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Monday, February 3, 2020
Newsmax Columnist Laughably Claims Trump Ushered In 'Age Of Truth'
Topic: Newsmax

Michael Dorstewitz wrote in his Jan. 17 Newsmax column:

One refreshing result of the age of Trump is the sudden emphasis of truth over propriety that even lawmakers have now adopted. Although CNN is having a hard time dealing with it, the network may want to simply sit this one out and accept reality.

When CNN’s Manu Raju requested a quote Thursday from Sen. Martha McSally on the upcoming Senate impeachment trial, the Arizona Republican and former combat fighter pilot clearly had other things on her mind.

“You’re a liberal hack,” she answered. “I’m not talking to you.”

When Raju again asked if she would comment, she repeated, “You’re a liberal hack.”

In recounting the incident, Raju claimed that McSally “lashed out” to him. Former Obama administration senior advisor she had “a meltdown.” But no, she was merely dismissive and said it matter-of-factly.

Needless to say, Dorstewitz offered no evidence to back up McSally's claim that Raju was a "liberal hack," instead attacking CNN as a whole with the usual right-wing anti-media attacks.

But back up a bit and note that Dorstewitz began his column by celebrating the "emphasis of truth over propriety" that has come with the age of Trump." By the end of his column, he's in full-blown denialthat Trump even tells falsehoods and is celebrating an "age of truth" under Trump:

As for Trump, liberal pundits and Democratic politicians often accuse members of the administration, and especially the president, of repeatedly lying. What the administration has actually done is to usher in an age of truth over decorum. It just takes a while getting used to it.

Here’s an example of the process of accepting the new White House rules in the age of Trump:

  • 2016: “Did you hear what Trump said this time? Unbelievable!”
  • 2019: “Trump called her ‘Hatchet Face?’ ... Yeah, I can see that.”

New times, new rules. Get used to them. Trump’s going to be around for another five years, and yes, Raju can be “a liberal hack.”

Since Dorstewitz is a sudden fan over "truth over decorum," he shouldn't be offended by us pointing out that Trump does, in fact, lie repeatedly, and his portrayal of lies as truth is laughable at best and Orwellian at worst.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:35 PM EST

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