Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily has a grand tradition of publishing fake news, and it's not about to let its severe financial problems get in the way of that (even though it helped cause said financial problems).
NBC News reported how a nonexistent investigative firm headed by one Martin Aspen -- who does not exist; his alleged photo was created by an artificial intelligence face generator -- issued a dossier that claims to detail Hunter Biden's dealings in China. It was further forwarded by a blogger and professor named Christopher Balding, who had been quoted as saying "I want to strongly emphasize I did not write the report but I know who did" but later admitted he did some writing for it.
NBC noted that, despite its dubious origins, the report had gained "virality in conservative and conspiracy communities," where "hyperpartisan and conspiracy sites like ZeroHedge and WorldNetDaily led the pack."
Of course it did. An Oct. 23 WND article repeats and links to an item on the report from ZeroHedge, a far-right blog that, like WND, loves to push conspiracy theories.
As is par for the course, WND has yet to acknowledge the completely shady origin of the report it promoted, let alone apologize and correct the record.
So, it's business as usual, telling us that perhaps WND doesn't deserve to live.
UPDATE: Shortly after we posted this, WND's Art Moore wrote a piece noting the NBC story abut the bogus dossier -- then spun it as an attempt by the "establishment media" to discredit the right-wing media's overall Hunter Biden narrative. He did not acknowledge that WND had promoted the bogus story.