Topic: WorldNetDaily
In a “free” country, your government can force you to bake a wedding cake for a homosexual couple, but Muslim cashiers don’t have to check out pork or alcohol. These conclusions are inconsistent because liberals in power believe wholeheartedly in a double standard. If you are a liberal, you have rights. If you are a conservative, you don’t. You are, in fact, an evil, hateful person if you believe in traditional morality or, God help you, Christianity. You must therefore be denigrated, punished and silenced – and that’s only because the libs haven’t worked up the courage to murder you.
-- Phil Elmore, April 3 WorldNetDaily column
Importantly, and alarmingly, claims of “The Pink Swastika,” which link homosexuality with fascism are also being proven by the emergence of a form of homo-fascism in our own society. The forced resignation of Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich is the latest example, but there are many in recent years. “Gay” bullies have become the new Brownshirts (just as they were the original Brownshirts).
Mark my words, these Pinkshirts will eventually grow as violent as the Brownshirts were. We got a taste of it when Floyd Lee Corkins attempted mass murder at the Family Research Council, following the inspiration of none other than the SPLC. The window-smashing lesbian riot against Ryan Sorba at Smith College a few years ago comes close. My own favorite was the time I received the “Truth Teller Award” from Peter LaBarbera’s Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, or AFTAH. Early on the morning of the event LGBT activists smashed out the windows at our host church in Arlington Heights, Ill., with a paving stone scrawled with the demand “SHUT DOWN LIVELY,” accompanied by threats of more violence posted on the Internet by the perpetrators.[...]
History never repeats identically; there are always variations colored by culture of the day. The cultural color of Nazi Germany was brown, but in millennial America pink is the new brown.
-- Scott Lively, April 6 WND column
Pro-homosexual advocates would have us believe that homosexuality is a naturally occurring phenomenon and should be accepted as such. So, “here’s what do.” Since, according to its advocates, homosexuality is a normally occurring phenomenon, then nature should support it with naturally occurring actions. Granted, I am not a scientist, so I will defer to the reader’s judgment in this matter.
Here is the scientific experiment:
A) Mix, and maroon, any number of black, white, red, yellow, brown men and women on a deserted island in the Pacific and come back 30 years later.
B) Do exactly the same with an equal number of homosexual males, or lesbian females, and maroon them (separately) on deserted islands in the Atlantic, and come back 30 years later.
What would you find?
If homosexuality and lesbianism are naturally occurring phenomena, and everything reproduces “after its own kind,” then there should be a population increase in both Atlantic and Pacific islanders. If not, then one of the groupings violates “natural law,” evolution’s process of reproducing after its own kind. If homosexuality/lesbianism is “natural,” then like all other species, they should, within the arena of sexual activity, reproduce their species.
But then, as I earlier confessed, I am not a scientist, so I must be content with my own nonscientific judgment. Homosexuality is not “natural.”
-- Ben Kinchlow, April 6 WND column
Score another victory for the fascist Mozilla guerrillas of California.
Who are the Mozilla guerrillas?
They are the homosexualistas who targeted Brendan Eich, the new chief executive officer of Mozilla, the company best known for creating Firefox, for the outrage of donating $1,000 to support the 2008 Proposition 8 marriage-definition initiative that was approved by the majority of voters of progressive California.[...]
Amazing how quickly American values are collapsing to the catcalls of a vicious, immoral minority of intolerant, fascist thugs.
-- Joseph Farah, April 7 WND column
Let me see whether I have this right. Brendan Eich was forced to step down as CEO of Mozilla because it became public that he opposed same-sex marriage, the same position President Barack Obama, darling of the LGBT community, held prior to his phony conversion.
Why didn’t the left demand that President Obama resign as president of the United States prior to the consummation of his “evolution” on the issue in favor of same-sex marriage? Was it because liberals knew he was never actually opposed to same-sex marriage and that his stated opposition was an opportunistic ruse to make him electable?
-- David Limbaugh, April 7 WND column
The reason to boycott Firefox is not that it is run by leftists. Nor is the reason to support the man-woman definition of marriage. It is solely in order to preserve liberty in the land of liberty. If Mozilla doesn’t recant and rehire Eich as CEO, McCarthyism will have returned far more pervasively and perniciously than in its first incarnation. The message the gay left (such as the Orwellian-named Human Rights Campaign) and the left in general wish to send is that Americans who are in positions of power at any company should be forced to resign if they hold a position that the left strongly opposes.
And right now that position is opposition to same-sex marriage.[...]
America can have liberty or it can have Firefox. Right now, it cannot have both.
-- Dennis Prager, April 7 WND column