenting my point of view today is not to show the historical origins of Labor Day as such nor the political persuasion of its origin; rather it's to point out that Obama's violation of American laborers is steeped in a tradition that at its core is anti-American worker – and how Biden has continued Obama's tradition of same.

They have enhanced the financial coffers of industrialized extermination of children, even with the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade. They've given their union henchmen in the public school system right to deprive parents of determining what we want for our children. They've given their union henchmen in public schools the authority to indoctrinate our children with hellish sexual practices and abnormalities as well as the revision of factual history.

Obama imposed mandatory health measures and mandatory participation in murderous practices that went against the faith and conscience of many in the medical profession. Biden mandated the same, plus sanctions for a government-funded laboratory created flu located half a world away that resulted in the utter destruction of countless private businesses. The senseless mandates were used to undermine our First Amendment rights. The sanctions opened the door for the erosion of our Second Amendment right to own and bear arms by ginning up false psychological concerns.

-- Mychal Massie, Sept. 4 WorldNetDaily column

Bernie Sanders has never worked a day in his worthless life. He became a socialist politician because it ensured he would never have to work a day in his miserable life. Being a politician isn't a job. It's supposed to be a service. America should never have succumbed to Erebusic political myiasis and their belief that political office is a paid career for a privileged few. Politicians do not work; they suck off the udders of public dependence. They pimp and prostitute favors to the highest bidders, which is where lobbyists come into play, including those representing the likes of the Muslim Brotherhood. But, I digress.

Sanders became a multi-millionaire because he and his communist wife specialized in seizing upon every exploitable opportunity in which they found themselves.


Apparently, the people to whom Sanders was lying at the rally [for striking auto workers] had spent the time prior to his speech on a nepenthe binge, which resulted in their forgetting they were being deceived by an elapid that rivals the one that approached Eve in the Garden.


That said, I do believe there's another reason for these strikes that's lurking in the shadows. I believe they're a variant combination of Cloward-Piven and Hegelian Dialectics designed to sink the economy to the point that it cannot be turned around by President Trump, if as expected he wins back the White House.

If he doesn't win, no harm is done; the neo-Leninist Obamanites continue to transform the country into a dystopian wasteland. If President Trump does win back the White House, he will be singularly blamed for the economy from day 1.

-- Mychal Massie, Sept. 18 WND column

Democratic governors and presidents, including Obama, the reprehensible backseat-limousine-sexual-bon vivant, are destroying the lives of children by fiat. They're advocating and codifying secrecy laws that prevent parents from having input or even knowledge that their children are being brainwashed and conditioned to believe they aren't the gender they were born.

It was Hillary who said it takes a village to raise our children, which was code-speak for the schools, medical professionals and predatory sexual advocates destroying the emotional and mental well-being of our children. Democratic lawmakers have passed laws on every level, starting at the lowest rung of municipalities, making it a criminal act for parents to seek counseling for their children who are indoctrinated into believing they're another gender.

Who would have thought Democrats wouldn't use the government to their malevolent ends? Only those who weren't paying attention and/or listening to those such as myself who have been warning the public – in my case for over a half century.


While commie Democrats are the most violently racist and bigoted political construct, they have had their traitorous sellout Negros and a sellout Jew.

Those sellout Negros were Jesse Jackson, Elijah Muhammed and Al Sharpton; but none were/are more elapidae than William Ellison, W.E.B. Du Bois and Obama. Ellison is a sellout conveniently overlooked by pigment mongers and falsifiers of history. (See: "Jesse Jackson Treats Blacks Like This Southern Slaveowner." See also: "Dixie's Censored Subject Black Slaveowners" by Robert M. Grooms.)

The sellout Jew is George Soros.

But, the greatest sellout of all is Obama. He betrayed America, stood by and watched in real-time as Americans were murdered in Benghazi, was responsible for the his Attorney General Eric Holder's illegal gunrunning operation into Mexico, praised God for abortion and set relationships back at least 100 years. And if we are to believe the chatter, and I for one do, he is the using Biden as his third term in office and plotting to use the Obama woman for his fourth term, which I don't believe.

-- Mychal Massie, Oct. 2 WND column

Posted by Terry K. at 9:24 AM EST

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