We've documented how the gay-haters at are desperate to remind you that Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg is gay and married to a man. With Buttigieg's emergence as a major candidate following a strong performance in the Iowa caucuses, CNS suddenly felt the need to drive home that message anew.
An anonymously written Feb. 7 article carried the headline "Buttigieg on What U.S. Looks Like to Teens: ‘They See Gay Nightclubs Opening Up Across the Country’" and made sure to warn readers: "Buttigieg himself is an avowed homosexual who is in a same-sex marriage." We suspect that CNS has never called anyone an "avowed heterosexual." The sexuality-obsessed hits kept coming after that, which made sure to rope in Buttigieg's "same-sex husband," Chasten (most of which, curiously, are anonymously written). Here's what CNS has published in just the two weeks since the Iowa caucuses:
- Buttigieg Discusses His Homosexuality: 'Talk About God Having a Sense of Humor'
- Pete Buttigieg’s Same-Sex Husband Tweets Out Photo of Pete Leaning on His Shoulder
- Chasten Buttigieg Tweets Video in Which He Asks Boy What Part He Plays in Show
- Buttigieg Expresses Pride in What His Campaign ‘Means for Some Kid Peeking Around the Closet Door’
- Buttigieg Laments He ‘Didn’t Know a Single Out LGBTQ+ Student’ at His Catholic High School
- Buttigieg Says He and Same-Sex Husband Hope to Start a Family and May Have Children in White House
- Buttigieg Says ‘LGBTQ+ Youth Four Times More Likely Than Their Non-LBGTQ+ Peers to Attempt Suicide’
- Buttigieg Discusses How ‘a Gay Ambassador or a Trans President’ Could Exert the Moral Authority of U.S. ‘in Even the Most Anti-Gay Country’
- Buttigieg: ‘One of the Most Conservative Things in My Life is My Family Life’ (which helpfully points out that "Buttigieg is married to another man")
- Buttigieg on Those Who Reject Homosexuality: 'Important to Beckon Them in the Right Direction'
- Pete Buttigieg’s Same-Sex Husband: ‘It’s Time for Moral Leadership to be Restored to the White House’
- Buttigieg: Republican Party is ‘Dedicated to the Opposite’ of ‘Every Other Word That Comes Out of the Mouth of Christ’ (which, shockingly, did not make a point of noting that Buttigieg is gay, perhaps because CNS has driven that into the ground)
- Buttigieg Speaks at Sunday Service in Baptist Church and Cites Proverbs 3:5 (which added that "Proverbs 3 closes—in a part that Buttigieg did not quote—with a statement that 'the Lord detests the perverse.'")
That's 13 articles in two weeks directly or obliquely referencing Buttigieg's sexuality.
That onslaught was joined by CNS reproducing a Feb. 13 column by gay-hating WorldNetDaily columnist Michael Brown under the headline "I Will Say What the Political Leaders Cannot Say about Pete Buttigieg" in which he did exactly that: "Choosing an out and proud “married” gay man to run for president, let alone become president, would contribute to the further degeneration and moral confusion of our society along with further attacks on our most fundamental rights." (More on that later.)
By contrast, CNS published just a few articles about Buttigieg's political positions, most of which were cherry-picked and slanted to make him appear as liberal as possible:
- Buttigieg Would Address Racism by 'Decarcerating This Country'
- Buttigieg: 'I Would Be the Most Progressive President We've Had in a Half Century'
- Buttigieg Supports a Carbon Tax, With Proceeds Going to Low- and Middle-Income People
- Buttigieg: ‘Let’s Put Forward Somebody Who’s Actually a Democrat’
- Buttigieg Attacks Trump and Sanders in Spanish
Given that CNS' news coverage appears to be directed by notorious gay-hater Michael W. Chapman, its obsession with Buttigieg's sexuality should not be a surprise.