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Monday, January 20, 2014
WND's Ellis Washington Stands With Assassins
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Ellis Washington concludes his Jan. 17 WorldNetDaily column, which rants against LBJ and his Great Society, with this:

If America is to survive this existential Progressive Revolution (circa 1859, Darwin’s “Origin of Species,” to the present), which systematically seeks to replace Christianity, the Bible and intelligent design with evolution, natural law with positive law, capitalism with socialism and the rule of law with tyranny and executive decrees, We the People must tell Obama: Yes, President Obama, you have a pen and a phone, but we have a Constitution and a Congress and the tea party … and God.

Sic Semper Tyrannous – Down with the Tyrant!

First: It's spelled "tyrannis." (And this guy complains about not being able to get a job as a college professor?)

Second: Invoking the phrase, though it has some patriotic history, puts Washington in some unsavory company. From Wikipedia:

In American history, John Wilkes Booth wrote in his diary that he shouted the phrase after shooting President Abraham Lincoln on April 14, 1865, in part because of the association with the assassination of Caesar. Timothy McVeigh was wearing a T-shirt with this phrase and a picture of Lincoln on it when he was arrested on April 19, 1995, the day of the Oklahoma City bombing.

Does this mean Washington is joining the likes of Erik Rush in endorsing an overthrow -- or assassination -- of President Obama?

Posted by Terry K. at 10:57 AM EST

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