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Tuesday, December 6, 2022
After Election Losses, CNS Still Mostly Spins For Republicans

After spent the runup to the midterm elections peddling Republican narratives, reality hit as voters rejected a predicted red wave." Patrick Goodenough kept up the pro-GOP bias with an article published late on Nov. 8 noting mixed Republican results: "In Three Key Virginia House Races, Republicans Unseat One Incumbent, Fail to Eject Two Others."

CNS' Nov. 9 coverage began with Goodenough expressing sadness that right-wing anti-abortion measures lost at the ballot box:

While abortion was indirectly on the ballot for many voters across the nation in Tuesday’s midterm election, it was also the subject of specific ballot measures in five states – with results disappointing for pro-lifers.

In California, Michigan and Vermont, voters were considering measures enshrining abortion “rights” in the constitutions of each state (abortion is already legal under state law in California and Vermont), while in Kentucky and Montana, voters faced decisions on ballot measures designed to limit access to abortions.

As of at 2 AM Wednesday eastern time, support for Montana’s Legislative Referendum 131 was lagging behind, by around 45.5 points to 54.5, although with only around half of the votes tallied.

The referendum asked voters in Montana to adopt the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, which declares that babies born alive, including after an attempted abortion, are legal persons.


“The measures in CA, KY, & MI are deeply disappointing & show the need to redouble our efforts of education & persuasion on the value of human life,” tweeted LiveAction president Lila Rose.

“Our movement must match & exceed the reach & resources of the abortion industry, especially on questions directly before voters.”

“Extremely sad day to be a Californian,” Rose said. “Killing children on demand, through all nine months of pregnancy, enshrined into law. May God have mercy on our state.”

Planned Parenthood Action was celebrating the results in the five states.

Of the projected defeat of the Montana measure that seeks to ensure that all babies born alive are cared for, the abortion advocacy group said, “Montana voters — you did this!! You voted for reproductive freedom, rejecting a dangerous attempt to put politicians in charge of our personal medical decisions.”

Note that Goodenough used biased right-wing nomenclature like "pro-life" and "abortion advocacy" to describe the sides fo the debate.

But rather than dwelling on Repubolican losses, CNS cranked out several articles touting Republican wins and talking points:

CNS also cranked out unsurprisingly unbiased -- albeit anonymously written -- articles on a couple of the top Senate races:

There were also a couple of articles complaining that Democrats were too mean to Republicans:

Neither Gingrich nor Donalds explained how those tactics are any different from the usual one Republicans use against Democrats.

Melanie Arter had the duty of covering President Biden's post-election remarks:

President Biden began his post-midterm election press conference on Wednesday by pointing out that there wasn’t any election interference and that the “giant red wave” that was predicted by pundits and the media didn’t happen.

“Our democracy has been tested, but with their votes, the American people have spoken and proven again that democracy is who we are. The states across the country saw record voter turnout. The heart and soul of our democracy, the voters, the poll workers, election officials, they did their job,” the president said.


The president said that voters spoke clearly on the issue of abortion.

“Another thing that we know is that voters spoke clearly about their concerns, about raising costs, the rising costs and the need to get inflation down. There's still a lot of people hurting. They're very concerned. It's about crime and public safety. They sent a clear and unmistakable message that they want to preserve our democracy and protect the right to choose in this country,” Biden said.

Arter followed this with another article on Biden:

Now that Republicans are poised to retake the House and the Senate is still up for grabs, President Biden said Wednesday that he’s prepared to work with Republicans.

However, he said he would not be willing to support any proposal that will worsen inflation, and he pointed to Democratic legislation to lower the cost of prescription drugs.

Because it was the stenographer Arter writing these articles and not the editorialist Susan Jones, they're written in a straightforward manner.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:01 AM EST

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