Back in December,'s Mark Judge published a blog post touting how conservative-leaning celebrity Joe Piscopo said that "no one cares what entertainers think" because "This is the time of the people."
But as we've noted before, CNS is utterly hypocritical about this. CNS cares intensely about what entertainers think -- at least as long as they're thinking conservative things Plus, there's irony of CNS having cared enough about whan an entertainer thought to quote him telling us not to care what entertainers think.
Here are some of the entertainers' thoughts CNS cared enough about to devote articles to in the month or so since that Piscopo post (some of which, ironically, were written by Judge):
- Liam Neeson: ‘If God Were a Stern Master, I Would Have Given Up the Faith Long Ago’
- Kevin Sorbo on Madonna: ‘There was No Rioting by the Right When Obama Won Both Times’
- Patricia Heaton: ‘Children Should Never be Treated as Property That Can be Disposed Of’
- Inauguration Performer Lee Greenwood: I Think Trump Is Going to be a Great President
- Garth Brooks: ‘May God Hold Trump’s Hand’
- Scott Baio to Liberals Critical of Trump: 'Grow Up'
- Actress Zoe Saldana: Hollywood ‘Got Cocky’ About Trump, Became ‘Arrogant’ Bullies
- Patricia Heaton on an Answered Prayer: ‘God is the One Who Opens These Doors’
- Actress Nicole Kidman: 'Support' Trump - 'He's There and Let's Go'
- '#MarchForLife' - Actress Patricia Heaton Sends Out Pro-Life Tweets
- Denzel Washington: ‘I’m Here to Serve God, I’m Here to Serve My Family’
- Theismann to GOP on Replacing Obamacare: Make Something Affordable, Something We Can Understand
- James Woods: ‘Our Gene Pool Is Slowly Breeding Out Abortion Lovers’
- Denzel Washington on Media: If You Read The Newspaper, 'You're Misinformed'
That's a lot of caring about the thoughts of people who -- according to the website that published them -- we're not supposed to care about. (And, yes, CNS called on a former pro football player to opine on Obamacare.)
And that's not even counting the fact that CNS publishes a regular column of political thoughts by entertainer Charlie Daniels.