As we expected, did not follow the mandate of its boss, Brent Bozell and give the March for Life the same amount and type of coverage it gave the Women's March. Contrary to CNS' sparse and overwhelming negative coverage of the Women's March, CNS' treatment of the March for Life was voluminous and unfailiingly positive, with a lot of pro-Trump bias worked in as well as the political opinion of an entertainer (well, a football player) that CNS says we're not supposed to listen to:
- Historic Address: Vice President Mike Pence Will Attend March for Life
- Trump: Media Won’t Cover the March for Life
- Pro-Life Leaders More Optimistic Now Than Any Time Since Reagan Administration
- Pro-Life Is Pro-Woman: Feminist Foremothers Opposed Abortion
- March for Life Scares Death Industry
- The True Women’s March Wasn’t Last Saturday
- Kellyanne Conway: The Right to Life is Not a Choice, It is God-Given
- Pence: ‘Life Is Winning Again in America’
- Pence: 'At 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, We're in The Promise-Keeping Business'
- Mike Pence First Vice President in U.S. History to Speak at Annual March for Life
- Rep. Franks: History Could See Trump as Abraham Lincoln for the Unborn
- Santorum Has 'No Doubt' Trump Will Name Pro-Life Supreme Court Justice
- NFL’s Ben Watson in the March for Life: ‘Life Is Important to Me’ -- The Issue ‘Gets Swept Under the Rug’
Such one-sided coverage violates (again) CNS' mission statement to "fairly present all legitimate sides of a story."
Of course, CNS has always been exempt from the media mandates of its boss -- and, as a result, is far more biased than any of the media outlets Bozell and Co. denounce for their purported "liberal bias."