Like Pete Buttigieg, Bernie Sanders made a good showing in Iowa. Like Buttigieg, CNS panicked and targeted Sanders with negative reporting designed to trigger its right-wing readership by hammering on a single point. With Buttigieg, it was his sexuality; with Sanders, it was hanging the word "socialist" or "communist" on him at every opportunity, with the word itself or others implying extremism (from CNS' right-wing point of view, that is), attacking his policies, or digging up decades-old statements by the senator.
Here's what CNS has published on Sanders and socialism since the Iowa caucuses:
- Victims of Socialism in Venezuela Warn U.S.: 'Don't Fall for It,' 'People are Eating from Trash Bags' (which quotes one alleged victim as saying, "Bernie Sanders is your enemy")
- Sanders' 'Radical Goal'; At Least $60,000/Year for 'Every Teacher in America'
- Bernie Sanders: ‘Medicare for All…Would Also Cover Gender Affirming Surgeries’
- Bernie Sanders Proposes $4.35 Trillion Tax Increase on ‘Wealth’
- Sanders Says Medicare for All Is Not a Government 'Takeover'
- Bernie Sanders: 'Very Excited When Fidel Castro Made the Revolution in Cuba'
- Bernie Sanders: ‘The United States Must…Find the Moral Conviction to Choose…Democratic Socialism’
- Bernie Sanders in 1972: 'I Don't Mind People ... Calling Me a Communist'
- Iran’s Ayatollah Attacks the U.S.--Borrowing Lines from Bernie Sanders
- Ilhan Omar, Linda Sarsour Welcome Sen. Sanders Decision Not to Attend AIPAC Conference
- Sanders Says He Does Not Have a Price Tag for All of His ‘Free’ Plans
- Mike Bloomberg on Bernie Sanders: The Best Known Socialist in America is a Millionaire With 3 Houses
- Bernie Sanders in 2016: ‘Some Very Positive Changes Came About’ in Fidel Castro’s Cuba
- Sanders Praises Fidel Castro for Setting Up ‘Massive Literacy Program’
- Dan Bongino: Bernie Sanders Is ‘Not Only a Socialist, But a Fraud – a Millionaire Socialist!’
- Bernie Sanders Approved of Obama’s Condolence Statement on Death of Fidel Castro
- Sanders: China Took More People Out of Extreme Poverty Than Any Country in History
- Sanders: When Dictators Do Something Good, You Acknowledge That
- Sanders Wouldn't Just Legalize Marijuana, He'd Help Minorities 'Start Businesses' to Sell It
- Rep. Shalala to Sanders: Talk to My Constituents Before Singing 'Praises of Murderous Tyrant Fidel Castro'
Regarding Sanders' statements praising certain policies in China and Cuba, CNS typically buried or censored completely Sanders prefacing the statement by expressing his opposition to authoritarian regimes. That statement never made any CNS headline, of course.
Those weren't the only attacks, of course. Craig Bannister did his bit as a Trump campaign surrogate by cheering how "Rudy Giuliani posted an embarrassing video of Sanders on Twitter," mand loyal stenographer Melanie Arter highlighted how President Trump claimed without evidence that "Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, is leaking information on Russia, because the Democrats don’t want Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) to represent them" (not that Arter made an effort to fact-check Trump, of course).
CNS even tried to play gotcha with Sanders in an anonymously written Feb. 7 article:
Sen. Bernie Sanders (D.-Vt.) says on the websitefor his presidential campaign that “[c]limate change is a global emergency” and “the Arctic is on fire.”
By contrast, the National Weather Service is reporting today that it is 45 degrees below zero in Nuiqsuit, which is in northern Alaska.
The weather service is predicting that the high today in that part of Alaska will be 44 degrees below zero and the low will be 47 degrees below zero.
That, of course, is an old right-wing climate denier trope, claiming that the fact that it still gets cold in the winter disproves the fact that the earth is getting warmer. In fact, Arctic temperatures are the second warmest on record, and permafrost and ice sheets are melting.
CNS knows that its parent, the Media Research Center, will never apply the standards of fairness and balance to it that the MRC demands from other media outlets -- after all, CNS' "media bias" is one that its parent approves of.