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Wednesday, October 2, 2019
WND's Kupelian Doesn't Understand How Google Works
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily managing editor David Kupelian began his Sept. 20 column ranting about "how Big Tech is attempting to re-shape – indeed re-create – America in its far-left progressive image" and "the reckless far-left hate group the Southern Poverty Law Center," blaming them for alleging "forcing us into major layoffs, pay cuts and other painful but necessary survival strategies." (And not, apparently, the years of financial mismanagement.) He then served up his own dubious tale of woe:

A couple years ago I suffered a serious heart attack. I didn't talk about it publicly and never wrote anything about it until two years later, this past Christmas. The article was headlined "My Christmas heart attack" and many readers told me they were deeply affected by my story and the personal Christian testimony incorporated in it. And yes, I'd say of all the articles and books I've written over the decades, this one is uniquely meaningful to me.

Anyway, the other day I needed to pull up my "heart attack" article for some reason, so I opened a Google search window and typed in the search terms, "My Christmas heart attack" – a formula that has always worked in the past. Enter the exact headline, plus "" and Google takes you directly to the story on WND as the very first search result.

Except now, it seems, WND no longer exists – not to Google. When I keyed in the search terms, my article came up all right, but reprinted on another website (Virtue Online, a popular Anglican website that likes my writings and sometimes reprints them). After that came page after page of other search returns – but none included my heart attack article on WND. To Google, you see, WND doesn't exist.

(You might rembember that Kupelian did not learn the right lesson from his heart attack.)

Actually, we just did the "My Christmas heart attack" Google search Kupelian described, and the top result was his column -- followed by another WND article:

So much for the idea that "WND doesn't exist" at Google.

Pro tip for Kupelian: If you want to guarantee finding WND articles on Google, put "site:" in front of "" -- that way, it searches only WND articles. That's necessary since WND's own search engine has long been terrible.

But Kupelian wasn't done. He returned to victim mode by invoking anti-Google researcher Robert Epstein (whom it loves) claiming that "Google likely swung as many as 3 million votes toward Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential contest -- a claim that has been exposed as highly dubious -- and that it "is now poised to swing as many as 15 million votes in next year's presidential election – toward the Democratic candidate!"

Kupelian then went on to rant, "We have been suppressed, banned, defamed, sued, maligned, hacked and attacked in every way imaginable – but we're still here! I guess we must be doing something right." Then he begged for money, as usual.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:33 AM EDT

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