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Saturday, December 5, 2020
WND Columnist: Georgia Turned Blue Because ... Hollywood Set Up Studios There
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Georgia is an example of how the Democrats have used a state's conservative, pro-business policies against it. Georgia is the model for turning Texas, Florida, Arizona and North Carolina into consistently blue states, which would guarantee that a Republican will never be elected president again.


When the national Democrats moved left, they lost Georgia, but it remained tantalizingly ripe for a Democratic resurgence. The answer was to drag Georgia to the left by surgically implanting a piece of California inside of it using its own pro-business, conservative policies against it.

In 2005, Georgia made an aggressive play for movie and television productions to be made in Georgia. Many productions had left Hollywood and New York for greener pastures because of high tax rates and onerous union regulations. The Georgia Entertainment Industry Investment Act offered lucrative incentives to lure productions to Georgia. Tax credits of 20-30% of production costs were offered. By 2015, these credits came to $504 million dollars annually. Footing the bill for 30% seemed a small price for the economic impact accompanying a full-scale Hollywood production. On paper, it was a real coup for Georgia. In 2020, Georgia was ranked No. 1 in film production.

The influence of Hollywood on Georgia has become undeniable. Georgia has grown more prominent on the national stage in recent elections, and the gap between the parties has been steadily narrowing. That came to a head in 2018 when Republican Brian Kemp eked out a victory over Democrat Stacey Abrams, 50.2% to 48.8%. 


Georgia made a deal with the devil by luring Hollywood in. There may be no more morally bankrupt and depraved industry than the film and entertainment industry. It chews people up and spits them out with impunity. It abuses children indirectly by exposing them to drugs, sex and violence at early ages through television and movies, and it abuses children directly by employing them in these productions. The list of names of the people who have been destroyed is staggeringly long and heartbreaking. If there is any industry that can be considered the spearhead for evil in our country, it is the entertainment industry. There is no low that is too low for Hollywood, and there is no end to the depravity.

Any other industry with the body count of Hollywood would have been shut down decades ago, but in America, we celebrate the denizens of Hollywood and treat them as our moral betters. We invited egomaniacal, attention-seeking, leftist zealots to the state knowing exactly who they are. Georgia sold its long, proud history to the likes of Harvey Weinstein. Hollywood's values are not those of the great state of Georgia, but Pandora's box has been opened, and the star power has been unleashed. Thus, it should not be surprising when Stone Mountain is erased and Confederate graves destroyed.

Until Georgia rids itself of the Hollywood influence by rescinding the tax credits for the film industry, you can expect it to continue tilting to the left. Soon, people in Brunswick, Leesburg, Dublin, Lizella and the rest will be at the mercy of the Hollywood elite.

-- David J. Gregors, Nov. 19 WorldNetDaily column

Posted by Terry K. at 12:28 AM EST

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