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Thursday, September 5, 2019
WND's Peterson Loves Men, Hates Women
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Last month, July, was our second annual White History Month. Whites are the most hated species on earth – for no reason. White men founded this country and made it great, but for some reason allowed so-called "people of color" to come in and malign them. Whites have refused to stand up, but have become cowardly and angry, giving in or fighting back in the wrong way. I want to see white men stand up and make America great again. President Trump represents a hopeful sign of an awakening among whites (and men), finally fighting back against the smears.

But second to white people, men are under attack. Like white people, men are beaten down, mistreated, lied about and "bullied." And now they're weak and afraid – sometimes assisting in their own destruction! Men are surrendering their countries, families and role as leaders to women! For this reason, last year I declared August Men's History Month. We desperately need to rebuild men, so they can rebuild their families and restore sanity and real justice (not "social justice").

President Trump, an honest man and alpha male, exposed the vicious hatred of men by the children of the lie. RINO Republicans, Democrats, leftist media and most Never Trumpers kiss up to evil liberal women while attacking good conservative men. Just as the Obama-supported #BlackLivesMatter movement pushed defamation of whites and police, so the #MeToo movement used dishonest, unforgiving, suggestible women to slander men. The dirty Women's March, organized by abortion giant Planned Parenthood and other far-left radicals, was a filthy attack on President Trump, men and unborn children.

Since growing up in the Jim Crow South, then moving to liberal Los Angeles at 18, I've seen men decline and become like women. Men were once logical, respected and fearless – like President Trump. Today, men are weak beta males, emotional, disrespected, afraid of women and controlled by their wives, if they ever even marry.

-- Jesse Lee Peterson, Aug. 18 WorldNetDaily column

Never has the Democratic Party been more obviously the female party than today. One liberal T-shirt reads, "The future is female." Democrats pretend to be for women – boasting several female presidential candidates and 89 female congressmen. But President Donald Trump, by being a man, has caused Democrats to expose themselves as white-hating, man-hating, God-hating members of the children of the lie. Weak beta males and females hate the president. Real men and logical women support Trump.

Consider the dirty Women's March for abortion, lying #MeToo movement against men, communist Antifa terrorists, fake news media, and America-hating, Israel-hating Democrat women of color. These people do not stand for freedom, truth or justice. They support mothers killing their babies up to the ninth month, even after birth, while the fathers have no "reproductive rights." They falsely accuse men and expect everyone to "believe women" who lie. They promote mental and spiritual illness like freakish transgender monsters reading to children in public libraries, and push so-called same-sex marriage, saying, "Love is love." But really they stand for hate.

If real men were in charge, if fathers were present and strong, not absent or weak beta males, this madness would not be happening. There is a natural order to life, created by God, that works when you follow it. That order is God in Christ, Christ in man, man over woman, and women over children. Just as men need Christ, so women need men to lead them and help them overcome emotions. Fathers protect children from the anger and emotions of the mothers, and lead by example. Men and women who love their fathers are clear-thinking and at peace.


Liberals "celebrated" black women in 2017 after Democrat Doug Jones defeated Alabama Judge Roy Moore in a U.S. Senate race. The children of the lie smeared Roy Moore, a straight white man, as a "racist" and "pedophile" because of his strong Christian pro-family values. Doug Jones, who has a homosexual son, supports everything destructive to black Americans: Abortion, illegal aliens, the fake idea of "racism," and radical "LGBT" crap. Ninety-eight percent of black females voted Democrat – not a sign of wisdom, but of mass-brainwashing. Of course the white liberal media and Hollywood praised the black women.

-- Jesse Lee Peterson, Sept. 1 WND column

(Peterson has always had issues with women.)

Posted by Terry K. at 2:29 PM EDT

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