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Thursday, January 19, 2023
WND Puts Crass, Glib Headline On Story About Actress' Death
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily has done some notably crass things in 2022, from invoking 9/11 to sell website subscriptions to illustrating an article about black farmers with a picture of watermelons. It added to that crassness with its reprint of a Dec. 5 Fox News article on the death of actress Kirstie Alley. The WND headline read 'Drop Dead Gorgeous' star Kirstie Alley dead."

The Fox News article it republished did not put "Drop Dead Gorgeous" in its headline -- in fact, it didn't even mention that film until the very last paragraph, instead giving more prominent mention to more prominent roles, such as on the TV show "Cheers."

The crassness may have an point, however. It was likely designed to allude to WND's current obsession with depicting anyone who dropped dead or died suddenly of having done so beause of COVID vaccines.

It's not clear why WND thinks that engaging in such crassness will draw readers, but if its fake news and conspiracy theories aren't bringing in eyeballs, it's unlikely this will either, no matter how desperately WND needs the money.

Posted by Terry K. at 6:40 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, January 19, 2023 6:50 PM EST

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